Saturday, May 10, 2014




Title – For Liberty 

Series – Red Hot and BOOM! 

Author – Rene Folsom 

Genre – Contemporary Romance 

Publication Date – June 1, 2014 

Length (Pages/# Words) – Approximately 85 pages / 12,000 words 

Cover Artist – Rene Folsom with Phycel Designs


While deployed overseas, his mission classified, the heartfelt letters Maximus writes are the only bits of communication Liberty receives during the year he is away. Her memories of him, along with a box full of letters, become her most prized possessions—that and the life growing inside her.

It’s not until communication stops, and the scheduled return of her Army hero comes and goes, that Libby begins to freak out. Her worry for his welfare, along with concern over her current situation, wreaks havoc on her once-solid nerves.

While she’s waiting for his return with bated breath, she clings to hope and remembers the words he once wrote: “A soldier doesn't fight because he hates what is in front of him. A soldier fights because he loves what he left behind.” The infamous quote is a constant reminder of why he chooses to fight: For Liberty.



Volunteering for the local animal shelter, and helping with their holiday fundraisers, was how I chose to spend my birthday that year. The K9 kissing booth was a huge success. All the local pet lovers lined up to pay for smooches with the four-legged fur friends.

When I saw him standing in line, my heart stopped momentarily. Two years older than I was, Maximus Becker was the boy I drooled over during my freshman and sophomore years of high school. Of course, in high school, two years was quite an age gap, and I was a child in his eyes. Other than his occasional visits home, I hadn't seen him since he’d graduated six years ago and enlisted into the Army.

His round, boyish face was now strong and covered in a dusting of sexy scruff. It was obvious the military kept him in great shape, with his built physique and powerful demeanor. He was no longer the boy I knew in high school. His tall stature and confident stance was nothing short of pure, masculine strength.

Looking back, it seemed a bit petty that I frantically searched for another volunteer to take my post. My job was to collect the money for the kissing booth, and I couldn't just bail. But I was also sure as shit I’d end up making a fool of myself in front of this gorgeous man who probably still didn't even know I existed.

Realizing there was no one around to relieve me of this torture, I blew a stray lock of hair out of my eyes with a puff of breath and attempted to put on my best game face—determined to keep my cool. He was next in line.

Smiling kindly at the old lady in front of him, I stuffed her dollar in the money bag and kept my head down, worried my words would stumble if I looked into his eyes. Call me crazy, but those stupid, teenage fluttery feelings took over my stomach at the mere closeness of him. I probably looked weak and scared—words usually never used to describe me.

“Well hello, Libby,” a warm, raspy voice said. The fact he spoke my name actually gave me strength to be the girl I knew was hiding inside me somewhere.

Raising my head and meeting his beautiful, hazel eyes, I smiled. “Max. Haven’t seen you around in a while. How the hell are ya?” I was beyond grateful my voice didn't crack when his name spilled from my lips.

“Doin’ good. Just moved back to town now that I’m stationed at the base nearby.” His eyes roamed down my body and back up to meet my eyes. “Looks to me like I've missed a lot while I was gone.” The smile he so sinfully wore on his face made my insides melt like a tween at a One Direction concert. The fact one man could make me feel that way was both exciting and embarrassing.

And again, I was speechless. Was he paying me a compliment? My brain couldn't seem to comprehend what was happening, so I just stood there and grinned like a damn fool.

Leaning toward me, he crooked his finger and signaled for me to come closer. My heart was nearly leaping from my chest with the thought of him so near. He smelled good too. I had to rein in all the self-control I could muster in order to keep from blatantly sniffing him.

With his warm breath feathering over my ear, he said, “So, I’m a little embarrassed. I got in this line thinking I was lining up for a kiss with—”

“We don’t have all day,” a crabby woman behind Max said, cutting off his words. If I weren’t representing the animal shelter, I would have told the lady to fuck off.

Smiling kindly, I held out my hand for his donation and said, “You ready to get your mac on with a basset hound?”

Shaking his head comically, he let out a light chuckle and held up a twenty between his fingers. His instruction for me to keep the change startled me a bit. We’d had several people give us an extra dollar or two toward the fundraising efforts, but no one had offered quite so much.

