Saturday, November 1, 2014

~~~DAY ONE~~~ #BookBlogWriMo

   Everyday in the month of November I will be having daily post regarding me and my blog.  Thanks to #BookBlogWriMo I signed up for it will help my viewers no more about me and why I started the blog as well as calling it Little Red's Book Reviews.  Even why I have a Little Red Reading Panda Bear as my Logo. 

DAY ONE of my #BookBlogWriMo:

History of Your Blog - Tell us how you got started! When did you start your blog? Why? What have been some of your trials and tribulations? How many pigs did you have to sacrifice to get people to see your Facebook posts?

Well I really enjoyed doing some blog work on an old coupon site.  Well I love to read and I really want to share the love.  I figured why not have it so I can promote authors whether it is cover reveals, release day or any other things they made need especially reviews.         

  While talking to a fellow blogger Angela Pratt of I Feel the Need,the Need To Read she helped me with naming my blog.  My CB Handle is Little Red and I love Panda Bears.  Well seems I was going to be reviewing books and such why not Little Red's Book Reviews.  With it being Little Red most people associate Little Red Riding Hood and I love Panda Bears they are my favorite I was passing things back and forth with Angela and I told her what I had thought about she thought it would be great.  

    Well an old web designer had a giveaway going on that they would design a blog for their Grand Opening and I was lucky enough that I won.     I really loved what the webdesigner came up with and I hope you all do too.      There are days especially this year where I had to many deaths of friends and family members I had lost some interest in blogging. I still did it but didn't have that spark that had been there.  Well I am getting it back so I am really really thankful for this #BookBlogWriMo cause it is going to be a challenge that's for sure.

    As far as promoting my blog it was a matter of sharing with Angela and then sharing on my Facebook page.  Also talking with authors they joined as well.   I know I don't have thousands of followers and some day I hope I have a bunch but I love the followers I have.  I would like to take the time to thank you all.    March 16, 2013 I started the blog.

Visit Book Bumblings to join the fun!


Friday, October 31, 2014

~~~RELEASE DAY BLITZ & GIVEAWAY ~~~ THAT MAN 4 (The Wedding Story Part 1) by Nelle L'Amour

TM4 Rel Banner

Title: That Man 4 (The Wedding Story Part 1)

Genre: New Adult Erotic Romance

Release Date: October 31, 2014

Cover Artist: Arijana Karcic, Cover It! Designs



Nelle L’Amour’s USA Today bestselling THAT MAN series continues with more laughter, more drama, and more scorchin’ hot Blake Burns.

You are invited to the wedding of the century…

700 guests and counting.

All Blake’s tiger wanted was a small wedding in her parents’ backyard.

But with Blake’s controlling mother calling the shots, not to mention the wedding planner from hell, Jennifer’s patience is tested.

Meanwhile, Blake has to deal with a skeleton in the closet: a jealous, delusional woman from his past who harbors a secret…

A big secret…one that threatens to tear the perfect couple apart.

Will Blake and Jennifer get their happily ever after?

The THAT MAN series concludes with the epic, gripping final episode, coming in December 2014.

Buy The Book

That Man 4 Cover

Barnes & Noble:

About The Author


Nelle L’Amour is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author who lives in Los Angeles with her Prince Charming-ish husband, twin teenage princesses, and a bevy of royal pain-in-the-butt pets. A former executive in the entertainment and toy industries with a prestigious Humanitus Award to her credit, she gave up playing with Barbies a long time ago but still enjoys playing with toys with her husband. While she writes in her PJs, she loves to get dressed up and pretend she’s Hollywood royalty.

Her books include the highly rated Seduced by the Park Avenue Billionaire Boxed Set, Undying Love, Gloria’s Secret, Gloria’s Revenge and the That Man trilogy. Gloria’s Forever, a novella, will be published in Spring 2014.


“Are you ready for part two of this gift?”

My tiger eyed me suspiciously. “And that would be—”

“The fun part. You get to ride me.”

