Wednesday, March 4, 2015

~~~BLOG TOUR WITH REVIEW & GIVEAWAY~~~ Acquiesce by Cory Cyr

Title: Acquiesce
Author: Cory Cyr
Genre: Adult, Erotic Romance
Release Date: December 30, 2014
****18+ due to adult language and explicit sexual content*****

Caspian Vance~former child prodigy, now an accomplished professor of human sexuality at twenty-six has it all—an IQ that's off the charts, a stellar career at which he excels, and the drop-dead looks and body that make women spontaneously combust with lust.

He's been studying sex and women's behavior since he was sixteen. When it comes to the science of human lust and the rewards of sexual pursuits, he has all the answers.

There's one thing he knows for sure: "love" has nothing to do with it. 

Sex is a basic, primal human need—love is an unstable, emotional complication. Both are present in a person, but completely unrelated. His own world of logic and fact accepts this truth and now. . .

He's going to prove it.

When Cass takes a sabbatical to research his theory in order to write his third book, he enlists the help of a former lover and now owner of the world's most exotic and secretive male brothel catering strictly to wealthy older women. On this remote Caribbean island, he uses his keen sense of observation and research to prove "love" is merely a series of chemical reactions in the human brain—nothing more.

Nicola Barrington~ had the perfect life, married to her soul mate.Ten years into her one and only relationship, her idyllic world is shattered by the death of her beloved husband. The loss of her "one true love" sends her into seclusion where she spends the next eleven years pining for the man she still loves.

The beautiful heiress, stays hidden away, her only connection to the outside world being being the hired help and her two close friends. Her friends know Nic has much to live for and are eager to see her find love again. . . and if not love, they would settle for her rediscovering the throes of lust.

As her 40th birthday approaches, her two friends succeed in coaxing her out of her emotionally safe haven to celebrate with a trip to an exclusive resort known for "restoring an older woman's brilliant, inner glow."

Caspian’s superiority and logic combined with Nic's innocence and melancholy are on an imminent collision course. Sometimes even a genius has a hard time figuring out a woman.

~~~REVIEW ~~~
I received a copy of Acquiesce by Cory Cyr in exchange for an honest review.  I have to say HOLY HOTNESS!!!!!   WOW!!!! I didn't know what I was going to be reading cause I signed up for the blog tour and said hey why not check this book out.  I know it was going to have some sex in it and such but didn't know more than that.  Well let me tell you after reading it I just have to say WOW!!  Very well written. I really like how Cory took Nicola who was an 11 year widow and had two of her friends "kidnap" her to take her out of the house seems she has been out since her husband passed away.  Well they take her to this place where well it all about men and sex hoping to change Nicola and get her out of her shell.  I like how she developed a "friendship" with Cass to the point she could actually talk to him.  Cass's cousin owns Acquiesce and he is there not as an employee but trying to observe for his research.  It was a very good and fast read. I really got sucked into this book and wanted to see how Nicola's life became.



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Tuesday, March 3, 2015


Greater Expectations - Banner


TITLE – Greater Expectations

AUTHOR – Alexander McCabe

GENRE – Romantic Comedy

PUBLICATION DATE – August 5th 2014

LENGTH (Pages/# Words) – 257 pages / approx. 90,000 words

PUBLISHER – Self published ebook

COVER ARTIST – Kirsty C. Maclauchlan


It is said that the course of true love never runs smooth - even for us men. Yet it has never been easier to find love than in this modern digital era where the mighty computer has all but rendered Cupid redundant. Love is now to be found, quite literally, at your fingertips. Although love also seems to have changed with the times. This new love is deceitful and manipulative, cunning and untrustworthy. Love has gotten ugly. Thankfully, not all the answers to life’s mysteries are to be found in the computer and Cupid - battered and bruised as he may be - proves that he still has some game and a few tricks up his sleeve…

Greater Expectations - Book Cover



When first I met my now estranged wife during our Master’s year at university, I was seeing someone else too. In the main, this defines me as a “bastard”, although I preferred to think of myself as a “player”. Indeed I would argue that it falls under the guise of “sowing wild oats”. That’s the phrase that makes the practice somehow acceptable, and mothers the world over tell their sons that this is what they need to do before they settle down. The rite of passage into manhood as it were. At least, it’s what my mother told me. Women may argue this point - sorry, women will argue this point - but then they become mothers.

