Saturday, November 22, 2014


Blood and Shattered Glass
By- Tyffani Clark Kemp
Genre- Adult Psychological Romantic Thriller
Expected Publication Date- January 5th, 2015

Four months ago, a traumatic accident put Trista in the psych ward. They were supposed to help her deal with the events that transpired, but something happened to her in there. Something changed her and Jeremi Lloyd can’t figure out what it is. As her guardian, it’s Jeremi’s job to make sure Trista is taken care of. During the day, Trista is happy and content with the best fiancé in the world, but at night, horrible nightmares plague her sleep.
But Jeremi has a huge secret, one the doctors say Trista isn’t ready to handle. It’s a secret that could shatter what little bit of happiness and stability Trista has been able to find.
When Jeremi learns that strange things are happening at the psych ward where Trista was being helped, he starts to wonder if her nightmares and her mental instability aren’t really her fault. And he wonders if the secrets he’s keeping are worth it.
As the answers begin to surface in ways neither Trista or Jeremi could have imagined, so does a level of danger that could be the end of them and their friends. Can they figure out the truth before they’re both committed?


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TITLE – Before Time

SERIES – The Time Series

AUTHOR – Xunaira J.

GENRE – New Adult / Tragic Romance

PUBLICATION DATE – 22nd November 2014



His eyes told her what his tongue could not.

Nineteen-year-old Onaiza Shahid is a loner and a dreamer, bookish and

socially isolated. A chance ramble into a chatting software changes everything. The words of a stranger

compel her. Addicted and falling fast, their secret love changes her life. But will the idealistic teenager

get her happily ever after?

Before Time - Book Cover


Before Time - 

Author Photo


As a thirteen year old teenager, Xunaira J. aspired to be an author

someday. From short stories to novellas, she has written them all but as an adult now, she has published

two short stories and is now aiming to publish her first Novel, Before Time, scheduled for November

release. Xunaira resides in Islamabad, Pakistan and enjoys a hot cup of cappuccino, a good romance

novel and her favorite music from the 80's. Apart from that, when she's not working on her current

literary project, she loves developing mobile applications and studies as a software engineer.


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Wednesday, November 19, 2014


TITLE – What Rough Beast
AUTHOR – H. R. Knight
GENRE – Paranormal Mystery
LENGTH (Pages/# Words) - 320pp/109,000 words
PUBLISHER – H. R. Knight
COVER ARTIST – Rebecca Poole

Harry Houdini asks Sir Arthur Conan Doyle to help him expose Maximillian Cairo—a spiritualist medium. But the two men underestimate Cairo. He's a master of the occult and the most debauched man in London. Conan Doyle and Houdini get more than they bargained for when they interrupt a magic ritual and accidentally set loose a force for ecstasy and chaos on an unsuspecting Edwardian London.

Soon one of their friends is falsely accused of a grisly murder. Conan Doyle and Houdini are sure the real killer was at the ritual with them. They're faced with a locked-room homicide that baffles even Houdini.

One by one, people in the little group who attended the ceremony feel an insidious influence creep over them. Each succumbs to a burst of creativity, shortly followed by an act of uncontrollable madness.

The proper Victorian gentleman and the ebullient New Yorker must team up to solve the murder and stop the thing they set loose before it completely unravels their ordered world.