Jen’s face lit up like a little kid about to go on one of those coin-operated mechanical horsey rides. Wasting no time, she tore off my boxers she had on and repositioned herself, straddling my lap with my cock impaled inside her. Gripping her hips, I bucked her hard as she rode me up and down. I hissed. Fuck, yeah! This was good. So fucking good and for both of us. Holding on to my shoulders, she got to control the pace while I got to go as deep and as hard as I could. I repeatedly hit her G-spot with each powerful thrust. She shrieked with pleasure each time I did.

I gazed at her heated face. Her head arched back, she looked so impassioned, and I was mesmerized by the way the dangling earrings I’d just given her shook and shimmered. Quivering as if they were having little orgasms of their own. I was tempted to nibble her lobes but worried in my state of lust I might bite off an earring and swallow it whole.

I gripped her hips tighter as she accelerated her pace. The friction and heat of her rubbing against my thick length felt so fucking amazing.

“Do you like your present?”

“Oh, God, yes!” she panted out. “I’m so close to coming!”

“Good, baby,” I groaned.

On the next deep thrust, she fell apart with a thunderous “Yes” and I could feel her throbbing all around my pulsing cock. Her body shook as I grunted out my own explosive climax and met hers full on. Spent and sweaty, we collapsed onto each other, her arms wrapping around me. We stayed in that position for several sweet minutes as we rode our orgasms out.

Five minutes later, we were nestled side by side, her head resting on my chest. We were almost recovered. Now close to five, the sun had begun its disappearing act and cast a mellow amber glow.

Jen traced lazy, ticklish circles on my chest. “Baby, I’ll never be able to top that birthday present.”

I playfully flicked the tip of her cute upturned nose. “Don’t worry, you will.”

“Do you have something in mind?”

“Yeah, I do.” I was turning the big three-O.

“How ‘bout a hint?”

“I want to wake up to my wife.”

I felt her jolt against me. “What are you saying, Blake?”

“What I’m saying is that I want to marry you on the day before my birthday.”

“December twentieth? Gosh, Blake. That’s only two months away.”

“Jen, we’ve been engaged for over five months and it’s time to set a date. My mother has been driving me crazy.”

Jen giggled. “Mine too. I keep telling her that we’ve just been too busy at work.”

Which was true. Except I’d checked our calendars and had come to the conclusion that Saturday, the twentieth, would be a perfect time to get married. With Christmas around the corner, most of our SIN-TV productions would be shut down and our offices would be closed until

January third—giving us an opportunity to go on a two-week honeymoon. I explained all this to Jen. She agreed. It made total sense.

She rolled on top of me and gave me a hot spontaneous kiss. “Oh my God, Blake, we’re really going to get married!” The excitement in her voice was contagious. I smashed my lips against hers. “Yes, you’re going to become Mrs. Blake Burns, and tonight we’re going to break the news to our parents.”

“My mother is going to be so excited!” Jen beamed. “She’s been planning our wedding forever.”

I didn’t know if Jen could feel my heart skip a beat. I quietly gulped. And so had my mother. Instead of letting her know this, I urged her to take a shower with me and get ready for our dinner.

The future Mrs. Blake Burns had another surprise in store.

That man banner

That Man 1(FREE For A LimitedTime)

