Saturday, June 21, 2014


Title: 100 Proof Stud

Author: AJ Lape      

Genre: YA Mystery, Thriller, Humor, Mystery Series

Hosted by: Lady Amber's Tours


Sometimes life smacks you right in the kisser with a whole lot of ohhhh craaaaap.

Just ask Darcy Walker.

100 Proof Stud picks up four months after No Brainer's cliffhanger ending, and Darcy discovers the aftermath pales in comparison to the crisis her heart is in. All of a sudden it's raining men, and this teenage heroine’s personal life turns her inside out. 

Before she can sort out her feelings, she chases a spray-painting vandal and stumbles upon a case of identity theft right in her own backyard. Darcy jumps into the fray headfirst to prove she can hang with the big boys. 

But it’s not just to hang…nope, she’s chasing reward money.

Tapping her band of misfit brothers for help, she turns Valley upside down trying to unearth the criminals. Problem is, the cloak and dagger goes high-octane, and she raises the bar on “crazy" in the process.

Bullets ring out…dead bodies appear…and Darcy rubs shoulders with the ultimate sociopath. In the midst of murder and mayhem, will she finally follow her heart or build a fortress of lies around it? Will she even get the chance?


GRADE A STUPID & NO BRAINER UK buy links:*Version*=1&*entries*=0


I received a copy of this book from A.J. Lape.  I am a big fan of A.J.'s and I love Darcy Walker.  She is so funny and always up to something.  Fastard Hater 4 Life!!!!!  Gotta love Darcyville cause something is always going on.  This is the 3rd book in the series and let me tell you what a great series you really would need to read Grade A Stupid and No Brainer to understand this series. You will have some laughs that's for sure.  5 star review. 

A. J. Lape's Darcy Walker Series broke into the Top 50 books in Teens Literature & Fiction within 36 hours of its release. It has spent numerous weeks in the Top 100 in Mystery Series and Teens, Mysteries & Thrillers Categories as well as being one of the Top Rated in its genre. A self-proclaimed neurotic and troublemaker at heart, a perfect day for A. J. consists of writing, watching her kids play sports, drinking Coke, then lounging in her pajamas by 8PM.

She lives in Cincinnati with her husband, two feministic daughters, an ADD dog, a spoiled hamster, and an unapologetic and unrepentant addiction to Coca-Cola, with a lifelong love affair with bacon.  She studied English, Journalism, and Political Science at Morehead State University and left the business world when her daughters were born.  Her love for suspense and a good story was born from watching Mystery Science Theater with her sister during childhood.  That and any B movie with comedic undertones they could get their hands on.

When she’s not riding that razor-thin line between creativity and insanity, she  likes to read, watch too much cable TV, or cheer like a banshee at her

daughters' sporting events. She’s a huge hometown sports fan and loves to watch the Cincinnati Bengals and Cincinnati Reds whenever she can.

A. J. loves to connect with fans!  If you would like to receive emails of upcoming releases, please sign up for her distribution list by visiting her homepage at and clicking the “contact” tab.

Find A. J. Lape Online:

Email: aj(a)

A. J. Lape is the Amazon bestselling author of the Darcy Walker Series. She lives in Cincinnati with her husband, two daughters, an ADD dog, a spoiled hamster, and an unapologetic and unrepentant addiction to Coca-Cola--and a lifelong love affair with bacon. If the FBI ever checks her computer, she'll be wearing prison orange due to the various "wiki" articles she looks up. She swears the dead body, mob, and drug related stuff is only career research.

Find out more about A. J. at

Thirteen things you didn't know about AJ Lape

AKA - Ada Miracle Lape

1. I can dislocate my left shoulder on command.

2. My favorite movie is It's a Wonderful Life...cry like a baby when George Bailey starts yelling, "I want to live again...I want to live again."

3. I hate clowns and chicken wings ... not necessarily in that order.

4. I'm a notorious sleepwalker. It happens when I'm troubled. As far as I can tell, I always have my clothes on.

5. I had an academic scholarship. I know that's shocking, but looking at homework today, I'm pretty sure I'm tapped out at fifth grade.