Naturally, they just don’t want those “wild oats” sown with their own daughters.

However, it is a fallacy to think that we men are completely heartless. I realised that I actually liked the girl that I eventually married so quickly ended all contact with the third party. In actual fact, she was a girl that I had been seeing first but only by a matter of a few weeks. I got the usual tirade of “bastard” texts, emails, and drunken voicemails. “I thought you were different” being the obligatory phrase that she just had to use during every one of these “opportunities”. In one particular instance, during which she also branded me a “coward”, I foolishly responded. I explained to her that I was merely being cruel to be kind as it was blatantly obvious to me that there we had no future together. Furthermore, after everything that had been said and done – more on her part now than mine - she would surely realise and accept that there was no going back as any trust and respect that had been built was now completely shattered.

I got the following reply:

“See, I knew you were different. That was lovely, you thinking of me and my feelings and us and our future. Why can’t we make this work? We can, you just have to trust yourself to trust me. Call me.”

It took another six weeks of ignoring and blocking her before she finally gave up. We had only been dating, if it could ever have been called that, for three weeks.

It takes true courage and bravery to finish any relationship. As my marital separation was only a week old, I understood that there may be some element of hope that we could fix it and move on. Yet I knew there was no way I could, or would, allow myself to stoop to such a level of indignity. My sense of pride has taken a pounding and is undoubtedly battered and bruised, but it is still there, standing tall and intact, however weakly. It is also getting stronger with every passing day.

All thanks to “Hope”.

“Hope” is a very strange feeling that displaces others such as “confidence”, “faith”, and “trust” and one that I have naturally gravitated towards my entire life. We are old friends, hope and I. Never have I dared to have “confidence” in my academic or sporting abilities, rather I always “hoped” that I would perform at my best as necessitated in any particular circumstance. When things had gone better than I had even dared “hope”, then I defaulted to the notion that is was merely my “good luck”, and vice versa. “Luck” has always provided me an excuse for all of life’s highs and lows and everything in between. Now I wanted to change all that. Now I wanted to control my existence.

Now I wanted to stir the stagnant pool that is my life proactively to feel like I am living again.

So that may well explain why I am now sat in only my boxer shorts in front of my computer, as the rain batters the window behind my curtains, and trying to focus on completing an online dating profile that includes a “personal statement” section. Apparently, its purpose is to allow me to describe myself in as broadly generic terms as possible in order to seem “normal” and “average” - and so maximising my appeal - whilst also trying to ensure that I am unique enough as to stand out. The logic of the concept is irrefutable and yet fantastically ridiculous.

It is also proving so challenging to the point of being quite impossible.

As a truck driver, I work most weekends and so this job commitment removes the more conventional ways of meeting women. Using a dating site makes far more sense in this new age of technology as it allows for an immediate connection without the need to wait for the weekend, or the demand of a decent chat up line. It cuts to the chase, so to speak. The site has posted a statistic that states over 28% of couples now “meet” online, so I am still happily in the minority.

However, it is utterly galling to me that I should ever try to be “normal” or “average” to anyone as I have never considered myself as such.

It seems to me to be morally fraudulent. 

Online dating. It really is quite an absurd concept yet totally in concert with the modern era where people are too busy with work and life to take the time and make the effort for actually dating. Yet where is the romance of it? You will never hear a love song that refers to such sites. Can you imagine Rod Stewart singing “The Algorithm of my Heart”, or some such like?

No? Me neither.


After graduating with a couple of useless degrees in law, I left my Scottish homeland and wandered nomadically around the globe to experience the rich diversity of culture that the world has to offer.

On my travels, I met my Canadian wife in New Zealand, we were married in Scotland and now live in Canada with our newborn son. Although we currently call Toronto home, this is not yet a permanent arrangement and, rather alarmingly, we are perfectly happy about that…


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~~~RELEASE BLITZ & GIVEAWAY~~~ SCORCH (Delirious, #3) by Clarissa Wild

Muscular young guy with kettle bell

Title: SCORCH (Delirious, #3)

Author: Clarissa Wild

Genre: Dark Erotic Romance

Release Date: March 3, 2015



Sweet revenge keeps her alive … and drives her to kill.