That Man 2

That Man 3


love 2

~~~FREE OCT 31st and NOV 1st~~ Walking in the Shadows by Cassandra Giovanni

Walking in the Shadows by Cassandra Giovanni
Genre: YA Romantic Thriller

       Seconds seem like a lifetime when the life you lived is slowly drained out of you by those who care not what you felt, hoped, or dreamed. When the darkness comes it is all-consuming, there is no light and there is no pain. It is the never-ending loss of hope that now consumes me as I die in his arms.

This is Abigail Martin’s nightmare.

After her parents become the first victims of a serial killer obsessed with the vampire saga Crimson Reign, Abigail does the only thing that she thinks will save her from her parent’s fate–she becomes some one else. As Vera MacIntrye she falls in love with the very handsome Tad Knightley, and then walks into her first day at her new school to see him standing at the front of the classroom. He’s every teenage girl’s fantasy and he’s Vera’s gone completely wrong as he writes “Mr. Knightley: AP British Literature” across the white board. The one person who filled the gaping hole in her heart will soon rip it wide open again. Vera struggles to adjust to being a ‘normal’ teenager with very adult responsibilities like paying the rent, buying groceries and making sure that lights stay on, while being drawn time and time again back to her off-limits teacher. What’s worse is he is drawn to her too, and their world’s can’t stay apart when Tad finds Vera screaming in terror in the parking lot after the winter formal. The murderer has struck again and is getting closer to its next target–Vera. Tad will do whatever he can to save her, even if it means losing his dream job, but will it be enough when the murderer is closer than anyone ever thought?


  Amazon Bestselling Author
Pieces of Perfection (Beautifully Flawed, #2)
In Between Seasons (The Fall, #1)-- New Adult Post-Apocalyptic Romance
Flawed Perfection (Beautifully Flawed, #1) -- NA Contemporary Romance
Love Exactly--NA Contemporary Romance
Walking in the Shadows--YA Suspense Romance
The Adventures of Skippy Von Flippy (Skippy Tales, # 1) -- Children's Illustrated Novel
Monthly Newsletter
Twitter @Cgiovanniauthor

Thursday, October 30, 2014


The Truth, book 3 in The Descendant

Vampire Series, is ready for you to sink your fangs into!

You discovered the vampire’s origin in THE DESCENDANT, and what that meant for

Allison Carmichael, the first descendant to exhibit signs of vampirism.


I have to say this is not your typical vampire book. I really enjoyed how Kelley Grealis incorparated the bible and Adam & Eve in her story. Using the Forbidden Tree and the Garden of Eden the start of all of Allison's Decendant. Kelley has Allison married to Matt and both of them are mortals or so Allison thinks. Vincent a vampire wants Allison cause she is very special. He wants Allison and tells Allison the story about her Descendants. I really loved this story. Kelley did an amazing job with this story and kept me interested in it. I loved how she showed the sins of Adam and Eve lead to this whole story for Allison. I can not wait to read book two The Search: The Descendant Vampire Series.

You joined Allison in THE SEARCH as she relentlessly hunted

for information on the whereabouts of her husband.

FANG-TATSIC!!! WONDERFUL!!! AMAZING!! Book 2 was no disappointment that's for sure. Bringing in Angels and Gypsies to the equations is unbelievable and I have never read a book like this before. Kelley did and absolute amazing and Fang-tastic job with this story and learning more about Allison and her life. Allison still searching for her husband and learning more and more of the truth about her life and the life of a vampire. Kelley kept the book still using the bible basis which is good cause it has to do with the story and just continued to let it flow. I can not wait to read book 3 The Truth. I know I won't be disappointed and I want to see if it continues or if it is the end of the series. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND THIS SERIES.

Now find out why it all happened in the

first place in THE TRUTH. Does

everything happen for a reason, or is there a puppet master pulling everyone’s


Fresh out of vampire detox, Allison

Carmichael has her cravings for human blood under control…just in time for the

rest of her life to take a downward spiral.

After a loved one is murdered, Allison

receives a cryptic message from the deceased. A warning to trust no one, not

even those closest to her.

In order to identify the murderer,

Allison must trust a mysterious stranger and piece together a series of clues

while under the suspicious eye of a jealous boyfriend, a vengeful archangel and