6. I like to shoot 9mm guns...look out Target World, every once in a while you have to walk your inner hillbilly.

7. I started running high school track when I was in the sixth grade. Don't ask me to run now. After two kids, I pee my pants when I walk across the floor.

8. I'm like Rain Man when it comes to fractions.

9. I used to write and record songs. I won Honorable Mentions in the John Lennon Song Writing Contest and Music City Song Festival. Verrrry short career.

10. I've cliff-dived off a 40-foot cliff into a lake...wouldn't recommend it ..that sucker can burn.

11. I'm the only human I know that got turned down twice when trying to adopt handicapped dogs. What the heck...those dogs would've loved me.

12. I would've been a police officer or journalist if life didn't land me where I am.

13. I occasionally have the foul mouth of a truck driver ... sorry, Mom and Dad. I try to change it. So far, the message hasn't made it to the execution part of my brain.

Friday, June 20, 2014

"Summer Book Crush: Book Boyfriends Are Here!" June 19-22,2014

What would you say to over 80 titles with many undeniably-hot BOOK BOYFRIENDS that leave you wanting more? Yep, we've got you covered. The second annual SUMMER BOOK CRUSH event runs this year from June 19th through June 22nd. Don't miss it, or you will have to wait a full year for the next one!

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So many ways to fall in love with just a right BOOK BOYFRIEND! And the best part? You can purchase your dream Book Boyfriend for only 99¢ each, but for a limited time only.


Cruel Capers - Tour Banner

About Book


TITLE – Cruel Capers on the Caribbean

SERIES – A Kate on Vacation Mystery

AUTHOR – Kassandra Lamb

GENRE – Mystery, cozy


LENGTH (Pages/# Words) - approx. 30,000 words (novella)

PUBLISHER – Misterio Press LLC

COVER ARTIST – Book Cover Corner

Cruel Capers - Book Cover


Trouble seems to find Kate Huntington, even on a Caribbean cruise. She and her friend, Liz, befriend socialite Cora Beall, who is having relationship problems. When Cora is found dead, her cabin locked from the inside, the ship’s captain assumes it’s a suicide.

Kate is skeptical. Her private detective husband begs her to let it go, but the evidence points more and more toward murder. And she can’t stop thinking about Cora’s teenage daughter who is back in the States with her stepfather. Which is worse, thinking your mother committed suicide or being raised by her killer? Or is Cora’s seemingly-innocent, screenwriter boyfriend the real murderer?

And the toughest question of all... how did Cora’s killer get out of a locked room?

This is the second of the Kate on Vacation novellas, a parallel series to the Kate Huntington mysteries.

Book Links



I received a ARC in exchange for an honest review.   I found this book to be a quick read. This is the second of the Kate on Vacation novellas, a parallel series to the Kate Huntington mysteries.  This can be read as a stand alone.  I do recommend this book and I do want to read book one.  Love how Kate goes on a cruise with her husband Skip who is a PI and they end ups trying to solve a murder.  This book does remind me of Janet Evanovich's Stephanie Plum cause where there is trouble it sure finds Kate.   I find this to be a great summer read.

Book Excerpt

Kate went back to the task of opening their own cabin door. She took two steps into the room, then rushed forward.

A small sliding glass door was sitting partway open. A slight breeze rustled the semi-sheer curtains that had been pulled to the side. Beyond the door, a tiny balcony overlooked the sparkling waters of Tampa Bay. Dropping her carry-on bag on the floor, she stood open-mouthed, taking in the view. “Oh, this is so much better than those lousy little portholes.”

Skip wrapped his arms around her from behind. “Nothin’s too good for my gal. This has been too long in comin’.” The cruise, originally Kate’s idea, had gotten sidetracked by one of Skip’s private investigation cases. After a big bonus from another case, he’d insisted it was time for their long-postponed getaway.

Kate turned in his arms.