Stepping over to the line of dogs, he looked back in my direction and gave me a wink before allowing Henry to slobber all over his cheek.

I couldn't contain my laughter as I watched him wipe his face on his sleeve.

The Moment You Have All Been Waiting For











For Liberty - Book Cover

For Liberty - Author Photo


Rene Folsom, author of paranormal romance and erotica, lives in Florida with her husband and three kids. She has officially diagnosed herself with creative ADD and often has a million and one writing projects going at once. In addition to writing, she is also a graphic artist who enjoys creating custom book covers for indie authors. She is definitely an artist at heart and would love nothing more than to be elbow deep in clay during her waking hours.

Rene believes that all fiction is based on some form of reality—otherwise we would never have the inspiration or knowledge to dream up the realistic situations we portray with our words. She is proud to say that her personal experiences have been inspirational, though perhaps not always identical to that of her fictional characters. Where reality and fantasy diverge, however, must remain her little secret...


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• 2 swag packs with “For Liberty” dog tag keychains (US Only)

• 2 “For Liberty” ARCs (will be available and sent to winners a week before release – open internationally)

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Pistol banner

Title: Pistol

Author: Max Henry

Genre: Contemporary Romance

Release Date: May 10, 2014



Stephanie Drake, or Steph as she’s known to her friends, is lost. Somewhere between the end of her childhood, and the day her loser of a boyfriend called it quits on their so-called relationship, she forgot who she was. She lives each day in a perpetual routine, stuck in the confines of her normal, safe life. If she doesn’t take a risk, she won’t get hurt—right?

Then she meets Pete—or Pistol to his friends.

He’s blunt, arrogant, and straight forward about what he wants. And as it turns out, he wants her.

Should she take a walk on the wild side, risk being burnt, and lay her heart on the line? Something in the way he makes her feel tells her ‘yes’, but her friends aren’t so sure this emotionally shut-off man has a place in her life. Why should she listen to them, though? After all, they don’t know a thing about him …

… do they?

Buy The Book


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About The Author


Max Henry is a wife, and mother to two young boys. Originally born and bred in New Zealand, she now calls Australia home, and is proud to call herself a ‘Kiwi-Aussie’. Life can be hectic at times, and sometimes she may not be able to write as often as she would like, but she wouldn’t change a thing.

When she’s not writing, she can be found at the gym brain-storming while she lifts weights, or out having a ball 4wd-ing with the family.

Pistol is Max’s first Contemporary Romance, however she already has two paranormal titles under her belt: Battle to Become, and Methods for Mayhem. Max’s books can be found at Amazon, Kobo, and iBooks.

Facebook | Blog | Goodreads

pistol 2


The lights spilt a soft creamy glow over the walkway as he approached. Had she thought he would turn up? Or had she hoped he lied? Pete stopped outside the plain black door to her unit, and drew a breath to compose himself.

He needed to remain cool, distant, and unaffected—no matter what she did to unnerve him.

Not that it usually took much.

He lifted his hand, and knocked. Small scuffs were audible from the other side, but no shadows played across the low light to indicate close movement. The lock on the door clicked, and it opened, slowly, but past the limit of a chain. She drew it wide, and greeted him with a smile.

He stared, and inwardly screamed at himself for being this deep already. Show no emotion. Show. No. Emotion.

Steph stood in radiant beauty; the lamp-light cast an enticing glow over the out-fit she wore —if he could call it that. Her perfect curves were draped in another oversized t-shirt; the large neck dropped over one shoulder to reveal the tattoo he knew she had already, and more. She didn’t wear anything underneath it. Lord have mercy.

Pete swallowed hard, and willed all the blood from his groin back into his head.

“Well?” She crossed her slender ankles as she leant into the door. “Are you coming in?”

He raked his gaze over her body; the t-shirt had lifted on the opposite side she leant on, and exposed smooth, creamy skin on her upper thigh.

Fuck. I’m fucked.

He managed a shrug, and mentally patted himself on the back for not drooling. “I don’t think I need to.”

She stuck her head out the door, and checked both ways. “You want me to come out there?” Her eyebrow rose, as did a corner of her velvety lips.