a jittery Ruling Council. When information is unearthed about the murderer and

Allison’s lineage, her world isn’t the only one that’s rocked.

They say that the truth will set you

free, but will that be the case for Allison and those she loves?


THE TRUTH is available NOW via these sites:

Amazon, Barnes and Noble, iBooks, Kobo and Smashwords!

About the Author

Kelley Grealis has loved all things

vampire since she was a kid. It was that fascination, combined with the need to

know how the first vampire was created, that compelled her to write the type of

vampire novel she had always wanted to read. Kelley was born and raised in

Cleveland, Ohio and continues to live in the area with her husband and their

two fur babies. She likes her cars fast and motorcycles loud and is a craft

beer snob. When she’s not writing, she’s working at her day job, cruising in

her convertible or enjoying a beer at her favorite local brewery. 

Connect with

Kelley on her website

Join us for the release day party on Facebook October 21st!

The Truth - Release Party



Release Day!

Fight Like A Girl (Part One)

**This is a 3-part novella series**

MMA is no place for a girl - unless that girl is Max Brady. Growing up around the ring as the daughter of a famous fighter, she finally takes her place in the MMA world after her father’s mysterious disappearance. Deciding to fight was the easy part - she never imagined finding a good trainer would be her biggest obstacle.

Kingston Lawrence was a rising star in the MMA world, until a knee injury forced him to the other side of the fight. He thought three rounds in the ring was hard, but nothing compares to the battle of training and taming Max. Her sexy body makes up for her sarcastic mouth, and it isn’t long before he wants to be more than just her trainer.

But Kingston has a secret, one that could ruin both their lives. He can train Max for a fight, but nothing can prepare them for what happens when that secret is revealed.

Get your copy today!

About the Author

Dawn Pendleton spends her time between Maine and somewhere warm for the winter, dragging her husband and pup wherever she goes. A lover of travel, an avid reader, and a softie at heart, Dawn writes romance novels that face the dark reality of life, which is that not everyone gets a happily ever after right away.

Connect with Dawn:

Wednesday, October 29, 2014


Coming November 21,2014




About the Author:

Lisa Marie grew up in Alberta, Canada; where the winters are freezing and the summers have dive bombing mosquitos. Her wonderful husband and two young daughters inspire her daily. Her home is filled with laughter, chaos and My Little Pony. So. Many. Ponies.
Lisa was a graphic designer for almost ten years when she realized she needed to be more available to her family's needs as her youngest daughter was diagnosed with autism. After seeing the advances her own child has made with the support of Educational Assistants, she decided to pay it forward and other children in the exact same way and started working with special needs children.
Lisa literally began writing by accident, and is looking forward to sharing her first novel soon.
twitter: @passionboost

~~RELEASE DAY & GIVEAWAY~~CONFLAGRATION (The Wellingtons, #2) by Tessa Teevan


Genre: Contemporary Romance

Release Day: October 29

Release Week Sale Price of $2.99. Will bump up to $3.99

Conflagration is the second in an Explosive spin-off series called The Wellingtons.

Can be read as a standalone



Branson Wellington? The name, my name, is usually followed by arrogant prick or self-serving bastard, and I can't say I haven't earned those titles. It's true. I'm not the good guy. I'm not the boy next door. I'm definitely not your Prince fucking Charming. Not even close.

And I never wanted to be. Until her. The day I pulled her from the wreckage was the day that my life changed.

Who would have thought that one little lie had the power to throw two lives off course?

Love has never been in the cards for me, but now that she’s here, I have no idea how I’m ever going to let her go. Even if I don’t deserve her.

Because like I said, I’m a self-serving bastard and some things never change.


Amazon US | UK | CA | AU

Check out the Conflagration Pinterest Board and then listen to the Playlist


“There are some questions I need to ask you, but we can do that in a little bit. Until then, is there anyone you want us to call? Someone on scene was able to find your purse, which fortunately hadn’t been destroyed in the blast. There was no emergency contact information in your purse, however, and you’ve only been out of surgery for a couple of hours. We haven’t been able to track anyone down as of yet.”