He hooked an errant, dark curl behind her ear. “You know, your eyes are the same exact color as that gorgeous tropical sky out there.”

But he wasn’t looking at the sky. He was smiling down into her face. Gold flecks danced in his own hazel eyes as he cupped her cheeks in his hands. He lowered his lips to hers.

She closed her eyes and relaxed against him, anticipating the warm tingle of his kiss.

“Ahem. So sorry to interrupt, but I just wanted to invite y’all to a little git-together.”

They jumped, then turned to find a willowy, blonde beauty standing in the still-open doorway.

“Where are my manners?” she said in a thick Southern accent as she held out her hand. “I’m Cora Beall.”

Skip recovered first. He stepped over and shook the woman’s hand. “Pleased to meet you, Miss Corabelle.”

The woman let out a peal of laughter. “No, no. My last name is Beall. Don’t know what my mama was thinkin’ when she chose Cora for my Christian name.”

“Skip Canfield. This is my wife, Kate.”

“Pleased to meet y’all. I’m in cabin 1030, down the way a bit. Figured I’d invite all my new neighbors to a little bon voyage party. Some of our friends are comin’ onboard in a few minutes to see us off.”

Kate found her voice. “How did you get your friends past security?” Since 9/11, cruise ships had tightened security significantly. Only passengers with pre-paid tickets were allowed to board. She had thought onboard bon voyage parties were a thing of the past.

The woman chuckled. “Connections, sugar. Plus…” She rubbed fingers and thumb together in the sign for money.

After a pregnant pause, she said, “Y’all don’t know who I am, do ya?”

They shook their heads.

Another peal of laughter. “How totally refreshin’! Y’all come on over in a bit, please do.” She turned and left the cabin, pulling the door closed behind her.

Skip raised his eyebrows at his wife. “I’d been debating between a tour of the ship or trying out that nice king-sized bed over there.” He tilted his head toward the bed in question.

Kate laughed. “Both ship and bed will be available for the next week. That lady’s peaked my curiosity.”

About Author

Cruel Capers - Author Photo

Writing and psychology have always vied for first place on Kassandra Lamb’s Greatest Passions list. In her youth, she had to decide between writing and paying the bills. Partial to electricity and food, she studied psychology. Now retired from a career as a psychotherapist and college professor, she spends most of her time in an alternate universe with her protagonist and alter ego, Kate Huntington. The magical portal to this universe (i.e., her computer) is located in Florida, where Kassandra’s husband and dog catch occasional glimpses of her.

Follow Links


Author Giveaway


Two Winners – $10 Amazon gift card and free e-book copy of any Kate Huntington book–winner’s choice

Two Winners – free e-book copy of any Kate Huntington book–winner’s choice

Tour Organized By:


**COVER REVEAL** The Tycoon's Convenient Bride...and Baby by Shoshanna Evers

Title: The Tycoon's Convenient Bride...and Baby

Author: Shoshanna Evers

Genre: Contemporary Romance 18+

Sexual Content: Steamy

Publication Date: July 28, 2014

Publisher: Entangled Indulgence

Event Organized by: Literati Author Services, Inc.

About the Book

The Tycoon's Convenient Bride...and Baby is a sexy contemporary romance by New York Times bestselling author Shoshanna Evers.

About the Author

New York Times and USA Today Bestselling author Shoshanna Evers has written dozens of sexy stories, including The Man Who Holds the Whip (part of the bestselling MAKE ME anthology), Overheated, The Enslaved Trilogy, and The Pulse Trilogy (from Simon & Schuster Pocket Star).

Her work has been featured in many anthologies such as Cowboy Heat and Smokin' Hot Firemen, the Penguin/Berkley Heat anthology Agony/Ecstasy, and numerous erotic romance novellas including Bedhead and Ginger Snap from Ellora’s Cave Publishing.

Her two bestselling non-fiction writing anthologies include How To Write Hot Sex: Tips from Multi-Published Erotic Romance Authors, and Successful Self-Publishing: How We Do It (And How You Can Too).

