Wednesday, January 20, 2016

~~~RELEASE with GIVEAWAY and REVIEW~~~ BEAUTIFULLY UNDONE (The Beaumont Brothers Book 3) by Susan Griscom

Title: Beautifully Undone

Series #3: The Beaumont Brothers 

Author: Susan Griscom

Genre: Contemporary, New Adult Coming of Age


He was broken.

Full of hate and sorrow.

Asher Beaumont never asked for much in life. All he wanted was to play his guitar, write music, and be recognized and loved by his father. Unfortunately, that last desire was never realized. The bastard died when Asher was just a kid. Then thirteen years later, his mother dies of a brain tumor,

shattering him even more and leaving him hating everyone around him, except for his two best friends, Melody Stevens and her brother, Teddy.

Melody Stevens has crushed on her best friend, Asher Beaumont her entire life. But it’s always been a secret passion. Never something she’d act upon. But when she tells Asher she’s prepared—and determined—to lose her virginity to a guy he considers to be nothing more than a cad who sleeps with anything that wears a skirt, her best friend offers her a proposition she can’t really refuse.

When Asher stumbles across a letter left by his mother before her death, begging him to seek out his half-brothers, he and Melody begin a journey of discovery. Their travels lead them to the two brothers he has spent his life despising because they had the life he always wanted. While on their trip, they discover a miracle they never, ever considered. 

A stand-alone, book 3 of The Beaumont Brothers Series with a HEA for Adults 18+


What a wonderful job Susan did with Beautifully Undone. Yes it might state that it is book 3 in the series but this book can be read as a standalone. She introduces each character,explains a bit about them and you don't feel that you missed anything if you haven't read the first two books. I haven't read the first two books so I didn't feel like I was confused or wondering who a person was or anything like that. I do however want to go back and read the first two books so I can read more and learn more about Jackson and Brodie the Beaumount Brothers.


“I’ll let you buy me that Irish Coffee you promised me now. I think my fingers are about to fall off they’re so cold,” I said.

“If I remember correctly, and I think I do, it was you who offered to buy me the coffee.”

I shrugged. “Yeah, but you have more money than I do.”

The coffee house was jam-packed with wall-to-wall people. It was Friday night, and the city was already booming with weekend tourists. We made our way to the counter after standing in line for about ten minutes, and Ash ordered two Irish Coffees, one heavy on the whipped cream; that was his. The more whipped cream, the better as far as he was concerned.

“Mmmm…” I hummed as the smooth, sweet cream mixed with the coffee and whiskey goodness warmed my throat. Ash laughed, and I frowned when I looked up at him as his finger swiped across the tip of my nose. He held up his whipped-cream-covered fingertip before sticking it in his mouth, sucking it dry. My stomach jittered then knotted. Wow. He was so sexy. I’d always thought so, but now, in this light, his green eyes twinkled and his tanned face made him look just like one of the cover model guys I drooled over in my escape world of reading romance novels. My heart thumped and I had to look away, trying to focus on something less…Asher.

I needed to concentrate on something real. Not that Ash wasn’t real. But, I mean, a real, possible relationship. The only problem was, most guys I knew were friends with Ash and always treated me as if I were one of the guys, just like Ash did.