ITUNES – Books > Mysteries & Thrillers > Historical> H. R. Knight

Chapter 28 - Encounter in the Fog

As we strolled along the tiny cobblestone lane, there was not a cab in sight. Not that we could see far in the darkness. The damp fog off the Thames had worked its way north to this neighbourhood. A thick patch of it rolled in quickly. In a few minutes, we could barely see across the street.
A little chill ran down my spine. I had a distinct feeling of being watched. I turned to look behind me. The gaslights had become faint glows that hid more than they illuminated. Movement at the corner of my eye caught my attention. There, had something behind us just flitted into the shadow of a doorway? Or was it merely a swirl of mist? I felt alone and quite vulnerable. I was grateful for the sturdy companion at my side. Houdini spoke in a low voice.
“Let’s get out of here,” he said. “I’m getting the creeps.”
We picked up our pace and made south for Euston Road. The fog thickened and thinned around us in pale, cottony patches. We encountered no other soul. At its densest, the fog could have concealed armies. Indeed, it played strange tricks on one’s ears. I thought I heard footsteps shuffling along behind us. Perhaps it was the lateness of the hour or the disturbing events we were investigating, but the sound made me uneasy. We continued on even more quickly. Then, suddenly, we were in the clear. We could see the entire block of flats behind us. I paused, and restrained my companion with a hand on his arm. Here was our chance to get a good look at our pursuer. I could not be sure, but I thought I heard a foot scrape the stones of the road before silence surrounded us. I looked to Houdini.
“I heard it too,” he said softy. He jerked a thumb over his shoulder. “Back there.”
Why his confirmation filled me with dread, I cannot say. The person behind us was almost certainly a weary pilgrim such as we, eager for his own sitting room and a warm fire.
I saw that Houdini had drawn the sharpened screwdriver out of his pocket and held it like a dagger. We turned to face whoever was following us.
Halfway down the street a single gaslight glowed feebly. At the end of the lane a figure approached. It jogged along the walls of the buildings. I got an impression of a manlike shape with an impossibly lean body and grotesquely long limbs. It loped along in an odd, loose-jointed way. I could have sworn I heard soft, animal-like moans. It was as if some savage beast were hot on our trail. I felt Houdini clutch my shoulder.
“What is it?” he hissed in my ear.
I could only shake my head. It was like no creature I had seen in all my travels. The thing’s unnatural form filled me with loathing. Its huge shadow, magnified by the streetlamp, flitted along the bricks of the buildings.
I stood, my eyes riveted on the gaslight down the street. What would I see when the thing stepped full into the glow? As if in answer to my thought, it paused and sniffed the air. The misshapen head swiveled until it pointed precisely in our direction. Its eyes glittered with a malign emerald glow.
The beast took a step forward. Then an absolutely unexpected thing happened. Just before it stepped full into the light, the creature swarmed straight up the sheer wall. I gasped at the speed with which it scaled the bricks. It climbed until it was lost in the shadows. For a moment, all was silent. Then I heard a sound that chilled me to my soul—the faint sound of claws scrabbling across the roof tiles high above us. And the sound was approaching rapidly.
“Come on,” Houdini hissed, grabbing my sleeve.
We took off down the street at a run. My shoes slipped on the flagstones. I wheeled my arms to catch my balance. On and on we raced. The blood beat in my temples. We careened into abrupt turns and doubled back on ourselves. Soon we were back in another patch of fog. My breath sounded harsh in my ears. At last I felt Houdini’s grasp on my arm as he pulled me to
a stop.
I sagged against the cold bricks and gasped for air. Silence surrounded us. My heart pounded in my chest. Had we given our pursuer the slip? The alley next to us was dark. We huddled in its shadows and peeped around the corner. We could barely make out the walls of the tenements that loomed over us. The stones beneath our feet were rough and uneven. The cold air seared the back of my throat as I caught my breath. I scarcely dared look back for fear of seeing something.
Houdini whispered. “I think we lost—”
The unmistakable sound of scrabbling above us cut him off.
The cry echoed off the walls. We plunged into the blackness of the street before us. I was racing at full speed before I realised that it was I who had shrieked the command. Our feet pounded the pavement as we dashed through the darkness. We both flung our arms up to protect from an overhead attack. The thing that pursued us—was it what had murdered Mackleston’s brother?
The street turned out to be a long, curving one with no side alleys. But at the end I thought I discerned a glow of light.
“At... end,” Houdini gasped beside me. “Stop ... set ambush.”
I thought of what the creature above us had done to Reggie and shivered. How could we defend against an attack that could come from any direction? But each breath I drew felt like a stab in my side. I couldn’t run much longer.
Not three yards from the end of the street a huge figure loomed out of the lowering fog in front of us. We skidded to a stop and barely avoided colliding with it.
“Here now, what’s the rush, lads?” a loud voice boomed. Two hands the size of hams clutched at our lapels and hauled us into the street. “Let’s get a better look at you,” the voice declared.
We found ourselves under an electric light on Euston Road. The figure looming over us revealed itself as a frowning giant of a policeman. The fog had lowered again. Little droplets had condensed on the brass buttons of his uniform. They glittered like gems under the lamplight. Though I continued to gasp for air, my relief was palpable. As he saw how we were dressed, a look of surprise registered on his face and he loosed his hold on us.
“I beg your pardon, gentlemen,” he said. Then he noticed the sharpened screwdriver, still clutched in Houdini’s hand. “Now what—”
“Constable,” I panted, “someone or something is after us.” I pointed into the blackness behind us.
Houdini nodded vigorously as he leaned over to suck in air. “Tried to lose him ... chased us a good two miles.”
“Oh, he has, has he?” The officer drew his truncheon out of his belt and turned to face the yawning darkness. “We’ll see about that.”
I could not let him face the demon alone. “Whoever he is. .. he’s gone mad,” I warned between breaths. “You must ... get reinforcements.”
The policeman turned back to us and smiled. “One man only?”
“At least wait... until we catch ... our breaths,” I urged. “We’ll accompany you.”
The policeman seemed not to have heard me. His face lit up in anticipation. William the Conqueror’s face might have looked the same as he led the charge at Hastings.
“I hope he tries to resist arrest. I truly do.”
So saying, he picked up a little black lantern from the ground beside him. He lifted it to head height and plunged into the unlit street.
“Like Custer at Little Bighorn,” Houdini muttered to himself. Neither of us had fully recovered, but we straightened up and staggered after the man.
“Wait up!” Houdini called. We chased the watery glow of light from his lantern as it floated through the foggy darkness. Before we had gone six steps, the light appeared to dance wildly. We heard a shout, a feral screech, and finally a shrill scream, like a soul in torment. The shriek rose and fell. Abruptly, it cut off. The lantern fell to the street with a clatter. It glowed brightly for a moment and then winked out. A terrible silence followed.

