Saturday, September 13, 2014

~~~BOOK BLITZ & GIVEAWAY~~~ TAKE ME DOWN by Lauren H. Kelley

Take me down book blitz

Book Blitz

Take Me Down Cover
Book Title: Take Me Down
Author: Lauren H. Kelley
Genre: Erotic Romance
Release Date: July 2014
Hosted by: Book Enthusiast Promotions


Take Me Down, sizzling hot interracial romance (BWWM), is a stand alone novel in the Suits in Pursuit series.

One night changed destiny. Six years later, Ashley Turner is confronted by the anger and bitterness that has become her crutch. Scars have left her calloused and with an attitude as sour as vinegar served neat, keeping men at a necessary distance.

Real estate investor Sebastian Stone has a huge problem. The high-rise on Peachtree Street is a financial drain on his business. A personal tragedy left him void of a solution and harboring a grudge against women bigger than his salty alter ego.

Fate orchestrates a series of events that unite the two tortured souls, proving their chance acquaintance is anything but coincidence. Unhealed wounds, lies and betrayal at play between them cannot stop the forces of attraction.

To land the promotion Ashley wants and to save everything Sebastian has spent a lifetime building, they are bound by necessity to work together. Unhinged passion erupts, but revenge threatens the second chance at love that fate intended.

Meet the Author

LHK Headshot BW 200x243Lauren H. Kelley is the bestselling author of sizzling hot contemporary romance across the color lines. She aspires to bridge the racial divide with provocative storylines that arouse the senses and transcend race, focusing on issues that unite us all through our shared experiences in love.

Lauren is an active member of Romance Writers of America and lives in the Southeast.

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Friday, September 12, 2014

~~BOOK BLITZ & GIVEAWAY~~ PART OF ME/INSIDE OF YOU (Jessa & Paxton) by Haven Francis

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Title: Part Of Me(Jessa & Paxton Book One)

Genre: Contemporary Romance

Author: Haven Francis

Release Date: July 28, 2014


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Part of Me , the latest New Adult romance from author, Haven Francis. Available July, 29th, 2014.

Within minutes of meeting Jessa, Paxton already understood that he would not be able to let her go if he ever really let her in. Which is why he spent his year in her small Minnesota town playing nice and being her friend. Because Jessa’s future was in Chicago and Chicago was the city where every bad memory Paxton has was made. It was a city he could never return to. And he doesn't want to – he is finally free from his past and living recklessly in California with his Pops and the rest of his Venice family.

But now that he has everything he has ever wanted, he can’t help but want more. And he can’t help but wonder if that more isn't Jessa.

When her first real attempt at commitment leads to a disastrous first month of college in Chicago, Jessa has reaffirmed that in a relationship she will only be one thing – in control. Which means she keeps her relationships filled with sex and void of emotion. But it also means that, in this new life where she hoped to find herself, she is absolutely alone. That is until Paxton sends his friend Violet her way. Suddenly thrust into the life that Paxton left behind and sleeping in the bed in Violet’s apartment that Paxton made so his, Jessa is finally starting to feel like herself. But she is also discovering that she never really knew the guy she considered her best friend. Who the hell is this violent, womanizing, rock god that everyone here is so reluctant to tell her about?

With Jessa firmly planted in Paxton’s past, he can’t seem to let her go. But is heading back to Chicago, the city he is being paid to stay out of, for a girl who will never want anything more than a stable sexual partner worth the risk? Maybe. Maybe he will just have to slide back into his old bed and convince Jessa that part of her is still firmly planted inside of him. Maybe he will have to show her just how well they are made for each other.

Part of Me can be read as a standalone novel or with book two in the series, Inside of You.

Due to explicit sexual content, this book is intended for mature readers.


“Ready to call it a night, beso?”

“Yeah. It’s been a long day – having you around is tiring,” I tell him, flicking him on his arm before heading to my… our… room.

“As far as I can tell it’s you who is fucking up the entire vibe of the city. Things were pretty mellow last time I was here.”