A shiver ran down his spine. Damn, he wanted to bite those lips so fuckin’ hard.

“I won’t stay long.” He cringed inside at how callous his tone came across. But it worked.

She dropped her gaze, and drew her arms over herself. He’d crushed her. Like a squishy little bug under his boot.

You’re an arsehole, O’Malley.

“I only wanted to stop by and wish ya luck in yer new place.”

Her eyes lifted to his, and the unshed tears she tried so hard to hold back glistened in the glow of the distant street-light.

“You’ve been fun. This—” he gestured between them, “—has been interestin’.”

Her chin quivered, and she ducked her head to swipe at her face with a careless hand. “Yeah, okay. Whatever. I guess, um, I might see you round.”

“Maybe,” he shrugged again.

“Thanks for stopping by.” She looked at him a last time, and the tears broke free as she took a step back to shut the door.

He lifted his hand to stop her closing it, to say something, to ease the pain of his heart as it tore in two and became a cold, tar-covered abscess in his chest. But she was quicker.

pistol 1


love p

***COVER REVEAL*** MOSAIC book #4 in the Dragonfly Series by Leigh T. Moore

                                                   Mosaic by Leigh Talbert Moore
                                                   (Dragonfly #4)
                                                   Publication date: June 2014
                                                   Genres: New Adult, Romance

                                                   Cover designed by Christi Curtis
The future never goes as planned.
People are never what they seem.
Time changes everything.
So you want to know what happened to Anna and Julian? Well, listen up, because I’ve got the whole scoop. I’m Jules, btw, and I am an artist, as you already know if you’ve read Watercolor. What you might not know is I inherited my mother’s cute little newsy nose, thank you very much.
It’s high school reunion time, and everyone’s coming back to Fairview—everyone who’s not already there, mind you. What went wrong, who’s fault it was, and why the heck nobody knew about me… it’s all coming out.
Long-distance relationships rarely last, and a lot of water has passed under that bridge. Big Secrets will be exposed, and in the end we’ll know if that old saying is true: Love is stronger than time.
> Mosaic, the exciting conclusion to The Dragonfly series, coming June 2014!



Leigh Talbert Moore wrote her first graphic novel at the age of nine--about a lady scientist burned by acid. Sadly, the text of "Fury Woman" was lost, and Leigh's novelist aspirations went on hiatus.

Then, after a decade working in journalism, editing, marketing, and public relations, she began writing books again, and in 2009 completed Dragonfly. Today, Leigh is the author of several popular young adult and new adult novels, all with a strong romantic slant.

She lives with her husband and two young children in the middle of the country, where she conjures new worlds, characters, and situations while playing chauffeur, chaperone, group activity leader, and referee.

And she's still trying to remember the plot of Fury Woman...

Author links: 

Also see how this story starts:  Dragonfly (book 1) for FREE!!!

Friday, May 9, 2014

***COVER REVEAL*** LEXI by T Gephart

 •*´☆.¸.☆`*• COVER REVEAL •*´☆.¸.☆`*•


AUTHOR: T Gephart



A Twist of Fate (Book #1)

Lexi is a successful PR manager for a multinational firm, based in Melbourne, Australia. She is an energetic and impulsive soul whose passions sometimes control her life. Through a twist of

fate she is chosen to represent a famous client, catapulting her into a new life in New York – fulfilling her in a way that she had never imagined. When Lexi meets Alex, sparks fly. Their chemistry is explosive and they can’t get enough of each other. Her role as the PR manager for his band, Power Station, means that they have to keep their arrangement secret and this proves to be a complication for both of them. The story follows the twists and turns of six months in Lexi’s life, exploring the complicated rules she creates to govern her relationships and the friends that help her realize that life is more fun when you throw out the rulebook and that love is a major part of being happy. Currently it is being offered as an ebook on various retailers in various formats, including iBooks, Amazon, Nook and Barnes and Noble. 


Barnes and Noble-

 Twisted Views (Book #1.5)

Twisted Views delves deeper into the world of Lexi Reed, the feisty, career driven heroine from A Twist of Fate. This companion novella gives us additional information, backstories and insights of the main players told to us by the characters themselves.