Shoshanna is also the cofounder of, the largest selection of instantly customizable, one-of-a-kind, premade book covers in the world.

Shoshanna Evers has been listed on Amazon as one of the "Most Popular Authors in Romance," as well as on the Contemporary Romance, and Erotica "Most Popular Authors" lists.

Reviewers have called Shoshanna’s writing “sensuous, delightful, and sizzling” with stories where “the plot is fresh and the pacing excellent, the emotions...real and poignant.”

Shoshanna used to work as a syndicated advice columnist and a registered nurse, but now she’s a full-time romance writer and a home-schooling mom. She lives with her family and three big dogs in Northern Idaho, and loves to connect with readers on Twitter @ShoshannaEvers, and Facebook at Shoshanna.Evers.

Sign up to be notified when the book comes out!

Connect with the Author: Website | Facebook | Twitter | Tumblr | Goodreads

Thursday, June 19, 2014

"Summer Book Crush: Book Boyfriends Are Here!" June 19-22,2014

What would you say to over 80 titles with many undeniably-hot BOOK BOYFRIENDS that leave you wanting more? Yep, we've got you covered. The second annual SUMMER BOOK CRUSH event runs this year from June 19th through June 22nd. Don't miss it, or you will have to wait a full year for the next one!

main banner2

So many ways to fall in love with just a right BOOK BOYFRIEND! And the best part? You can purchase your dream Book Boyfriend for only 99¢ each, but for a limited time only.


Cover Designer: Double J Book Graphics-  Facebook

Blog Tour Hosted by: Rampage Book Promotions- Facebook   Website

Tell me if you’ve heard this before.  A Guardian, a fallen angel, a sensitive, and a human walk into a bar…..

Abigail Gentry knew her life was going to change when her mother lost her battle with cancer, but she couldn’t have possibly anticipated what that change would entail.

   He’s been a Guardian and protector of the human realm for thousands of years, and Cillian’s giving it all up for her.

     She will discover her purpose on earth; he will discover the simplest of human emotions.  Abigail always thought she was just an ordinary woman, but oh, how she’s in for a big surprise.  Everything she’s ever believed will be shattered and the truth will set her on a course of good, evil, near-death experiences, demon possessions, and real love.

Amazon     Barnes & Noble    Kobo


T.E. Ridener entered the world in the magnificent year of 1985. She's an avid reader, crazy writer, and photoshop addict. She started writing stories at a young age, and will probably do so until she takes her last breath. Forever the daydreamer, not a day passes in which Miss Ridener isn't working on something book related. Her books may be a work of fiction, but there is a lot of truth in each one.
Creating relatable characters and believable storylines mixed in with make-believe is what she is best known for. She always includes a strong female lead, a compassionate male, and tons of every day events that readers will be able to connect with. Miss Ridener is a lover of music, movies, TV shows, and her family.
During the months of November and December, she participates in the charity she helped create called Random Acts of Christmas, an online program geared towards making Christmas happen for families in need. In 2013, they gave over $69,000 in gifts to kids who otherwise would not have had presents to open on Christmas morning. Coming from a childhood of poverty, T.E. understands that life isn't always easy and she has experienced living from paycheck to paycheck. This has fueled her drive to always lend a helping hand in every form possible. She is very active in the group "Books for Troops", a program designed to send ebooks and paperbacks to soldiers currently serving overseas.
T.E. Ridener is the youngest of 3 children, a surviving twin, and an extremely proud aunt. She claims to be married to her books and the characters she creates are her kids. Thus far, she has produced three ongoing series entitled Blood Betrayal (vampires), The Kadenburg Shifters Series (bear-shifters), and The Descendants (elementals). There are loads more and new ones popping up each day. She LOVES her fans and readers, and not a single one of them appear as a number to her. She knows that without them, she wouldn't be where she is today. Every day is a new possibility, a new adventure, and a new dream. Life doesn't get any better than that.
Social Links:


Lexi Banner

Title: Lexi (Lexi 0.5)

Author: T. Gephart

Genre: Contemporary Romance

Release Date: June 16, 2014



The ending of an unhealthy relationship leaves Lexi Reed damaged, broken and alone. Fighting against self-doubt and an unsupportive family she runs away to Europe in an effort to not only heal but to discover who she is.