H. R. Knight is the pen name of Harry Squires, a critically acclaimed author who writes mysteries—some paranormal, some not—as well as thrillers, and the occasional magazine article. Harry has worked as an insurance underwriter, a software marketer, and a corporate trainer. He attended Journalism School at the University of Missouri and film school at UCLA.

He has studied Okinawan karate and Chinese boxing. Current hobbies include dog training, classical guitar, cooking, and collecting obscure, cheesy horror films from the 1930s & ‘40s.

Having traveled all over the world, he’s developed a preference for countries that produce good wines.

He shares a home and a life with his wife Susan, who publishes unconventional paranormal romances. They own, train, and show Belgian Sheepdogs. Occasionally the dogs are kind enough to give Harry and Susan hope that they may someday be in charge of the pack.

They all live at the beach in Southern California.



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Tuesday, November 18, 2014


TITLE – Christmas Confusion
SERIES – Bailey’s Chaotic Life
AUTHOR – Monica Garry-Allen
GENRE – New Adult/Romantic Comedy
LENGTH (Pages/# Words) – 50,000
COVER ARTIST – Sweet Simplicity

Bailey Cooper has fallen in love – sadly the man she’s in love with already has a man. Sounds complicated doesn’t it? ~

Bailey Cooper is very much attracted to her neighbor, Max Davis. Unfortunately for Bailey, Greg – Max’s lover, is slowly becoming one of Bailey’s best friends. Bailey’s emotions are torn. She adores Greg’s friendship while at the same time she craves Max’s touch.
What’s a girl to do when she ‘thinks’ the man she’s in love with is in love with someone else?
Max Davis and his baby brother Greg Davis are co-owners of the apartment building they live in. Max has fallen for his tenant, Bailey, but she avoid and ignore all of his advances. It doesn’t take long for him to become suspicious of the friendship blooming between her and Greg. He believes Bailey has a crush on his brother, but Max wants his shy little neighbor all to himself. Now he has to think of ways to keep Bailey and Greg apart, which is ridiculous since Greg isn’t even in to women. Time to break that news to his neighbor and hope it causes her attention to swing his way.
Will a holiday weekend full of chaos, confusion and a little bit of charm finally get Bailey and Max on the right track? Or will a few innocent caresses lead to more Christmas confusion?


