Everyday in the month of November I will be having daily post regarding me and my blog. Thanks to #BookBlogWriMo I signed up for it will help my viewers no more about me and why I started the blog as well as calling it Little Red's Book Reviews. Even why I have a Little Red Reading Panda Bear as my Logo.
DAY ONE of my #BookBlogWriMo:
History of Your Blog - Tell us how you got started! When did you start your blog? Why? What have been some of your trials and tribulations? How many pigs did you have to sacrifice to get people to see your Facebook posts?
Well I really enjoyed doing some blog work on an old coupon site. Well I love to read and I really want to share the love. I figured why not have it so I can promote authors whether it is cover reveals, release day or any other things they made need especially reviews.
While talking to a fellow blogger Angela Pratt of I Feel the Need,the Need To Read she helped me with naming my blog. My CB Handle is Little Red and I love Panda Bears. Well seems I was going to be reviewing books and such why not Little Red's Book Reviews. With it being Little Red most people associate Little Red Riding Hood and I love Panda Bears they are my favorite I was passing things back and forth with Angela and I told her what I had thought about she thought it would be great.
Well an old web designer had a giveaway going on that they would design a blog for their Grand Opening and I was lucky enough that I won. I really loved what the webdesigner came up with and I hope you all do too. There are days especially this year where I had to many deaths of friends and family members I had lost some interest in blogging. I still did it but didn't have that spark that had been there. Well I am getting it back so I am really really thankful for this #BookBlogWriMo cause it is going to be a challenge that's for sure.
As far as promoting my blog it was a matter of sharing with Angela and then sharing on my Facebook page. Also talking with authors they joined as well. I know I don't have thousands of followers and some day I hope I have a bunch but I love the followers I have. I would like to take the time to thank you all. March 16, 2013 I started the blog.
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