Settling in Rome had never been the plan but when the opportunity presented itself Lexi rolled with the punches. Lexi doesn't believe in a happily-ever-after, instead she enjoys the spoils of the majestic city and the many men that crossed her path, vowing to never again give away her heart.

When Lexi flirts with Riccardo Cassius, a good-looking stranger, she has no idea that he is the youngest son of one of the wealthiest and most influential families in all of Rome. The knowledge that he was “off-limits” inciting her desire for him further. Just one night, that’s all she asked. What Lexi hadn’t counted on was Riccardo’s unwillingness to let her walk away.
Rebelling against his conservative upper class family and the crazy relationship rules she has imposed, Riccardo fights to keep Lexi in his life and defy the odds. How far will each of them go? Will Lexi allow Riccardo into her heart or is she destined to break his?

Lexi is a standalone novella in the Lexi Series. The prequel to A Twist of Fate, it delves into Lexi’s past and explores how she evolved into the impulsive, feisty woman who doesn't allow other’s ideals to define her.

Buy The Book


***REVIEW BY Terri****
Lexi by T Gephart was given to me by a friend to read.  I did not know that this was a prequel to a whole series.  Surprisingly, I was able to bond with the characters and storyline. 

The characters of Lexi,her roommate and Riccardo were very well written and easy to get along with.  Lexi was temperamental at times but I believe this is from her upbringing. Many funny scenes are written into this story that had me laugh out loud.  I will have to be unlike everyone else and now begin the rest of the series.

About The Author


T Gephart is an indie author from Melbourne, Australia.

T's approach to life has been somewhat unconventional. Rather than going to University, she jumped on a plane to Los Angeles, USA in search of adventure. While this first trip left her somewhat underwhelmed and largely depleted of funds it fueled her appetite for travel and life experience.

With a rather eclectic resume, which reads more like the fiction she writes than an actual employment history, T struggled to find her niche in the world.

While on a subsequent trip the United States in 1999, T met and married her husband. Their whirlwind courtship and interesting impromptu convenience store wedding set the tone for their life together, which is anything but ordinary. They have lived in Louisiana, Guam and Australia and have travelled extensively throughout the US. T has two beautiful young children and one four legged child, Woodley the wonder dog.

An avid reader, T became increasingly frustrated by the lack of strong female characters in the books she was reading. She wanted to read about a woman she could identify with, someone strong, independent and confident who didn't lack femininity. Out of this need, she decided to pen her first book, A Twist of Fate. She enjoyed the process so much that when it was over she couldn't let it go.

T loves to travel, laugh and surround herself with colourful characters. This inevitably spills into her writing and makes for an interesting journey - she is well and truly enjoying the ride!

Based on her life experiences, T has plenty of material for her books and has a wealth of ideas to keep you all enthralled.

T Gephart's Other Books








be my december

Title: Be My December

Author: Rachel Brookes

Genre: Contemporary Romance

Release Date: July 31, 2014



I knew the exact moment I’d become a ‘yes’ girl.
December 16th, a cold winter’s night, four years ago.
The night my innocence was stolen, the night I made the mistake of saying no—a mistake I’d never make again.
The dream of a ‘happily ever after' was now a locked away myth. I promised myself that I’d never return to the place of my worst nightmare, that I’d never let anyone get close, but then again, I never thought I’d meet someone like him.
The intense, confident and beautiful Ky Crawford.

I had no plans to become someone’s Prince Charming.
I couldn’t be. I refused to be. My plan was simple—do whatever it takes to correct my biggest mistake, my one regret that now controlled my life.
I was on track. I had plans, but then everything changed when I saw her—the girl in the red jacket, the girl who I was told couldn’t say no.
The reserved yet stunning Eden Rivers.

A girl who can’t say no.

A guy who craves redemption.

A chance encounter?