“You’re in love with her, aren’t you?” Greg said in awe.
Max snorted at the incredulity of Greg’s question.
“I just met her. I’ve only known her for three weeks. How can I possibly be in love with her?”
Greg sat up on the couch, same shocked expression on his face.
“Stop looking at me like that,” Max told his brother. “There is no way I’m in love with my neighbor.”
“I can’t believe I’ve been so blind,” Greg sighed. “I’m supposed to be the Christmas Cupid, how did I miss this? My pupils have fallen in love and I didn’t even realize it. I’m slipping.”
“What are you talking about?”
He was not in love with Bailey. There were a lot of things he loved about her but he wasn’t in love with her. He loved the way she walked, the sound of her voice, hell he even loved watching her walk away from him, because the view was to die for.
He loved that she didn’t balk at the kind of car he drove. He loved the way she smiled shyly whenever he told her good morning. But that didn’t mean that he loved her, he didn’t know her well enough to love her. But he could see himself falling in love with her, if she would give him a chance. If he could just figure out what she wanted, he would give it to her.
“It all makes so much sense now,” Greg whispered.
“Really dude, what are you mumbling about?”
“The waitress at the Pancake Shack, she was cute, but you didn’t pay her any attention. Last week there was the gas station cashier, who asked you what your name was. She was hitting on you and you didn’t even notice. The only woman you seem to have eyes for is your brown-haired neighbor.” Greg tapped his finger against his chin. “I think I’ve just figured out what’s wrong with you.”
“There’s nothing wrong with me, doofus.”
“See, that right there. You called me doofus, you haven’t called me that in years.”
“Because you haven’t acted like one in years.”
“I’ve never acted like one, but you only called me that after I’d gone through your stuff and found out something that you didn’t want me to know.”
Max stopped pacing. “I’m completely lost. I have no idea what we’re even talking about now.”
“Let me bring you up to speed, dear brother. You calling me doofus means you know that I am on to you, and I am. I know what’s wrong with you. I know why you’re so cranky.”
“Please, feel free to enlighten me.”
“I shall, but first, name one other woman that you’ve been this crazy about,” Greg said.
He started pacing again, searching his mind for a name. The names of every woman he’d ever dated and or slept with raced through his head.
“There was Bethany…”
“She doesn’t count,” Greg chimed in. “She cheated. You dumped her and never looked back. If you were crazy about her, you would have been heartbroken, but you weren’t. So name someone else.”
He tried to come up with another name, but no other woman came to mind, only Bailey. There was no point in denying it any longer.
“There isn’t anyone else, only Bailey.”
Greg began grinning from ear to ear.
“You love Bailey. I can see it in your eyes. Case solved.”
Max returned to his recliner and plopped down, defeated. He loved Bailey, everything about her. There was no denying it or fighting it, He was in love with Bailey Cooper.

Bailey – My name is Bailey Cooper and I’ve just moved into my first apartment. Living on my own is kind of scary. But not as bad as I thought it would be thanks to the big hunk of a man living next door to. His name is Max and he’s extra yummy. He’s also extra gay and his boyfriend, Greg, looks better in skinny jeans than I do.
How unfair!
Anyway, one interesting fact about me is, I play in stool, urine, blood and any other fluid the body can excrete, on a daily basis. I’m a Medical Technologist, so I get paid to be gross. Oh, one more fact: I’m in love with my neighbor, yeah, the gay one.
Have I mentioned how unfair life is?

Max - I’m Max Davis. My two brothers and I own and are currently renovating, Lake Teresa apartment complex. It needs a lot of work but we are managing to get it done in a timely manner. I have a new tenant, Bailey Cooper. She’s the most frustratingly sexy woman I’ve ever met in my life. And she keeps ignoring my advances.
My brother, Greg, is driving me crazy with his attempts to get Bailey and I together. Maybe we just aren’t meant to be. Damn shame though, because I know I could make her happy if she would give me a chance.

Krista – Hi, my name is Krista. I’m Bailey’s best friend and play cousin. There are a ton of interesting facts about me. But if I have to pick one to share I will share this one, I have always been and will always be a daddy’s girl.
I love my dad with all my heart and I think there is nothing more special than the bond between a father and his daughter. Can I give one more? I’ll be quick. Another fun fact about me is that when I’m tipsy I like to dance, but who doesn’t?

Greg – Hey, Y’all. I’m Greg. The youngest and most fabulous of the Davis brothers. One interesting fact about me… hmm let me think. I’m a great listener…. I bet you thought I was going to say something else.
Okay, I’ll say it. I am homosexual and I’m proud of it. Oh and I’m also a part-time deejay. Just ask my new tenants and besties, Krista and Bailey. My goal this Christmas is to get Bailey and my brother together.
I swear, straight people can be so obtuse sometimes. Just call me the Christmas Cupid. Meet the characters:


Monica Garry-Allen has loved reading for as long as she can remember. As a child her mother always purchased books for her at her school’s book fair. Back then her favorite book was The Little Mermaid. Now days she reads and tells stories to her nieces and nephews during her weekend sleepovers.
Monica is a full time Clinical Laboratory Technician. When she is not working in the lab she’s writing humorous love stories and steamy romances. She recently married the man of her dreams, Dempsey Allen, who motivates her to be the best writer she can be. She has a loving family who supports her one hundred percent and friends who can’t wait to read her next story. She resides in the southern part of Mississippi where she enjoys shopping, reading, writing and spending time with her family.

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FULL CIRCLE series by Casey Peeler ♥ BOOK BLITZ & GIVEAWAY

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Casey Peeler


No Turning Back (Full Circle, #1)

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After getting involved with Dylan, the bad boy of the Dixon High Swim team, Charley decides to stay close to home for college. It’s just safer that way. Later, she realizes it’s a mistake, just like dating Dylan. She decides to put the past behind her and leave the small hick town of Grassy Pond. There is only one problem; she makes this decision three weeks before the fall semester begins.