“Funny,” I tell him, heading to the dresser and pulling out my shorts and tank top.

I turn to Paxton who is stripping out of his jeans- his hoodie and t-shirt are already on the floor. I can’t stop myself from running my eyes over his body as he stands before me. He really is beautiful in the coarsest of ways. I really wish his friends hadn’t put me on lockdown these past few weeks because a beautiful man like Paxton, standing before me in the flesh, is making my

insides pound. Jesus, I need to get off ASAP. I look away from Paxton and peel off my dress and bra before pulling on my tank top. I turn back to him as I step into my shorts. He’s lounging in the bed, his arms propped above his head, the tats on the underside of his forearms displayed. I’m very aware that Paxton is watching me dress – something that he has seen before, but his heavy-lidded eyes have me working quick to get myself covered up.

“Pax, are we really sharing that tiny bed?”

“Yeah, beso, we are. Get your ass in here, I want to go to sleep.”

I let out a long breath and then go to him, sliding under the covers, acutely aware of the extra body that is now with me. I’m prepared for him to sling his arm around me but he doesn’t. We just lay next to each other in silence. I’m tired but I can’t sleep, not with him in this bed with me. So close, but in every form of the word, so far away.

“What happened with you and Elijah tonight?” he asks in his deep, quiet voice.

“You know… same shit as usual. You realize that your friends have been all over any guy that even looks my way?” I ask, curious how much of this long process was dictated by him.

He lets out a low laugh. “Fucking with your game, huh?”

“Yeah, they were. I finally find a guy that’s not terrified by the mere mention of your name and… surprise, surprise - the ultimate ladies’ man is nothing but a commitmentaholic underneath his bad boy skin. You would think I would be every man’s dream- all I want is a little release, a little fun. But can I find it? No, Pax, I cannot. I haven’t gotten any action since Dylan and the only kind of action I’ve gotten from him in the last few months is the husband kind. What the hell is wrong with me?” I know I’m spewing, but with anyone but Pax, Emily and Natalie, talking about my unconventional preferences comes off the wrong way. I need a verbal release. I need so many kinds of releases it’s not even funny.

“So he pulled out a ring and you bolted?”

“Yes, he got down on one knee and everything,” I say, snidely. “No. But he pulled the commitment talk out of his ass. I blame you,” I tell Paxton ‘cause I’m pretty sure it was his fault. “You stroll into town, move into my bed, flaunt your good looks in his face and my potential partner in sex pulls out the lockdown.”

Paxton laughs quietly before turning his back to me and making it known he’s calling it a night. “Keep trying, Jess. Your perfect man will come along eventually.”

“There is no perfect man,” I say, hunkering down into bed. “You are about the closest thing that I will ever have to my perfect man.”

“I’ve never gotten you off,” he mutters.

“Exactly, you’re the only guy in my life that I’ve been close to who has never gotten me off and therefore we haven’t ruined what we have. Sometimes I think about that night when I first met you. You were such a prick, but I’m glad. If we would have eventually had sex we wouldn’t have become friends. I wouldn’t have you in my life. It’s scary to think about,” I whisper. Paxton is so quiet, I wonder if he’s sleeping. “I don’t ever want to lose you.”

I wait a minute for him to respond, but it’s clear he’s dozed off. I close my eyes and try to do the same but I can’t. Now that Paxton’s here I just want to be with him. I want to stay up late and talk like we used to. I want to fall asleep on his chest like I used to. I turn and wrap my arms around his naked stomach, fitting my cheek against his warm back. I take in a big breath, letting Paxton’s familiar scent and his warm body comfort me.

Title:Inside Of You(Jessa & Paxton Book Two)

Author: Haven Francis

Genre: Contemporary Romance

Release Date: July 28, 2014


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Inside of You is the followup novel to Part of Me and is the final book in Jessa & Paxton's story.

With Paxton’s past in Glencoe behind him and Jessa’s walls destroyed, Jessa and Paxton are ready to start living. Determined to keep each other safe as they dive into Paxton’s former life with his band, Polly, their relationship deepens and together, they are becoming stronger.