I am the forgotten one, the girl who was left for dead.

In this mental hospital I call prison I plot my revenge.

I remember everything.

Their faces. Their touch. Even their smell.

What they did to me was beyond cruel. I’m going to return the favor.

In here I survive by using someone just as they used me. One of them wants to claim me as his own. A man without mercy, without a conscience, craving the wickedness inside me. But I won’t be a puppet for his desires. I will play his strings like a puppeteer and use him to escape.

And when I do … I will kill them all.

This is Ashley's story and the final book in the Delirious Series. This is a full-length novel. These books should be read in order.

WARNING: This book contains very disturbing situations, strong language, dubious consent, and graphic violence.



I stomp on his balls so hard he squeals like a pig.

“Aw.” I laugh out loud. “Look at you, screaming like a little girl.”

“Please, stop. Don’t do this,” he grunts, heaving.

“Why would I? You never did.” I lean in, grab him by the hair, and pull back. “All you fuckers are the same, thinking you can get away with stealing someone’s innocence.”

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” he sputters over and over again.

“You should have thought of that before you jingled your balls, dude.”

“I can’t change the past, but I am sorry. I’m so sorry …” he whimpers.

“Stop. You’re pathetic, but it won’t make me go easy on you. So just stop the crying. It doesn’t work on me.”

“Please.” Suddenly, he grabs my hand. “I’ll do anything. It doesn’t have to be like this. I can change it all.”

I jerk my hand free. “No, you can’t. It’s too late for any of that.” I grab my bag and start rummaging through it, but he tries to scramble up and leave. As I finally find what I’m looking for, a pair of cuffs and a stapler, I walk toward him and kick him in the back. I hear something snap, and a god-awful sound explodes from his mouth.

He falls to the ground with a flop, screaming his lungs out.

“Whoops.” I laugh. “I guess you don’t like Brokeback Mountain. The mountain being me, in this case. Television ain’t all that, now is it?”

He cries out as I haul him back to the couch and cuff him to the heater. His hand is so close he screams even more.

“Burn, motherfucker,” I say, chuckling to myself.

“Please!” he begs.

“Please, end your life quicker?” I ask, leaning in with raised brows.

He nods quickly, trembling in place.

I shake my head. “No.”

“Yes,” he pleads.

“No.” I frown. “But I guess you don’t understand that word, now do you?”

He shakes his head even more so.

I shrug. “Oh well, it’s time for you to learn what it means when you don’t listen and use someone for your own pleasure.”

I place the stapler on the table and search through my bag until I find a pair of scissors, which are so sharp the blade cuts me when I reach for it. His eyes almost bulge out of his head as he sees me grab all these tools. I smile at him, fascinated by the decline of his sanity. Or mine. I’m not sure.

Delirious Series

SCORCH (Delirious, #3)

                           Amazon US |Amazon UKiBOOKS | B&N | KOBO | GOOGLE PLAY

SEEK (Delirious, #0.5)

SNARE (Delirious, #1)

SEIZE (Delirious, #2)

About the Author


Clarissa Wild is the USA Today Bestselling author of FIERCE, a college romance series, but she's best known for the dark Romance novel Mr. X. She is also a writer of erotic romance such as the Blissful Series, The Billionaire's Bet series, the Doing It Series and the Enflamed Series. She is an avid

reader and writer of sexy stories about hot men and feisty women. Her other loves include her furry cat friend and learning about different cultures. In her free time she enjoys watching all sorts of movies, reading tons of books and cooking her favorite meals.

Check out my sexy books:

Connect with Clarissa


love 2

Monday, March 2, 2015


Title: Dismantling Evan
Author: Venessa Kimball
Genre: YA/Teen/Contemporary/Fiction/Romance 
Hosted by: Lady Amber's Tours


Life is unstable...