Charley packs up her Honda and heads to Southern College. On the morning she’s about to leave, Cash walks back into her life. He has been her best friend since they were four and is the only one who knows the REAL Charley. She leaves her farm in Grassy Pond with all kinds of “what if” questions.

Charley decides to live her college career to the fullest. She finds a great group of friends, joins the swim team, and meets a guy named Joe. He’s got eyes that make ya wanna melt!

At college, she encounters a new problem. Charley has been away from home for only forty-eight hours before she breaks the two promises she made to herself. Will she be able to overcome her past? Find new love? What will happen with Cash now that he is back in her life? Will she find what she is wanting in Jackalope Joe? How will her first semester of college end? Joe, Cash, or alone?


Finding Charley (Full Circle, #2)

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One bottle of Jack and the words “I’m sorry” are all it takes for Charley’s world to turn upside down… again. Charley has a decision to make. Does she sink or swim?

After Dylan reminds Charley that he always has the upper hand, she decides it’s time break free. But how? She uses her past, present, and what she hopes to be her future to find her freedom.

With the help of Cash Money and the Kluft Girls, she devises a plan to take down Dylan. Will she succeed, or will she find that she will never escape his hold? Once this plan is put in place, who will be by her side when it comes to an end? And will this plan include Jackalope Joe?


Loving Charley (Full Circle, #3)

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When Charley decides to make Dylan famous, she never thought about the repercussions that might occur, and how it would affect everyone around her.

Now that she has followed through with the plan, she is unsure of what the future holds. She has to decide what is more important in life: living her dream, speaking the truth, or keeping quiet.

Charley’s life comes full circle when her freshman year comes to an end. Will Dylan be in her past and Cash in her future? Or will Dylan continue to be an eerie constant in her life?

hot dylan

About the Author

casey author pic

Casey Peeler grew up and still lives in North Carolina with her husband and daughter. Her first passion is teaching students with special needs. Over the years, she found her way to relax was in a good book.

After reading Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neal Hurston her senior year of high school and multiple Nicholas Sparks’ novels, she found a hidden love and appreciation for reading.

When Casey isn’t writing, you can find her listening to country music, spending the day at the lake, being a wife and dance mom, and spending time with friends and family.

Her perfect day consists of water, sand between her toes, a cold beverage, and a great book!


love 2


TITLE – My Wife’s Li’l Secret
AUTHOR – Eve Rabi
GENRE – Women’s Fiction
PUBLICATION DATE – 18 November 2014

She called me the miracle in her life, I called her my Li’l treasure.

Sounds corny, I know, but I really believed I was the luckiest bastard on earth. I had the loving and supportive wife, a nurturing mother to our two precious girls, a thriving business and the future looked rosy. I was a contented man.

But overnight everything changed. My wife withdrew from me, ignored our children, and made it clear she was no longer interested in playing the role of wife and mother.

We had two children under five, they needed her. I needed her.

When her dressing began to change and she disappeared for hours, I suspected I was not enough for her.Thinking she was having an affair, I placed my wife of five years under surveillance.

What my surveillance revealed shook my world, broke my heart and exposed a web of lies and deceit.


Since my wife was out partying again, bedtime routine for our girls was left to me. Again. I tucked Ally and Becky into bed and began to read a story to them. “Once upon a time…”
“Dadda?” Ally said placing her hand on the storybook and stopping me from continuing.
I paused and looked at my daughter. “Yes, Alleycat?”
“Dadda, what’s a hooka?”
“Whaaaat?” I peered at my daughter wondering if I had heard correctly.
“The teacher at preschool, she said, ‘Here comes the hooka,’ when she saw Mummy.”
Slowly, I lowered the book and stared at my daughter. “It’s …it’s …”
How do I explain what a hooker is to a four-year-old? I shouldn’t even be in a position where I had to.
“The lady shouldn’t have said that, Ally,” I muttered.
“But, Dadda …”
Two-year-old Becky spun around and clamped her hand over Ally’s mouth. “Shhh! Let Daddy read the story, Ally!”
Becky hated anyone interrupting a story, so to prevent her from getting mad with us, both Ally and I fell silent. I continued reading even though I was terribly distracted by Ally’s words.
“Talk about it tomorrow, Ally,” I muttered when the opportunity arose.
Ally nodded.
After the kids fell asleep, I sat in my lounge in the dark and pondered Ally’s teacher’s comment.