But when a part of Paxton’s past arrives in Chicago, he and Jessa are sent on a physical and emotional journey that will test their love in ways they couldn't have ever seen coming.

Loving each other is easy, but holding onto that love is proving to be the hardest thing they have ever done.

Due to explicit sexual content and harsh language, Inside of You is intended for mature readers.


He whips his car around, pushing too hard on the accelerator. Once he’s heading down the road he reaches out and takes my hand in his. “If I can’t handle this, if it’s too much, I’m coming to get you.”

“Okay,” I agree. I’m not sure that I will actually be able to do this.

“You need to pick up your phone when I call. Don’t go forgetting it somewhere. I need you to pick up when I call.”

“I will,” I tell him.

“You need to remember how much I love you, beso. Don’t start thinking all kinds of fucked up thoughts.”

“I won’t, Pax. This will be good for us. I promise.”

“You’re full of shit, kid. I can’t believe I’m driving you to Dylan. This is fucked up.”

“You know you don’t need to worry about him. You know you don’t have to worry about anyone.”

“Whatever,” he says, shaking his head as we pull into campus.

“Stay away from her, Pax. I don’t want you around her while I’m gone.”

“She doesn’t matter, beso. You know that.”

“Please, Pax. Just stay away from her. Just while I’m gone,” I say, my voice cracking.

“I won’t go near her. I don’t want to be anywhere near her.”

“I’m sorry that I’m being so stupid. That I’m a crazy, jealous bitch.”

“You’re the only one I see, beso,” he says, his voice angry. Frustrated. “Where am I going?”

“It’s that one,” I say, pointing to Dylan’s dorm.

“Jesus, kid. I can’t believe I’m fucking doing this,” he says as Dylan, standing by his car, comes into view.

Paxton pulls up next to his car but he doesn’t release my hand. “Stay here with me, Jess.”

“Don’t, Pax. Don’t do that. I don’t want to go, so don’t do that.”

He lets go of my hand, shaking his head. He gets out of the car and slams his door shut. I get out too and wait while Paxton brings my suitcase to Dylan’s car and puts it in the trunk, slamming it closed. He walks to Dylan’s side and stares down at him. “Get her home and then stay the hell away from her. If you even look at her the wrong way I will kick your ass.”

“Jesus, relax.”

“Don’t tell me to fucking relax. I’m sending my girl off with you – the pathetic asshole who’s still trying to get her to notice him. I know you’re thinking you’re going to have all these hours with her and you’re already coming up with words you are going to say to her. You’re already wondering if you can turn this into something with her. So don’t tell me to fucking relax.”

“I’m not interested in your girl, okay,” he says, stepping out of Paxton’s space and getting in the car, shutting the door before fliping him off.

Paxton manages to ignore him and turns his attention to me. “You know he’s going to try and talk you into something. If you even hint at the fact that you are struggling with what’s going on with us he will play it up, Jessa. Don’t talk about us with him.”

“Paxton, stop. He’s nothing. He’s my ride home.”

Paxton picks me up and wraps me in his arms, I fasten my legs around his waist. “Get your shit straight and then come back to me.”

“I’m going to miss you so much,” I tell him.

“Good, I hope you’re miserable.”

“I will be,” I tell him.

“You deserve it for doing this to us. I’m going to be miserable.”

“Don’t be, Pax. Focus on your music. Your show is going to be great. It’s going to be good. We’re going to be good.”

He kisses me long and hard and when he lets go I have a hard time doing the same thing. “Get the fuck out of here, beso. I’m pissed at you,” he whispers, setting me down on the ground.

“I love you, Pax.”

“Yeah… I love you too,” he says, walking to his car and getting inside. He slams the door and doesn’t look back before he pulls away.

About The Author


My family and I still hang out with my parents every week just because we want to. My room in their house is still filled with a childhood full of books and writing journals… it makes me realize that family and books are, and have always been, vital in my life.