It all comes down to this.

One question.

One month.

Be My December?


Everything happened so quickly. My hand encased hers, entwining our fingers in a protective move I couldn’t put into words. I didn’t stick around to hear anything else Nick decided to spit. I tugged on our joined hands and she, without question, followed me though the crowd towards the far corner of the bar where we were still close enough to the action yet able to be hidden from the fuckwit likes of Nick Edwards. My mind raced about what I could possibly say to explain my irrational actions. Since when had I become some knight in shining armor?

When we reached our refuge, I halted and dropped her hand. The moment I stepped back, I collided with a hard wall of Josh’s body, and over my shoulder, I found Josh staring at me with wide eyes. I tore my eyes from Josh and turned to find Eden, her friend, and Ashlyn awaiting my next move.

“Do something, dickhead. All eyes are on you after that little performance. You don’t go caveman and grab your woman and then just stand beside her like she’s a stranger.”

Josh was right. I looked back towards the corner of the bar and wasn’t surprised to find Nick and his crew watching with knowing smirks on their faces. Fuck. I had two choices. I could walk away right now, leave the bar knowing that I had done a good deed, and hope to Christ that she could take care of herself, or I could man the fuck up and finish what I’d started.

I pulled Eden firmly against me, wrapping my arms tightly around her waist so her back was flush with my chest. Resting my chin on her shoulder, I couldn’t help but notice how well her body molded to mine. She still hadn’t said a word. Her body was rigid in my arms, and after I heard her inhale sharply, she now held her breath.

“You’ve got to breathe,” I whispered into her ear.

Once again, she simply nodded. She trembled like a leaf in a hurricane against me. Her hands finally clutched my bare forearms, which were resting over her stomach. Her nails dug into my flesh, sending a shot of pain up through my arms, but I didn’t say a thing.

Her body wouldn’t stop trembling, and without hesitation, my grip tightened, trying desperately to pull her body closer to mine. She was completely breaking down in my arms and I didn’t know what the fuck to do, so I did what I hoped would calm her down.

I held on to her for dear life.

About The Author


Rachel Brookes is from a coastal town on the east coast of Australia where beaches, kangaroos and surfers roam free. She writes angsty love stories with a pinch of craziness, a dash of drama, a cup of romance and a spoonful of sexiness… oh and the main ingredient hot guys.

Rachel sometimes forgets to eat, sometimes forgets to sleep and sometimes can’t remember the last time she cleaned her apartment but that’s because she is in a long term relationship with her laptop and is constantly writing.

When she does step away from her laptop she can be found taking too many photos, making scrumptious cocktails, laughing at Adam Sandler movies and spending her time with her amazing family and friends.

With her first novel, Just Breathe, due to be released in July 2013, her dream of releasing a book will become reality. With another three books already taking up her mind, she cannot wait to start this crazy ride.

Rachel Brookes is from a coastal town on the east coast of Australia where beaches, kangaroos and surfers roam free. She writes angsty love stories with a pinch of craziness, a dash of drama, a cup of romance and a spoonful of sexiness… oh and the main ingredient hot guys.

Rachel sometimes forgets to eat, sometimes forgets to sleep and sometimes can’t remember the last time she cleaned her apartment but that’s because she is in a long term relationship with her laptop and is constantly writing.

When she does step away from her laptop she can be found taking too many photos, making scrumptious cocktails, laughing at Adam Sandler movies and spending her time with her amazing family and friends.

With her first novel, Just Breathe, due to be released in July 2013, her dream of releasing a book will become reality. With another three books already taking up her mind, she cannot wait to start this crazy ride.


Be My Full



Wherever you will go-ebooklg

Title: Wherever You Will Go

Author: Stephanie Smith

Release Date: August 7, 2014

Genre: Contemporary Romance



Brooke Willis had everything she ever wanted: a happy marriage, volunteer placement at the art gallery, and the promise of starting a family with the man of her dreams.

Saxon Reed had everything he ever thought he needed: a successful career, nice cars, expensive apartment, and more money than he knew what to do with.