Liefie had great legs, a great figure and I had no problem with her wearing whatever she liked, but people were talking and clearly her dressing needed to be …addressed.
Of course I expected Liefie to become angry when I confronted her about it, accuse me of controlling her and after the number of arguments we had had, I was reluctant to talk to her about it.
But when I saw her the following evening, all dolled up and ready to party without her family again, hooker was the word, alright.
Her red skirt was the size of a large belt, her white top strained across her breasts and ended above her belly button, her fake tan looked like she’d dipped herself in food coloring and that garish, face paint with that dominating electric-blue eye shadow…reminded me of Braveheart.
She didn’t look pretty; she looked like an aging prostitute. Harsh words, I know, but they weren’t out of malice, they were simply an observation. (People were talking, remember?)
Tarty make-up aside, to my absolute surprise, she sported two piercings above her left eyebrows. My jaw fell.
When did that happen, I wondered? How could that happen? Why hadn’t she told me about it?
Of course it was her body and she was free to do what she liked to it, but facial piercings weren’t something I liked. She knew that.
She could have at least mentioned it to me before she pieced her face. We were husband and wife; it was reasonable to expect her to talk to me about something like that before she did it.
“What’s with the piercing?” I asked, both mesmerized and irritated by them.
She shrugged, flashed me a deal-with-it look and turned away.
With a weary sigh, I walked around to face her. “We need to talk.”
A guarded look flashed in her eyes before they hardened.
“Liefie, you need to dress more like a mother,” I said in a quiet voice. “You have two children and …”
“What?! You want to tell me how to dress now? You want to CONTROL ME?”
Just as I had expected.
“Hey, keep you voice down, will you? I’m talking to you, that’s all.”
“There is nothing wrong with my dressing, okay?! Nothing!”
“Yes, there is, Liefie. Your skirts are too short, your tops are way too tight and the people at Ally’s school are talking about it. You need to …”
“Ally’s school?” Her heavily-lined eyes slanted.
Her painted, pillar-box-red mouth twisted into a sneer. “You’re lying.”
“I’m not. I swear!”
She cocked her head and looked at me. “Who told you that?”
“Ally told me. She said one of the mothers or teachers, I can’t remember, after seeing you, used the word hooker.”
Her body stiffened. “Ally said ….THAT?!?”
“That bitch! Where is she?!” She turned and strode off in search of Ally. Even though she was in heels, she almost ran.
“Liefie stop!” I cried running after her, shocked she would call her little daughter a bitch. “Leave her alone!”
She found Ally playing with Becky in the TV room. “Did you call me a hooker?” she demanded, putting her flaming face in Ally’s.
“Liefie stop this shit!” I warned.
Ally’s eyes flitted between Liefie’s and mine, a terrified look on her face.
“Lief…ie! ” I hissed. “Stop this …”
Liefie suddenly backhanded Ally across the face, sending her crashing into a doll’s house.
Ally lay on the floor so stunned, she didn’t even cry. The only thing that showed her distress was puddle appearing around her waist.
For a moment, I too was stunned. Liefie had never ever hit our kids before.
Then fury overtook me – I grabbed my wife by the hair and slammed her against the wall.
Putting my face in hers, I snarled, “You ever touch my child like that and I will fuck the shit out of you, understand? UNDERSTAND?”
Her attempt to look defiant failed and I saw fear flicker in her eyes.
I had never hit Liefie before, never even called her names, so this wasn’t something she was used to.
“Don’t ever lay a finger on any of my daughters. Understand?” I pushed my face further into hers, resisting the urge to head-butt her.
“Daddy, stop! Daddy!” Ally cried, while Becky started to whimper. I looked over at my two children clinging to each other, terror on their little faces.
What am I doing?!
Quickly, I released Liefie and took a giant step back.
I walked over to Ally and Becky, scooped up both of them and hugged them to me. “It’s okay, it’s okay!”
They looked at their mother who stood holding her head with both hands, but did not try to go to her.
After a few moments, Liefie ran out of the room, shouting, “Your father is an abusive man! He just abused me in front of our children. That’s the kind of man I married!”
I looked at Ally. “Sorry, hon.”
“Why did you tell her, Daddy?” Ally whispered, holding her tear-stained cheek.
“I’m sorry, Al, I was trying to get her to do the right thing. I’m sorry.”
“You knew she’d hit me, Daddy. You shouldn’t have told her.”
I peered at Ally. “What are you talking about? She doesn’t hit you, Ally. Usually. Right?”
No answer.
“I need to change my pants,” Ally muttered, ignoring my questions.
My head jerked to look at little Becky.
Becky’s head bobbed, her eyes opening wide.
You can’t be serious?!
My eyes shifted back to Ally. “This is the first time she hit you, right? Or does she hit you? Tell me, Ally.” I shook her. “Tell me!”
Becky’s head continued to bob.
“All the time, Daddy,” Ally finally muttered. “Yesterday she hit me because I took too long to get Uncle Viggo’s beer. From the fridge.”
“WHAAAT?” She had my four-year-old daughter fetching alcohol for her brother?
Ally nodded.
“Mummy hit Ally here,” Becky said, slapping the top of her head.
I was mortified at what I was hearing.
If Liefie could hit my daughter that way in front of me, backhand her, what would she be doing behind my back? Aghast, I looked at my firstborn who I idolized. “Ally, honey, why didn’t you tell me this?”
“You weren’t here, Dadda. And Mummy said if I carry tales she’ll make me sorry.” Fat tears coursed down little Ally cheeks.
I drew my girls closer, feeling absolutely gutted to know they were being silently abused by their own mother. “I’m sorry,” I said. “Daddy will make it stop. I’m so sorry. This is not going to happen again. I promise.”