In college my love of both of these things grew when I met a quiet, totally hot, artist who would eventually become my husband and I read, “The Bell Jar”, by Sylvia Plath. If, after reading this statement, you are anticipating semibiographical stories of depression from me, you will be greatly disappointed, but that book really did change my life. I promptly became a double major, adding English literature to my fine arts degree. After graduation I took a great job restoring art, but I eventually found my way into the world of professional writing where I was able to travel the world forecasting trends in the home furnishing industry.

When my first child was born my focus took a drastic turn and I happily gave up my career to be home with her. All of my creative outlets were put on the back burner for several years and then one day... I started writing again. It was exhilarating to write my first book that I hope to publish one day if I can ever whittle it down to an acceptable length. That book was the first of many. Some are unedited, some are far too long, some are only half finished, one is lost completely, four are available on Amazon!

As a wife and mother who left her early twenties behind long, long ago, I have a slightly embarrassing fascination with the period of life that exists within the New Adult bubble – the years that sit awkwardly between childhood and adulthood when nothing is certain, lots of mistakes are made, falling in love is inevitable and you struggle to find yourself. For me, it’s a fun place to escape to and I hope my readers feel the same way!


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~~COVER REVEAL ~~ IDENTITY (Miss Taken, #2) by Cleo Scornavacca

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Title: Identity (Miss Taken, #2)

Author: Cleo Scornavacca

Release Date: Fall 2014



…………..People aren’t always who you believe them to be.

Dominick Kane and Rain Medici started their relationship with one another in the most unconventional way.

He kidnapped her.

With the kidnapping now behind them, life returns to normal, right?

Not a chance.

The push, the pull and their fights for control that we’ve come to love about Dominick and Rain still exist. And so does their passion.

People aren’t who you think they are. Familiar faces are not so familiar. The past and the present collide, opening up all of those old wounds and struggles once again.

Now, everything you thought you knew, gets blown out of the water.

Can Dominick and Rain finally heal what’s broken? Or will new discoveries push them even further apart.

Will love win out

and bring them back together? Or will ghosts of the past ultimately destroy their love once and for all……………..

Identity Teaser 1

Miss Taken (Miss Taken, #1)

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Love........................The Ultimate Loss of Control

Rain and Raven Medici are identical twins. Although they come from a loving close-knit family their childhoods couldn’t have been more different. Raven went to school and was exposed freely to the outside world. Rain on the other hand was born with a blood disorder and denied many normal childhood experiences.

Once grown, Raven becomes a lawyer at their dad’s firm Kane & Medici in NYC. Rain along with her only childhood friend Tommy Conte, builds a very successful business as professional photographers. Traveling between Europe and Manhattan, and enjoying a world that was kept from her, Rain vows never to be controlled again.

Dominick Kane is a product of his upbringing. He’s powerful, self-assured and knows he can achieve anything he desires. Nothing gets in his way. There is only one
thing he has ever failed at. A relationship with his father Vincent Kane. Upon his father’s death, Dominick vows revenge. The events he sets in

motion put him on a

collision course he himself will be unable to control.

In a bizarre twist of fate, Dominick kidnaps Raven as part of his plan for revenge. Only to discover afterward, he has taken Rain by mistake. Rain knows she can never survive being confined again. So she strikes a bargain with the devil and agrees to help Dominick get back what he feels rightly belongs to him. His father’s share of Kane & Medici.

Dominick decides to use the strong attraction growing between Rain and himself to control her in every way imaginable. Too bad no one ever taught Dominick you can’t control the heart. Nothing could have prepared him for the effect Rain would have on his.

Will this plan of revenge turn into unconditional love? Or will Dominick and Rain’s need for control ultimately destroy them and any possible chance for a real future

About the Author


As far back as I can remember, I've loved books. I love reading them and finally, I've admitted to myself that I love to write them.

Since the day I started to write Rain and Dominick's story, I've never looked back, nor do I regret one single moment of it.