A Twist of Fate pulled us effortlessly into the world of Lexi Reed - the feisty, smart, sexy and career driven PR manager whose world was turned upside down when she met and began representing her favourite rock band, Power Station. This opportunity of a lifetime not only capitulated Lexi into a new and exciting world but onto a hot and steamy path with Alex Stone, the band's lead guitarist. Their passion simmered as they tired to maintain their secret relationship, leaving both Alex and Lexi wanting more than the "no strings, sex only" agreement they had negotiated. Hearts and rules were broken as Lexi learned the hard way, you can't negotiate with emotions, least of all love.

In this companion novella, we get to examine what has happened behind the scenes from different perspectives, told to us by the characters themselves. Through the eyes of Alex and others we get a clearer view of how Lexi's arrival affects not only dynamics of the band but their personal relationships with her and each other. We get to know the main players more intimately as we are given access to interviews and personal accounts, learning not only about them and what makes them tick but how their world has changed since Lexi's arrival.


iTunes AU:

 A Leap of Faith (Book #2)

Book 2 of the Lexi Series. A character driven narrative that follows the Leap of Faith that Lexi Reed (our feisty, career driven heroine) has to take to open her heart to a once in a lifetime love. In this second installment, Lexi faces the demons that have prevented her from having lasting relationships, confronting her family and her own ideals so that she and Alex can build a future together.Lexi is in uncharted territory as her steady relationship with Alex develops. Their passion shows no signs of waning, but the road is by no means easy. While Lexi loves Alex, she struggles to retain her individual identity while being a partner in a high profile relationship.On her first international tour as Power Station’s publicist and Alex’s official girlfriend, Lexi is initiated into the crazy lifestyle of life of a rock-star.Despite all the pressure, Lexi realises that their relationship is worth fighting for and she no longer wants to be alone. In order for her to move forward with Alex she needs to reconcile her past and exorcise some demons that she thought were best

forgotten.Is their love strong enough to survive the tests that family, distance and time provide?


Barnes and Noble-

 A Time For Hope (Book #3)

Lexi Reed was unstoppable, or so she thought. As the PR manager of international rock band, Power Station and living in New York, she was a long way from her old life in Melbourne, Australia. Having captured the heart and married one of the sexiest men alive (Power Station’s guitarist, Alex Stone) Lexi was living beyond any fantasy she could have ever imagined. Having finally allowed the walls from her past to fall, Lexi had not only learnt to trust again but had given herself completely to Alex, her one true love. 

Lexi happiness was short lived when heartache and trauma throw everything she knew into turmoil. Her world came crashing down around her, and now Lexi is struggling to regain her sense of self. Unable to regroup and heal under the scrutiny of the media and her well-intentioned loved ones, she can’t seem to find the road back to the old “Lexi.” 

Alex is devastated. His beautiful, intelligent and once confident wife is now distant and guarded, the product of the brutality she has suffered. He feels powerless but is determined not to lose her. 

With her gorgeous rock star husband by her side and her eclectic but devoted circle of friends, Lexi starts over. In order to find a way to reconcile the past and build a future, she must let go of all her safety nets and trust those around her. 

In this final installment of the Lexi series, we join Lexi and Alex on their journey of rediscovery. Relationships are tested, terms are renegotiated and lives are irrevocably changed. With the hope that their love for each other is strong enough to carry them through, Lexi and Alex gamble everything in search of their happily ever after


About The Author: 

T Gephart is an indie author

from Melbourne, Australia.

T's approach to life has been

somewhat unconventional. Rather than going to University, she jumped on a plane

to Los Angeles, USA in search of adventure. While this first trip left her

somewhat underwhelmed and largely depleted of funds it fueled her appetite for

travel and life experience.

With a rather eclectic resume,

which reads more like the fiction she writes than an actual employment history,

T struggled to find her niche in the world.

While on a subsequent trip the

United States in 1999, T met and married her husband. Their whirlwind courtship

and interesting impromptu convenience store wedding set the tone for their life

together, which is anything but ordinary. They have lived in Louisiana, Guam

and Australia and have travelled extensively throughout the US. T has two

beautiful young children and one four legged child, Woodley the wonder dog.