Eve Rabi lives in Sydney Australia, but was born in South Africa. She is the author of 25 books and is known for her kick-ass leading ladies, her alpha males and her ability to make you cry and make you laugh as you fall in love.
She loves music and cannot live without it.
She also enjoys dancing, (was a Latin dance instructor years ago) and keeps her kids in line by threatening to bust a Zumba move in front of their school assembly.

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~ Imperfectly Perfect ~

Emma, Tyler and Shane have been best friends since they were

kids. Along with their college addition, Rob, the four friends have an exciting

life in NYC. In fact, Emma Sloan appears to have it all.

Despite being happy with her current situation, a big family

announcement leaves Emma questioning whether she is truly content with her

life. With her thirtieth birthday fast approaching she vows to find her

'perfect' man any way she can. But Emma will soon discover that the path of

true love never runs smoothly and that sometimes, instead of chasing love, you

have to wait for love to find you...

~ Imperfectly Real ~

When nothing in your life goes right … go left.

Tyler Johnston has a life that would be the envy of most

twenty-somethings. He lives in New York City, surrounded by his closest

friends, has a job in a field he loves, and remains unattached—able to flit

from one lady to the next without responsibility. Only problem is, Tyler isn’t

in his twenties anymore…

Having watched two of his best friends fall in love and

start a family, Tyler is left wondering what will become of his life. So when

life hands Tyler his happy ever after, he struggles with his conscience. Can

something be right when it’s so very, very wrong? Because everyone knows that

two wrongs don’t make a right. In fact, most of the time, they just make things

a whole lot worse.

~ Imperfectly Bad ~

I’m Rob Ziviani. Oh, you’ve heard of me? Wait, did we? Oh

yeah, I remember.

No, that’s a lie, I don’t remember. I’ve had most of New

York City and I don’t really remember any of them. There’s only ever been one.

. .

This is my story. Read it, don’t read it. I really don’t

give a damn. It’s not going to change my life, so why the hell should I care?

Because I don’t care about anything.

Not since her.

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Title: Unmarked: Sean's Story

Series: Chosen #4

Author: Alisa Mullen

 Release Date: November 18, 2014



Ford has loved Lizzie O'Malley all of his adult life. Now that he is in

his thirties and a successful tattoo artist, he finds himself stuck in

life. He should have~ He could have ~ But he didn't. Kicking himself for

letting Lizzie slip through his fingers, he has to pretend that life is

just peachy. His favorite past time is hiding out in his bedroom.


Aoife Flanagan arrives in Boston to do an internship with college, she

is glad to have escaped the dismal life she has back in Wicklow,

Ireland. As a twenty-three year old student and professional, she

prefers staying in the corner at parties, hiding from everyone's

attention, and sticking to the financial plan that her father outlined

for her.

One night...
One confusing night...
One amazing summer...


and Aoife may have been brought together by fate but to stay together

means more than roses and butterflies. They must fight the world for one

another. What separates them is one big ocean and one tiny question.

Sink or Swim?


is Book 4 in The Chosen Series but it can be read as a STANDALONE since

it is Sean's story. For Mature Audiences 17+ only, please.

Links to Buy

"Unmarked is by far my favorite of The Chosen Series!" 

- Evocative Book Reviews

"I wish I could give it ten stars!"

- Naughty Girls of Romance


Also Available



WOW!! This might be book four in the series but I have to say it can be a stand alone. I will be going back and reading the first three though. I can't wait for the rest of the series to come out especially Sean,Aoife and Sean's story that is going to be interesting. Alisa did a wonderful job on Sean's Story. The male POV was great. I found the story really interesting and wanted to know more about Aoife and what was going on back in her country. I like how Sean was falling for her and didn't care what Lizzy had to say. I am glad that Sean made Nick wake up and realize his life with Lizzy. Great job Alisa...