When I write, much of the time the story plays in my head as a movie and sometimes even includes background music. We can all use a little background music.

I try to add elements of things I love. And share them with the readers. I'll continue to create characters and stories that you can laugh, cry, love, hate and even become slightly crazy about.

Let's face it, we can all use some crazy every now and then.

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~~~COVER REVEAL & GIVEAWAY~~~ OWNED: An Alpha Anthology


Title: OWNED An Alpha Anthology

Release Date: November 10, 2014

Cover Design by: LM Creations


Prepare to be Owned...

Lose yourself in this collection of never before seen novellas from eleven best selling authors from around the globe.

And the best part - they contain controlling alphas, feisty females and story lines that will have you holding your breath.

Don't miss out on this great anthology by -

Lili Saint Germain

Jani Kay

Callie Hart

Pepper Winters

Lilliana Anderson

Rachel Brookes

Chelle Bliss

Lila Rose

Lyra Parish

Lesley Jones

Nina Levine

Pre-Order Owned today!

Meet the Owned Authors

OWNED Authors

Be sure to stop back as we reveal each book in the OWNED Anthology ...

September 15 Nina Levine

September 18 Jani Kay

September 22 Callie Hart

September 25 Lilliana Anderson

September 29 Pepper Winters

October 2 Chelle Bliss

October 6 Lyra Parish

October 9 Lila Rose

October 13 Rachel Brookes

October 16 Lili Saint Germain

October 20 Lesley Jones

Enter the Giveaway!

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~~~COVER REVEAL~~~ LAST CALL by M.S. Brannon

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Author: M.S. Brannon

Release Date: September 22, 2014



My name is Mariah Huxley, and I’m a reformed slut.

The only year I attended college, I spent on my back, living on a constant high from sex and booze. That was, until my wayward ways left me with the greatest responsibility one could have.

Fast forward seven years, and I am Mariah Huxley, a twenty-six-year-old, single mother, living in the unforgiving world as an adult. I work hard to take care of us, and I am happy. I’m happy until I close my eyes at night and realize that’s not the case at all. Something is missing. My soul, my body, and my heart—they’ve all been drained of anything exciting. That’s until the night I finally allow myself to live, and I meet him

When he touches me, I awaken and slowly become resurrected. However, will the relationship we’ve started be one I’m prepared to handle? I am strong enough to endure many things, but am I strong enough to sustain this connection with him.
My name is Jason Cain, and I am who I am.

Some may call me determined, but the majority of society views me as a prick. To them, I’m an arrogant jerk who defies the standard rules of life to get what I want. I couldn’t agree more.

I was born on the streets, loved by no one. The only person I had was me. Once adopted by the state, I vowed to myself to become a man of means. I vowed to become a man who would be respected from the moment I walked in a room.

Fast forward several years, and I am Jason Cain, a thirty-two-year-old, successful entrepreneur, and self-made millionaire. My life is all about time, which includes making gut reaction business deals, growing my empire, and being in the company of beautiful women. I have time for only one thing, my satisfaction. That’s until the night she strolls into my nightclub.

When she touches me, I feel every wall I’ve built up slowly crumble around me. I disintegrate. However, will the relationship we’ve started be one I can leave behind? Or will I lose the part of me that’s kept me going my entire life? Am I strong enough to survive her?Or will this be our last call?

Mature Content Warning:

This book is not intended for younger readers due to strong language and sexual content.

About the Author

M.S. Brannon

M.S. Brannon was born and raised in the Midwest. She still resides there today with her wonderful husband and son. When she is not writing or reading, she spends time with her family, watching movies, and discovering new music. M.S. writes romance because she believes love and heartache is the rawest emotion one can experience.