An avid reader, T became increasingly

frustrated by the lack of strong female characters in the books she was

reading. She wanted to read about a woman she could identify with, someone

strong, independent and confident who didn't lack femininity. Out of this need,

she decided to pen her first book, A Twist of Fate. She enjoyed the process so

much that when it was over she couldn't let it go.

T loves to travel, laugh and

surround herself with colourful characters. This inevitably spills into her

writing and makes for an interesting journey - she is well and truly enjoying

the ride!

Based on her life experiences,

T has plenty of material for her books and has a wealth of ideas to keep you

all enthralled.

T self-published her first

novel through Smashwords, is about to release her second novel on the same

platform and is currently writing the third book in the Lexi Trilogy.

Author Social

Media Links

***RELEASE & REVIEW*** NOVEMBER FOXTROT Book 2 (in the Rhythm of the Heart Series) by Scarlett Jade

September Tango was last summer's whirlwind romance, and now Calvin and Zoe are back in November Foxtrot, the latest installment in the Rhythm of the Heart Series by Scarlett Jade.
We learned about their lives and fell for their love story in September Tango, and now while they are apart we will be in the trenches fighting right along with them for their romance in November Foxtrot. Zoe has a secret that could tear the tentative bond they have apart. As the holidays arrive and they are brought back together, trouble mars the magic of their love. Life, death, drama and hope... Will their love survive? Or will their relationship become the refuse tossed among the waves on the beach?
November Foxtrot.jpg

NOVEMBER FOXTROT Book 2 Rhythm Of The Heart Series

Zoe is left all alone in Colorado when Calvin returns to Afghanistan. And now, as the weeks pass, she has a secret...a secret that could crumble the precarious foundation of their relationship. As Christmas comes one shock after another leaves everything hanging in the balance... Life, death, and hope...Will they be able to ring in the New Year in happiness, or will the holidays be ruined?

Goodreads -


Barnes & Noble:

NF teaser.jpg

I received a complimentary copy of November Foxtrot from the author in exchange for an honest review. November Foxtrot is a continuation of Scarlett Jade's September Tango. It was well written and a great story. So many miles and months have separated the couple. Calvin in Afghanistan and Zoe in Colorado. There is a secret Zoe is holding and now will it ruin things? I recommend this series and can't wait for book 3 to come out. Would love to be part of the next blog tour.


SEPTEMBER TANGO Book 1 Rhythm Of The Heart Series


Recommended for 18+ due to adult language and sexual situations.

Zoe Parker and Calvin Hall grew up together in the small town of Major, Alabama but were always separated by one person, his ex-girlfriend and her former best friend Callie. Zoe always loved him from afar and he never noticed her. After being gone for five years with the military he is back home and over a campfire they reconnect and sparks finally fly. Their passion runs hot and lost time is made up for as he realizes she is what he wants. Lies, deceit, and pain mar the magic they've made together, and through it all they realize that the one constant they have is each other. When Calvin is called back early for duty will they keep on dancing or will it simply be a September Tango?

Goodreads -



Scarlett Jade and blogger Not Everyone’s Mama are celebrating 4000 likes by giving away a $40 Amazon gift card.  More than 40 authors and bloggers (and an editor) came together to add almost 70 other prizes for you to win!  Ends 5/11/14 midnight CST.


Scarlett Jade is just a small town girl with big dreams who loves to write. She has always been found from a young age with her brow furrowed, scribbling words on paper or her nose in a book. Now that she is grown, life isn't much different, she still scribbles words, but mostly on the computer, and her nose is permanently glued to e-books! She is married to the man of her dreams, her real life knight in shining armor and Prince Charming and has one son who is the apple of her eye. You can typically find her playing in the dirt with her son, toying with her indoor vegetable garden, or snuggled on the couch with her dog Peanut Butter, reading a good book. She loves chocolate, thinks coffee should be a religion, and loves to make people laugh with her quirky sense of humor. She is bold, brazen, and even been told she's ballsy, but she doesn't mind, she takes it in stride. She has a huge passion for all things paranormal and spicy love stories that leave you turning the pages and dying to slide between the sheets of the next book!