The last thing I want is Victoria and William showing up here, especially with Benjamin in tow. Not wanting to worry anyone, I decide I’ll call Alyssa once things calm down. “No, I’m not from around here, and the last thing I want to do is worry my family. When I’m feeling a little more rested, I’ll give them a call.”

The nurse gives me an understanding smile, and I sigh with relief that she’s not going to push me on this. At least not yet. “Okay, Ms. Covington. I understand completely. I’ll just set your purse here, and if you feel up to it, your cell is still inside. Now, I need to answer this page, but if you need anything in the meantime, don’t hesitate to hit the nurses’ call button. You may feel a little drowsy from the pain medication, so for now, try to get some rest.”

I watch as she leaves the room before I rest my head on my pillow, replaying the events of the past twenty-four hours. What should’ve been the prelude to one of the best days of my life has turned into a nightmare. Instead of wearing a white wedding dress, I’m stuck in a hospital gown. And even now, my fiancé—or, well, former fiancé—is the last man on my mind. No, instead, I’m thinking about the beautiful man who saved my life. Who once told me that he was beyond saving.

The night I met Branson Wellington, he was a mess. A drunken, pitiful, angry mess. This evening, I saw no signs of that man. I saw confidence. I saw arrogance. I saw determination. But I also saw the pain, the anger, the frustration. That broken man is still in there no matter what strides he’s made since that night eight months ago. Tonight, he saved me. And even though he once said that it’s impossible, I’m making it my mission to save him, too.

Additional Books by Tessa Teevan

The Wellingtons series


Combust (The Wellingtons #1) - Amazon | B&N

Explosive series

Ignite (Explosive #1) - Amazon

Incinerate (Explosive #2) - Amazon | B&N

Inflame (Explosive #3) - Amazon | B&N

Sweet Southern series


Sweet Southern Sorrow (Sweet Southern #1) - Amazon

Author Bio

Tessa Teevan_Author Photo

I'm a twenty something book junkie who is also obsessed with sports. Bengals, Buckeyes, Reds are my teams! I work for the government during the day, hang out with Air National Guard on the weekends, and have been married to my own book boyfriend for over seven years. We currently live right outside of Dayton, OH with our two cats.

If I’m not writing or looking through tons of photos of hot men, all in the name of research, then you can probably find me curled up with my Kindle, ignoring the rest of the world. I love my sports almost as much as I love my books. My other obsessions include red wine, hot men, country music, and all things Grace Potter.

Connect with the Author


love 2

~~DOUBLE COVER REVEAL & GIVEAWAY~~ SEEK (Delirious, #0.5) and SNARE (Delirious, #1) by Clarissa Wild


DELIRIOUS is a dark romance series consisting of 4 volumes: SEEK, SNARE, SEIZE, and SCORCH. Each volume is intricately connected to the other, forming an elaborate scheme of lies, truth, and justice.


SEEK (Delirious, #0.5)

Release Date: November 12, 2014



When illusions come to life, how do you tell what’s real?

My life ended when I came back from vacation. Death was at my doorstep. Everything ceased to exist. To protect myself, I pushed the memories away.

All I remember is him: Sebastian Brand, my savior.

I trust only him.

I am obsessed with him.

But all I know about him is his name.

Stuck in this mental institution, I try not to think about the terrible memories that lurk deep inside me. Sebastian is the only one who can help me forget. I don’t care that they say he doesn't exist, I need Sebastian and I will find him, no matter the cost.

This is a prequel to the Delirious Series. These books should be read in order.

WARNING: This book contains very disturbing situations, strong language, drugs and alcohol, and graphic violence.

* Author's note: This story will unfold over the span of multiple Volumes. Not all secrets will be spilled yet in this prequel. Don't let this stop you from reading, though, because this series will be one heck of a ride. So open your mind and let me take you on a journey of delirious passion, unbendable trust, frightening illusions, dangerous secrets, shocking revelations, and disturbingly dark mind games. *


SNARE (Delirious, #1)

Release Date: November 25, 2015

Pre Order for iBooks



His secrets will destroy her.




With his smart mouth, dirty talking and possessive behavior, Sebastian Brand has me hooked in the most shameless way. I’m obsessed with him. However, now that I’ve escaped the mental hospital, he seeks to control my every move.