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Zoey Rogue by Lizzy Ford

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TITLE – “Zoey Rogue”
SERIES – The Incubatti Series
AUTHOR – Lizzy Ford
GENRE – new adult
PUBLICATION DATE – already published
LENGTH (Pages/# Words) - 178
PUBLISHER – Evatopia Press


“Buffy” meets “50 Shades”
He only needs three nights to make her his …
With more heart than sense, fearless, beautiful Zoey has saved countless college-aged women from horrifying deaths at the hands of supernatural sadists. She may be a mere half-succubus in a society that views half-breeds with derision, but she still retains the highest rescue rate of any Hunter in the Sucubatti society.
As the calm, disciplined leader of the Incubatti Enforcers, Declan is the polar opposite of Zoey – and the sworn enemy of her society. Forced to rescue her one night, Declan realizes two things: he doesn’t need someone as wild and independent as Zoey in his life – and he can’t live without her.
In this world, there’s only one incubus for every sucubatti and Zoey and Declan are stuck with each other. They’re just as likely to kill each other as they are to yield to each other’s sex magic.
She has authority issues and drinks too much. He is the irresistibly sexy incubus pre-ordained to tame her. Neither can fight their intense attraction, and yet trusting each other is out of the question.
What happens when their worlds crash down around them?
Strike three. You’re mine.



Lizzy Ford is the author of over seventeen novels written for young adult and adult paranormal romance readers, to include the internationally bestselling Rhyn Trilogy, Witchling Trilogy and the War of Gods series. Considered a freak of nature by her peers for the ability to write and release a commercial quality novel in under a month, Lizzy has focused on keeping her readers happy by producing brilliant, gritty romances that remind people why true love is a trial worth enduring.
Lizzy’s books can be found on every major ereader library, to include: Amazon, Barnes and Noble, iBooks, Kobo, Sony and Smashwords. She lives in southern Arizona with her husband, three dogs and a cat.


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Cover Reveal

Book Title: Stronger
Author: Sarah Greyson
Genre: New Adult/Military/Erotic/Romantic Suspense
Release Date: September 26, 2014
Hosted by: Book Enthusiast Promotions


Haunted by the loss of his beloved fiancée a year and a half ago at the hands of a terrorist cell, ex-Green Beret Rob Fabik doesn’t know how to let go. The sounds and sights of her death replay in his mind, and he tortures himself with the guilt he feels over not being able to save her life, distracting himself with alcohol and women.

Attending Harvard University, Lola Sardeson is a down-to-earth, rich girl who is tired of living under her father’s thumb. One night out with friends quickly turns into a nightmare as she is kidnapped from a busy Boston nightclub. Her nightmare intensifies as she learns that the Ortiz Cartel sells young, innocent girls into the sex-slave trade.

The Unit’s mission is to rescue Lola from the nefarious clutches of the Ortiz Cartel. From the instant Rob sees Lola, she touches something deep inside him, drawing out his protective nature. These feelings only serve to intensify the guilt he feels over losing his dead fiancée.

Forced by circumstance under the same roof, Lola inspires Rob to grow stronger. Can he suppress his feelings for Lola, or will guilt consume him alive? Can he forgive himself for not saving his fiancée? Can Rob save Lola and protect her from the greedy hands of the Ortiz Cartel?

Meet the Author

Sarah is an Amazon Best Selling Author. She lives in Virginia with her husband, two children, and four spoiled animals. She earned her Bachelor's Degree in Communications with a concentration in Professional Writing and her Master's Degree in Education.

When she is not writing or spending time with her family, she loves reading sizzling romantic suspense novels that make her blush. She loves a glass of pinot grigio, back-yard barbecues with friends and family, and helping her kids with their homework (in that order).

Her interests span all genres: from Catcher in the Rye by J. D. Salinger to Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury to Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen to Slave by Shari Hayes to The Art of Happiness by Dalai Lama XIV. Sarah's favorite genres are contemporary romantic suspense and erotic suspense; the types of novels she crafts. While the concepts are familiar and comfortable, she brings her own unique story and personality to everything she writes. She loves the feeling of crafting a spicy, action-packed novel. Writing is her passion. She wants to leave her readers breathless after experiencing the intense ride that is her novel.

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