Tuesday, May 6, 2014

***BLOG TOUR & REVIEW*** BREAK FREE by Amber Garza

Book Info-
Title- Break Free
By- Amber Garza
Genre- Contemporary Romance
Publication Date- April 18th, 2014


Jade Mathews is on the run. Running from an addiction that almost destroyed her, and a man who wants her dead.

Kyler James is a writer, a recluse locked in a prison of his own making.

When Jade and Kyler meet they find solace in one another and start to heal. Until Jade stumbles upon Kyler’s latest manuscript and is shocked to find that it is her story. One he couldn’t know. Jade fears she’s trusted the wrong person once again, and this time it may be her undoing.

Is the past destined to destroy them, or will they finally break free?

When his eyes collided with mine, all the air left me. It was like my body was a helium balloon and he was the pin. One puncture and it was all over. His gaze was like that. Like a needle jabbing me. It wasn’t the fact that his eyes were a silver color I’d never seen before. It was the intensity behind them. It was the fact that I could see into his very soul. I was being sucked in like Alice in the rabbit hole, but I couldn’t fight it. And I wasn’t sure I wanted to
“Good thing you’re not a vampire,” I said in a shaky voice. Even though I was trying to act nonchalant on the outside, nothing inside of me felt calm at all. Not with him standing this close. “Between the nosebleed and me cutting my hand open, you would have so bitten my neck by now.”
He froze, his gaze dropping to my neck. With his free hand, he reached up and touched it gingerly as if by my mere mention of it, I had made it impossible not to. My pulse throbbed, and I sucked in a breath.
A nervous laugh escaped. “Is this the part of the story where you tell me I’ve figured out your secret and that you are indeed a vampire?”
“No, this is the part of the story where I tell you that I would never bite you. I would never hurt you at all.” His fingers ran along my neckline, at the trail of bruises Heath had left. I was immobilized, unable to move and hardly able to breathe. When he drew his hand away, I finally exhaled.  
Kyler’s eyes softened around the edges. “Jade, your scars only make you more beautiful.”
“Oh, please.” I snorted. “This is not a scene from one of your books.” I pushed away from the counter and turned my back on Kyler. “My scars don’t make me beautiful. They make me hideous.”
“Don’t say that. Don’t ever say that again.” His voice was firm.
I grabbed at the fabric of my pants, rolling it between my fingers. I understood now. Kyler was no different from the others. Sure, his intentions may have been nobler, but he wanted what they all wanted. To control me. To make me obey.
I was steel. I was brick. I was iron. I wouldn’t crumble. “Or you’ll what?” My tone was low and deep, icy. “What will you do if I say it again?”
“I’ll convince you that you’re wrong.”
“And how will you do that?” He’ll hit me, kick me, punch me, burn me, cut me, starve me.
“I’ll tell you that you’re beautiful again and again.”
The words crashed into me like a powerful wave. “What?”
“I’ll say it over and over, as many times as you need, until you believe me.”
I was glass. I was ice. I was fragile. I was breaking. I was his.



About the Author-

Writer of romantic fiction. Singer. Reader. Wife. Mother. Wine enthusiast. Candy addict. Lover of Jesus.


Facebook Events-

Devil’s Backbone - Civil Wars
The One that Got Away - Civil Wars
Tip of My Tongue - Civil Wars
It will Rain - Bruno Mars
Flawless - The Neighbourhood
Eavesdrop - The Civil Wars
Leaving Tonight - The Neighbourhood
Sweater Weather - The Neighbourhood
Talking to the Moon - Bruno Mars
She Will Be Loved - Maroon 5
Falling - The Civil Wars
I Choose You - Sara Bareilles
All of Me - John Legend

Wanted - Hunter Hayes

Book Soundtrack:
In order of how I listened to them as I wrote:

Devil’s Backbone - Civil Wars
The One That Got Away - Civil Wars
Dust to Dust - Civil Wars
Flawless - The Neighbourhood
It Will Rain - Bruno Mars
Leaving Tonight - The Neighbourhood
All of Me - John Legend
Wanted - Hunter Hayes


Kyler-Alex Pettyfer

                                                                  Ashley Green- Jade

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