I once overheard Asher tell Brent that he’d pummel the life out of any guy who ever tried to get into my pants. Not that getting into my pants was ever going to happen with any of those runts, but he did manage to scare the crap out of all of them whenever the subject of me came up. It used to make me feel good and special that he cared about me and wanted to protect me, but now that we were both into our twenties, I just wished he’d let up a bit. How would I ever find a boyfriend with Asher’s daunting threats forever fresh on every male’s mind this side of the bay bridge? You’d almost think that Ash wanted me for himself, but I knew that would never happen. His feelings for me were strong, as strong as mine for him, but his were more of a sister/brother pull that kept us close, not the physical attraction mine were.

“Hi, Ash,” Lisa Stone sidled up against Ash’s arm. “So sorry about your mom. Let me know if I can do anything for you, okay?”

“Thanks,” Ash responded and eyed me over the edge of his cup as he took a sip.

“Hi, Mel. Heard you two playing in the courtyard earlier. You are so good,” she said, placing her hand upon Ash’s shoulder. “When are you performing again at the Tank?”

“Tomorrow night,” Ash supplied.

“I’ll be there. See you then.” She turned and headed toward a table in the back where a small group of men and women were gathered.

I turned in the other direction, not wanting to watch Ash’s gaze follow Lisa’s rear end.

“What?” he said when he finally glanced back at me.

“Nothing,” I said, rolling my eyes.

“Don’t give me that, ‘nothing,’ Mel. She’s nice.”

“Sure. Whatever you say.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”


“I know you better than you know yourself, Melody Grace Stevens, and when you say nothing and roll your eyes, there is definitely something.”

“Okay. It just seems like she’s throwing herself and her very large breasts at you all the time. It’s rather embarrassing how she comes across so needy.”

“Needy? I thought it was sexy.”

“You would. Look, I don’t care. It’s none of my business who with or where you get your jollies off.” If that’s the type of woman Ash was attracted to, no wonder he and I had never become anything more than friends.

I turned to see Alex walk through the door. Ash stiffened and sucked up the rest of his coffee. “Are you about finished?”

“No, what’s your hurry?” I asked, only halfway finished with my coffee.

I glanced back toward Alex. He wore a light grey denim shirt, the sleeves rolled up just below his elbows, showing off some cool tattoos on his forearms. The veins protruding as he reached up and swiped his hair off his forehead. He looked good. Really good. Almost as good as Ash. I quickly averted my eyes, not wanting him to know I’d been ogling him as he headed over toward us.

Ash knew Alex from way back in high school, but the few times I’d seen them both in the same room together, Ash always seemed a bit put off or uneasy.

“Hey, Melody. I’ve been looking for you,” Alex said, putting his arm around my shoulder when he reached us. Ash looked on, frowning.

“I’m right here,” I said with a slight giggle.

“I have two tickets to see Maroon Five at the Shoreline next Friday night. Wanna go?”

“Okay. Sure,” I said, sucking in my bottom lip, dying inside with excitement at the prospect of a real date with a real guy. I mean someone other than Asher Beaumont. Ash and I went everywhere together, so they never seemed like dates. And they weren’t, of course.

Susan Griscom writes paranormal and contemporary romance. She's hooked on gritty romances and is a huge fan of superheroes and bad boys confronted with extraordinary forces of nature, powers, and abilities beyond the norm mixed with steamy romance, of course.

She loves those days when she gets to sit around in her sweat pants, doing nothing but writing emotionally charged stories about love and violence, and drinking coffee.

Susan lives in Northern California with her romantic husband and together they have five great superhero kids and eight mini-superhero grand kids, so far.

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Beautifully Wounded, 

Beaumont Brothers Book 1

Beautifully Used

Beaumont Brothers Book 2



Monday, January 18, 2016