After losing her husband Brooke insists on taking over his company to keep his dreams alive. Struggling in an industry she knows nothing about, Brooke turns to Saxon, her husband’s best friend and business partner, for guidance and support. Their mutual grief, and Saxon’s need to look after his best friend’s wife, creates a connection beyond just business.

Can Brooke take over the company and find a new life without saying goodbye to the past? Can Saxon protect and care for Brooke without scaring her away.

What happens when your heart doesn’t listen to your head? When lines are crossed and boundaries are pushed?

“Life goes on, whether you choose to move forward and take a chance in the unknown or stay behind, locked in the past, thinking of what could've been. I don’t want to live in the past anymore. I’m so lonely; there’s nothing for me here.”


I spot the familiar lady standing at the next stall, although she has aged considerably. “Oh My God. Sax you have to try this fudge!” I yell as I pull him along to the stall. “Twelve pack mixed please,” I ask the lady as Saxon raises his eyes at me. “What?”

“That good huh?” He smirks.

“It’s the best. I used to get it all the time when I was a kid and Dad would bring me here,” I tell him excitedly. The lady who has been manning this stall and making these delicious sweet treats for as long as I can remember hands me my bag of goodies and Saxon is paying her before I can even reach for my purse. “Thanks.”

He smiles down at me. “If it makes you smile like that I’ll buy everything she’s got.”

Heat warms my cheeks and I smile shyly.

“Well done son,” the vendor says to Saxon. “A happy wife is a happy life.”

“Don’t I know it,” he winks at her. I laugh and shake my head as he pulls me away from the stall.

“Come on, you have to try some,” I say holding the bag right up to his face.

“How can you still be eating after our late lunch and all the food samples you’ve had in the last couple hours?” he asks laughing at me.

“There’s always room for fudge,” I answer him seriously. “Besides I’d rather be fat and happy than skinny and hungry.”

Saxon’s face breaks into that huge grin that melts my insides. “That’s what I love about you Brooke.”

“What? That I’m fat?” I ask with mock horror.

“Shut up,” he laughs as he playfully shoves me, nearly into another shopper, before quickly grabbing me and pulling me into him. He wraps his arms around my shoulders and places his head into my neck. “Shit, I’m sorry Brooke. You’re so damn little I forget how strong I am.” His voice is serious but I can feel the laughter rolling through him from the quick breaths on my neck and his shaking shoulders. Lifting my hand I slap him across the back of the head and he quickly pulls away from me, laughter still written on his face.

I take another piece of fudge and stuff it into my mouth before huffing at him and walking away.

“Don’t eat too much fudge, we’ve still got dinner,” he scolds me.

“Yes Dad.” I hear his quick footsteps catching up to me and I duck away as he nears me. I’m not nearly quick enough, probably because I’m more concerned about the bag of fudge in my hand, and he easily wraps his arm around my shoulders, holding me tight against him. I reach into my bag of fudge and go to shove one in his mouth. He grabs my wrist before I can make contact and looks down at me before he brings it to his mouth. He eats the fudge out of my fingers painfully slow. Purposefully torturing me as revenge. My body quakes with need and I squeeze my thighs together trying to alleviate the pressure he is building there. He hasn’t taken his eyes off mine and I stand there stunned, in a trance of lust. When he’s finished nibbling the fudge and my fingers, he slowly licks them clean. Taking each one into his mouth and slowly sucking, licking and nibbling it.

He releases my hand from his mouth and intertwines our fingers. “You’re right, that’s fucking good fudge,” he says calmly and pulls me along, as if he didn’t just turn me into a puddle of mush.

About the Author


I'm first & foremost a reader & fangirl, I will always be first & foremost a reader & fangirl. I am on street teams, I

pimp and I brag. I LOVE my Authors!!

I have recently started writing as a way to relax and spend some time for me. My first novel Wherever You Will Go is due to release later this year. I'm having so much fun writing my first story and I'm looking forward to the journey it is taking me on.


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Wherever you will go-FINAL

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