The overwhelming aloofness in his attitude and darkness in his mind tells me there is more to this man than sheer dominance. Depravity is his playground and pain is a necessary evil.

Keeping me away was his first instinct.

Capturing me was his second.

Claimed by a man with the exterior of an angel and the mind of a brute, I will do anything to unveil his secrets and face my own demons.

A body in exchange for freedom. A heart in exchange for truth.

Life is never a given. Only a certain death.

This is Volume 1 in the Delirious Series, which contains 3 volumes and a prequel. These books should be read in order.

WARNING: This book contains very disturbing situations, strong language, drugs and alcohol, dubious consent, and graphic violence. Contains a cliffhanger that will make your eyes pop.

About the Author


Clarissa Wild is the USA Today Bestselling author of FIERCE, a college romance series, but she's best known for the dark Romance novel Mr. X. She is also a writer of erotic romance such as the Blissful Series, The Billionaire's Bet series, the Doing It Series and the Enflamed Series. She is an avid reader and writer of sexy stories about hot men and feisty women. Her other loves include her furry cat friend and learning about different cultures. In her free time she enjoys watching all sorts of movies, reading tons of books and cooking her favorite meals.

Check out my sexy books:

Join the Clarissa Wild FanClub



Tuesday, October 28, 2014


Unscripted (The Scripted Series #1)

by Christy Pastore

Genre : Erotica Romance

Publication Date : December 9, 2014

Cover Design : Mayhem Cover Creations


“His gaze on me was intense, I couldn’t look away. I felt as if I was revealing my entire soul to him in this moment.”  

The range of emotions I had experienced with Ronan felt like a topsy-turvy spinning roller coaster. Suddenly I was awake for the first time in what felt like years. Every fiber of my being was filled with heated desire, passion, lust and fear, and all I wanted was more… more of everything, more of him. How had I just lived these past few years only going through the motions?  But, as glorious as all of this was, was I kidding myself? Could it be real? Or just a moment in time – a few days of thrilling and scary excitement rolled into one? The moment before you hit that first big drop on your favorite coaster, you fall, and then it’s over.

This isn’t your typical Hollywood fairy tale where the typecast ordinary girl next door meets the famous handsome actor and they fall in love. Despite the emotional and physical scars that serve as reminders of Holliday Prescott’s past, she has evolved into a strong young woman. Ronan Connolly has loved and lost, but he’s never been in love. The weight of Hollywood’s expectations and the scripted games people play have left him bruised but not broken.

He’s always followed everyone else’s script and she wrote her own. That was until fate swept in with other plans.


This story contains sexually explicit material and is intended for mature individuals over the age of eighteen.

©Christy Pastore, 2014

About the Author

Writer Christy Pastore grew up in the lakeside community of Syracuse, Indiana USA writing short stories that usually involved characters who loved to travel, had a passion for fashion and were often times swept up in boy crazy crushes.  Many of her first stores also dealt with coming of age situations with their best girlfriends.

Christy gave up reading books for several years, disillusioned with the annoying characters and predictable plot lines. Upon the recommendation of a friend, Christy picked up a much buzzed about popular romance novel which reminded her of why reading was such an enjoyable guilty pleasure.

Writing has been a constant in Christy’s life, leading her to create a popular fashion blog, Fashion Wrap Up. This endeavor allowed Christy to have the wonderful experience of working and collaborating with many talented models, designers, makeup artists and photographers in the Fashion Industry. While Pastore still writes about fashion and celebrity style in her spare time, her passion for story development, more specifically creative writing, publishing and content creation has taken her on a new journey and career path: Author.

Her debut novel, Fifteen Weekends was released in May of 2014. Her next novel, Unscripted is set to release in November 2014.

Additionally, Christy enjoys a nice glass of Sauvignon Blanc, a warm cup of coffee, Gummi Bears, traveling and tweeting her thoughts on her favorite TV shows.

Christy and her husband Kevin currently reside in St. Louis, Missouri in the popular Italian Neighborhood, The Hill, with their two lovable dogs and cooler than cool cat.

Media Links