~~~RELEASE DAY~~~ LOVE,ME by Lorraine Britt

Photo Banner announcing the release of Love, Me by Lorraine Britt

Title:  Love, Me

Author:  Lorraine Britt   Series: The Soldier Series, #3

*Although part of a series, each novel may be read as a standalone*

Genre:  Adult Contemporary Romance, Military Romance  

Audience: 18+

Release Date:  January 18, 2015

A New Release - and a New Lease on Life for Military Veterans!

The Soldier Series offers readers an opportunity to honor our veterans and help them when they return...

There is something very special about Lorraine Britt's soldier series. It's more than a collection of standalone love stories - it's a celebration of soldiers, a tribute to the lives they live, and a passion of the author's. RIGHT NOW, it's also YOUR opportunity to honor our military veterans and help them transition back into life at home.

Here's how it works:

All ebooks in the series are priced at $1.99, including Love, Me.  50% of the profits on ALL  Soldier Series books will go to the One to Fifteen Foundation.  Also, 50% of the profits from the sale of paperbacks in

The Soldier Series will be donated to One to Fifteen, a sports program designed for returning veterans. The print version of Love, Me is priced at $8.99.

About Griffins Rugby and the One to Fifteen Foundation

Griffins Rugby is a Rugby Club that values the commitment and sacrifices of our Armed Forces Personnel and Veterans. The transition back from the combat zone to everyday life can prove to be a challenge, with issues such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) a major concern. Griffin's Rugby Club is a program that develops squads of veterans that play competitive matches, giving our former soldiers an environment where they can experience all of the benefits of sports - a sense of connection and purpose, a place to relieve stress through physical and mental exercise, and a place to simply have fun - without bearing the burden of additional cost. Participating in rugby requires discipline, hard work, structure and teamwork - not so different from military training. Your team becomes your family.

Photos of Griffins Rugby players in action

Words from a Soldier's Heart ...

When I first walked on to the pitch that hot afternoon in July, I quickly found that rugby is not for the faint of heart and certainly not for the weak willed. Like the Marine Corps, rugby holds its foundation in discipline, sweat, and above all team work. Despite being sorely out matched, as my conditioning was not up to par, I was hooked. I loved the feel of breaking through my physical limits, I loved looking to my left and to my right, seeing men that would risk life and limb for me. I loved having them look at me and know the same.

Rugby has been the greatest gift I ever received, and with that in mind I hope to spread the word about its wonders to all. While any man, woman, or child can reap the benefits of rugby there is a special group who could use it more than other; our veterans. The similarities between rugby and the military are countless in number, but above all it serves as life purpose for those who fancy themselves tough enough. Before I played rugby, I was a portly drunkard, with nothing in mind but my own selfish desires. Now I rest and rise under the blanket of support provided by my team. I lift and run every day, not just to better myself but to better my team.

After my discharge I thought the days of brute physicality, and loving camaraderie were long gone. But by freak random occurrence I found myself on the pitch that fateful afternoon in July, not knowing how much I would affect me. Not long after I started playing the team’s founder came to me with a plan; to offer rugby to veterans. I was shocked, this Englishman who had never spent a day I uniform had seen all the similarities between rugby and the military, he had a deep appreciation for our veterans, and wanted to help them as much as I did. He proposed the One to Fifteen Program, a program that would allow veterans to play rugby cost free, while also assisting them with crucial employment networking, and above all giving them a team to fight for again. When mentioned that the program should also be named in memorial, my heart dropped.

Naming the One to Fifteen Program after my close friend who was killed in Afghanistan, Adam Peak was the greatest honor I could think to ensure his legacy lived on. Like all those who wear the Griffins Badge on their chest, Adam Peak was neither weak willed nor faint of heart. I know in my heart of hearts he is smiling down from heaven, supremely content that even in death his spirit continues to live on and continues to support his brothers. Griffins Rugby is a very special squad, we’re more like a family, and with the inception of the One to Fifteen Adam Peak Rugby Foundation our family will continue to grow and fill its ranks with our countries greatest.     ~ John Wangler

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Juliet Evans has always been a bit of a loner, but the last few years have been particularly shrouded in isolation and silence.  Apart from her daily work at the local diner, her life is spent inside the walls of her tiny apartment, just trying to survive…until the one day that U.S. Army Private Tim Collins walks into the diner and takes a seat at one of her tables. By the time the day is over her life has been changed forever.

Private Collins is just a few hours away from being deployed for the first time, to a particularly violent conflict.  To say he’s nervous would be an understatement.  In his last day stateside all he wants is a little bit of normal.  What he finds is the kind heart and sweet spirit of Juliet Evans.  She is by his side until the last possible moment, the moment when he asks her to write him while he’s away, promising to do the same in return.

Though Juliet is afraid to believe his promises, he holds true to them.  Letter after letter after letter passes between the two of them…until one day the letters from Tim stop completely, leaving Juliet broken and grieving for the love she had found but would never truly have.