Author Bio

Alisa Mullen is the author of the Best Selling

Saga, The Chosen Series and the Best Selling psychological suspense novel,

Plastic Confidence. She grew up in Down East Maine. Mullen has a BA from Texas

A&M University and a MS from Our Lady of Lake University in San Antonio,

Texas. When she isn’t writing, she

enjoys reading, making necklaces, and spending time with her family. Mullen

lives in South Texas with her loving husband and their two children.


Author Links



untainted ecover


The Final Book in The Photographer Trilogy


Untainted (Photographer Trilogy, #3)

The infamous serial killer, known as the Photographer, is gone, but this time he has taken someone with him. Even though everyone finally knows his identity, he is still two steps ahead of them.

Someone is dead. Someone is missing. Kate Jackson is one of those two.

Derrick Kane finds himself teaming up with Annie, Kate's younger sister, in a desperate search for any clues that could lead them to the answers they need. Little did they realize that they would find a lot more than they had bargained for.

Every dirty secret from the past comes to light, and they are faced with the ultimate test of true love, and true heartbreak.

When an innocent life is on the line, the cost of justice could be more than love can afford.

Not everyone makes it to the end of their love story.

**Please note that there is no cliffhanger at the end of this series and everything is fully wrapped up. This series is loosely based on a true story.

DISCLAIMER: Due to violent and dark subject matter, this book is intended for readers over the age of 18 years old.

Check out The Photographer Trilogy Pinterest Board ➜ FOLLOW THE BOARD

WOW!! WORTH THE WAIT!!!! Well I have to say Book 3 is well worth the wait. Sarah you did a great job with Untainted. It was so worth waiting for. To find out what happens with Kate and to see if they get her rapist aka the Photographer. Book 3 picks up right where book 2 finishes. Annie and Derrick are on the search for Annie when they found out that she was kidnapped. Did they find her? Was she alive? Where did she find her? What happened to the Photographer? So many questions right well first I recommend if you haven't read book 1 and 2 you NEED TO READ THOSE FIRST. This is NOT A STAND ALONE AND YOU WILL NOT KNOW WHAT THIS STORY is ALL ABOUT WITHOUT READING THE FIRST TWO BOOKS. I will NOT put any spoilers hence why I had asked all those questions. Now for those of you who have read book 1 and 2 will really be asking these questions before you read book 3. I do recommend this series but is isn't for the weak. It does touch on some topics that I have a hard time dealing with. Sarah handles it in a way that those that are victims might be able to read it and may help them.

Buy Links Untainted

Click on one of the retailers below to purchase Untainted!


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ღ Get the first two books in the series now! ღ

Tainted Bodies
Tainted Bodies (Photographer Trilogy, #1)

Tainted Pictures

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Tainted Pictures (Photographer Trilogy, #2)

Author Bio Untainted
Sarah Robinson is the four-time Amazon Bestselling Romance and Crime Thriller Author of the contemporary Rockstar romance series Sand & Clay, as well as the very popular romantic suspense trilogy, The Photographer Trilogy. All of her novels have reached Amazon's Bestseller Rank in Crime, Crime, Thriller, Contemporary Romance, and/or Romantic Suspense.
In regards to future publications, she is with the Seymour Literary Agency and has recently been contracted by Loveswept, a Random House Penguin imprint, to begin a new contemporary romance series in late 2015 about an Irish family living in the Bronx of alpha male, MMA fighters who own a gym called Legends.
Sarah Robinson is a native of the Washington, DC area and has both her Bachelors and Masters Degrees in criminal psychology. She is newly married to a local police officer, Justin, who is just as much of an animal rescue enthusiasts as she is. Together, they own a zoo of rescues, as well as volunteering and fostering for multiple animal shelters.


Other Books by Sarah Robinson

Sand & Clay Series
Logan's Story: A Sand & Clay Prequel

Logan's Story (Sand & Clay, #0.5)
Sand & Clay: Her Forbidden Rockstar

Sand and Clay: Her Forbidden Rockstar (Sand & Clay, #1)




The Photographer Trilogy Box Set

*Add it to your TBR! Coming January 1, 2015. It will include a never before seen, deleted scene from The Photographer's childhood!

The Photographer Trilogy Box Set (Tainted Series Books 1-3)

All of Sarah's Books can be found in her Personal Amazon Kindle Store HERE


Find Sarah on Social Media Untainted

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