…What will be the trigger to dismantle it? When high school senior Evangeline "Evan" Phillips moves half way across the country with her parents to a quaint town in Texas, it should be a chance to start over. It should be. Typical of Evan, she doesn’t share her parents’ optimism. Always the loner, she is prepared to hide behind work at the school newspaper until graduation. That is the seemingly bulletproof plan until she meets her new neighbors, Gavin and Brody Ferguson. The more Evan gets to know her neighbors, their band of friends, and frenemies, the more unsettling her new high school and community gets in Braxton Springs, Texas.

As Evan unwittingly digs deeper into the lives of those around her, her own skeletons begin to surface leaving her vulnerable and scrambling to keep her own sanity and reputation. Will Evan be able to get control over her spiraling secrets while discovering friendship and love for the first time? Or will the issues and pressures of life as a band of not-so-average teens in a very typical high school become too much, resulting in the tragic dismantlement of an entire community and Evan herself? Dismantling Evan is a fresh and edgy work of literary fiction that snapshots how life as a teen in modern society can be unstable and the social issues and pressures revolving around them can tip the     fleeting stability of society over the edge.

Author Bio: 
Having always been passionate about the written word, Venessa Kimball embarked on writing what would become her debut novel, Piercing the Fold: Book 1; a young adult/ adult crossover, paranormal, science fiction, dystopian series. July 2, 2012, Venessa Kimball independently published the first book in the Piercing the Fold series. Book 2, Surfacing the Rim, released March 14, 2013. In August of 2013, Venessa joined the publishing house, Crushing Hearts and Black Butterfly. The Piercing the Fold series has been re-published with CHBB beginning with Piercing the Fold: Book 1 on September 3, 2013. Surfacing the Rim: Book 2 re-published on September 24, 2013 and Ascending the Veil: Book 3 released November 2013. The fourth book in the series, Transcending the Legacy: Book 4 released May 13, 2014. Kimball's compelling teen contemporary fiction novel, Dismantling Evan, released  January 13, 2015.

As for the future, Venessa is already filling her Work-In-Progress folder. When Venessa is not writing, she is keeping active with her husband and three children; chauffeuring said children to extracurricular activities, catching a movie with her hubby, and staying up way too late reading.

You can find Venessa Kimball socially at the following:

Amazon US Author Link:

Amazon UK Author Link:




I received a copy of Dismantling Evan in exchange for an honest review.  I really enjoyed this book and I could really relate to Evan. Venessa Kimball did a great job touching on mental illness. I do give this book 5 stars.  I like how she touches on teenagers and them having the mental illness.

Excerpt: (Prologue)

I peer out the small, shattered multi-faceted glass window. The fractured

sun shines through, striking the origami swan he left for me. It isn't

enough sunlight to warm my chilled bones. The space around me is

simple; wooden bench, wooden table top, two cabinets, a light switch.

The countertop is wiped clean of all things except one singular item;

evidence of Gavin's life, Brody's, my parents, my life. His

loose-paper, neatly typed journal entries and photo paper lives are

captured and stacked in a grey folder I hold tightly against my chest.

The wind blows outside the workshed, slipping through the porous

cracks and crevices of the wooden slats. I want to hush it, make

everything around me still, so I can think, but it doesn't matter if the

sound exists really because there is no one to disturb; other than me.

This shed, even though it is mostly new, has witnessed so much. At least

it was saved from seeing what happened to us outside its walls weeks

I relax my grip on the folder, place it on the countertop and sit on a stool

in front of it. My fingers play across the hand-written quote - “Not all
who wander are lost.”1 Tolkien's words.

I smile thinking of how fitting it was that Gavin had chosen those words

in particular. Everything it held... his family, flawed and breaking apart,

his friends, his favorite quotes, his torturers, and the illness that tortured

him even more... this journal held it all and the quote suits it. The journal

is a testament to his battle - fighting to understand everyone around him,

everything around him, and most of all fighting to understand himself.