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[insert buying link when available]


Teaser Quote and Photo from Love, Me by Lorraine Britt

Teaser photo and quote from Love, Me by Lorraine Britt

A photo teaser with a quote from Love, Me - a new release from Lorraine Britt

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Lorraine Britt is a fourth generation Native Texan who is also immensely proud of her Louisiana heritage and solid Southern roots. As an enthusiastic lover of the written word, inspiration struck Lorraine and she began to bubble over with her own ideas. Grasping hold of her lifelong dreams, it wasn't long before she was putting pen to paper and letting her fingers fly over a keyboard to bring her own characters to life. When she isn't busy scribbling notes for her next idea you might find her whipping up delicious creations in the kitchen or putting miles on her car on road trip adventures. Lorraine is equally passionate about music, movies and sports. You'll no doubt find these familiar themes woven throughout her books. Lorraine and her family currently make their home in West Texas.

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Author Lorraine Britt with members of the Griffins Rugby Squad 

Author Lorraine Britt with members of the Griffins Rugby Squad

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The Passions of Honor (#1) - $1.99


Army Special Forces Master Sergeant Eli Stevens is married to his childhood sweetheart, Katherine. She is his princess, his world. He is her first and only love, her best friend, her everything. They finally have what they've always dreamed of…a baby on the way.

But this happy news comes on the eve of Eli and his best friend Sergeant William Bradshaw’s deployment for a special mission... A mission that Eli knows in his heart will be his last.

Before Eli’s premonition comes true he tells William to watch over his family, to be a father to his child, to love Katherine. William reluctantly agrees, moving into the Stevens home to take care of Katherine. The longer he is there the more she depends on him. But she holds William emotionally at a distance, scared of the feelings he stirs inside her. And despite fighting against it he falls in love with Katherine and the child, even though feels he is betraying his friend.

Can they find their way through the nightmares to give in to what is between them? Or will the past come back to haunt William in more ways than one?

Always Faithful, Always Yours (#2) - $1.99

Always Faithful-Cover

Landry Phillips and Madeline Ponder were lifelong best friends. They had seen each other through every day of their young lives, until Landry joined the Marines and was deployed to Afghanistan. Madeline waited, and worried, until the one late night phone call she had prayed she would never receive. In that one instant their lives changed forever. Could Madeline help Landry find his way through the darkness that threatened to swallow him whole? Or would he be lost to her before he realized she had truly been his from the very beginning?

Buy it on Amazon



Tour Hosted by Passionate Reads


Sunday, January 17, 2016


Title: Death's Reject
Author: C L Foltermann
Genre: YA Paranormal Thriller
Release Date: January 15, 2016 
What do demons, vampires and secret societies have in common? They are all incredibly real, insanely dangerous and they all want a taste of her.

After a gruesome reveal of the world lurking within her own, Christina Liam decides her penchant for solving problems with violence finally has a use. Jumping head first into a spiraling world of mayhem and horror, Chris finds her magnetism for trouble only seems to pull her deeper into the darkness. She struggles to cope with her new living nightmare and her humanity, a balancing act she’s not sure she can keep up. 

But the battle within her is nothing compared to the creature eating her classmates one by one. Through stupidity or resolve, whichever works faster, she is going to get them back. 

Even if it kills her.

People were screaming in the semi-darkness around them, cast into the shadows by the shattered lights. Chris could only see by the light of the monster forming in front of her as Zachary pulled her away. No, that wasn’t right. Not a monster. Monsters. There were three distinct images flickering before her eyes. Christina clawed up the arm pulling her to safety to get to her feet. Zach swore loudly and they stopped in the rush of people trying to escape from the room. The tallest of the three beasts turned with red eyes to analyze her as the light that had brought him to the cafeteria dimmed. The way he stared, the grimace she assumed was a warped smile, it made her stomach turn on itself. “Run!”

C L Foltermann is a fiction novelist and freelance writer. She currently resides in South Portland, Maine with her husband and dog and enjoys the good things in life: food, whiskey, and writing. She is currently finalizing the second book in her The Liam Chronicles series, Monstrous, as well as several more exciting new projects.