Sunday, November 9, 2014


  • 11/9 – Your Blogging Workflow - Lifters can take their #gymflow and shove it. Share your blogging process and rituals using the hashtag #blogflow.
Day 9 in the #BookBlogWriMO  Your Blogging Work Flow.   I really hope your enjoying my posts as I am enjoying writing them. This one as well as yesterday's post seem to be a major challenge and making me do some rethinking and possibly reorganizing of my blog. 

Well I use to be really good with keeping up with all the blog posts I had whether it was a cover reveal,promo/excerpt or review and then crazy life has happened.  I used to sit down at night when the little one would go to bed and actually the hubby to cause it would be so quiet I could just totally concentrate. Now hubby stays up a lot later which I still manage but with all of lifes wonderful curves I have days that posts don't get up in time which I feel bad and apologize to the author as well as the blog tour host. Sometimes I have worked my butt off on getting the posts all done and all scheduled only to find out something happened and it never posted and when I look it was like it wasn't even there. Talk about frustrating. 

I try to keep everything on my Google Calendar which is on my desktop for easy access so I know what is up and coming for the day or even week.  Sometimes I can sit for hours and get every single post up for the week and then the rest of the week I can work on reading for my reviews.  I find I can work on my blog when it is really quiet and I don't have any interuptions that way I can also pay attention to my emails so I can get all the information downloaded and then posted on my blog.  
Hopefully 2015 will be a better year for me and a better and bigger year for Little Red's Book Reviews.

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