It so happens I was fighting at the same time; he fought differently, but I

couldn't prevent getting wrapped up in the breakdown of it all; the

The sound of the gun, the yelling and screaming, the sirens, the deputy's

walkie talkie static prominent in my ears even now. The flashing lights

and all the cries...they haunt me still; an echo below the surface of true

solid sound. An echo of life as I knew it a few short weeks ago.

~~~ Release Day Blitz~~~ Dante's Redemption by Jaime Whitley




6c0d2-synopsisDante Santoro knew he was destined for great things. Growing up with two dead beat parents, Dante was forced to become an adult before his time. Deciding to change the world, Dante distanced himself from the only life he knew, the life of drugs and crime.

After going through school and training, Dante became a detective in the local police force. Keeping focused on getting drugs off the streets, he limited friends and outside connections.

Finding himself the perfect candidate to go undercover, he never anticipated the one person he thought was safe could jeopardize it all.

Will Dante be able to succeed at making the streets a safer place or will his destiny alter the course of the life he lives forever?






Jaime Nicole Whitley is a wife and a stay at home mom to her two children. She grew up in New Jersey where she continued her education and became a medical assistant. She now lives in North Carolina where her husband is stationed with the Army. Jaime also co-writes novels under the name Lena Nicole.

Hosted By:



All Your Reasons

by Nina Levine

Release Date: March 2nd 

The first book in Nina Levine's NEW rockstar series!

When heartbreaker meets ball breaker, sparks will fly.

Rockstar, Jett Vaughn, isn’t against settling down, but no woman has ever held his attention long enough for a relationship to develop. That is until he meets Presley Hart. She’s confident, opinionated and headstrong. She drives him to the edge of crazy, but he can’t deny how she makes him feel.

He wants her heart, but she only wants his body.

Presley’s not against giving her heart to a man, but she has too many reasons why he’s not the one to give it to. Jett isn’t a man who will take no for an answer though. He’s about to declare war on her reasons and take what he wants.


ONLY 99c


He slowly moves his face away from mine and drinks some of his drink.  As he places the glass back on the bar, he says, “I’m Jett.”


A smile tugs at his lips.  “Your parents are Elvis fans?”  

“My mother is and my father is blinded by love.  She could have called me Elvis and he wouldn’t have blinked.”

This inspires a laugh out of him.  “Your parents are still happily married?”

“Yeah, go figure.  How many marriages do you know of that are still going strong after thirty years?”

His eyes twinkle.  “My parents are still happy after thirty-five years.  I guess you and I are like some weird science experiment.  It kinda sucks, really.”

Frowning, I ask, “Why?”

He throws the rest of his drink back, his eyes still twinkling.  “When you don’t come from a fucked-up family, you can hardly blame your issues on your parents, can you?  Nope, you and me, we have to own our fucking issues.”

I burst out laughing.  “You are so right.  Shit, pass me my drink, I can’t cope with this knowledge.”

Shaking his head, he holds my drink away from me.  “Bad idea, sweetheart.  You have no one to blame your alcoholism on except yourself.  I suggest you give up alcohol straight away and find a new vice that’s not as socially unacceptable as alcohol addiction.”

Oh, this is fun.  I raise my eyebrows.  “What do you suggest?”

He doesn’t even hesitate.  “Sex addiction.  Take that shit up.  Much easier to hide from public view.  And a lot more fucking fun than dealing with hangovers.”

“I wouldn’t know the first thing about taking that up.  You think you could help me with that?”

He pulls a face like it’s the hardest question he’s ever been asked.  Nodding, he says, “Sure.  You want to get started now?”

My core clenches at the thought, and I lean into him and say, “You’ve no idea how much I want to get started on that now, Jett.”

He sucks in a breath, and his hand curls around my neck.  “You sure?  Because once I’m finished with you, you’re going to have an addiction that will be hard to kick.”


I received a copy of All Your Reasons by Nina Levine in 

exchange for an honest review. I have to say Nina did a great 

job with the rockstar story. Presley who is a photographer 

and is legally married by wants out from her husband. She 

meets Jett and they have this crazy relationship. It was a fast 

fun read and totally different then Nina's MC stories. Can't 

wait to read book 2





Available to Purchase Ebook/Paperback: CLICK HERE

                          ABOUT NINA LEVINE

USA Today Bestselling Author Nina Levine, is an Aussie author who writes stories about hot, alpha men and the tough, independent women they love.

When she isn't creating with words, she loves to create with paint and paper. Often though, she can be found curled up with a good book and some chocolate.