Tuesday, April 14, 2015

~~~BLITZ with GIVEAWAY ~~~ FLY TO THE MOON by Bev Elle

Fly Me To The Moon - Banner


TITLE – Fly Me To The Moon


AUTHOR – Bev Elle

GENRE – Contemporary Romance

LENGTH (Pages/# Words) - 124

PUBLISHER – Bev Elle Press

COVER ARTIST – Amy Queau - Q Designs

Fly Me To The Moon - Book Cover


Ticketing agent Jessamy Taylor has been in a dating slump exacerbated by moving her sickly mother into

her home. The truth is she's never gotten over the quirky Dr. Griffin Sanderson whose Obsessive

Compulsive Disorder drives her crazy, despite his excellent bedside manner.

Fly Me To The Moon is a love song covered by many, the most memorable being Frank Sinatra. Griffin

whistles this tune incessantly, but that's just one of the many odd quirks Jessamy Taylor either loves or

hates about him. Since their ill-fated love affair two years prior, she's found no one to replace the good


A date with a self-absorbed jerk goes awry for Jessamy, and somehow the night ends with her in Griffin's

arms. Will the changes he's made be enough this time, or will secrets tear them apart?

Fly Me To The Moon - Teaser 2


Fly Me To The Moon - Teaser 1


“Look!” Kyla said. “Griffin’s holding the Fowlers’ baby. Now doesn’t that make your ovaries want to


Jessamy turned her head slowly, knowing the sight would slay her. Griffin never held babies. She took it

all in as if in slow motion. Mark was holding their toddler in place as Jenny was cleaning up the sticky

popsicle he was covered in, while Griffin was holding the four-month old. He cradled her a bit nervously

at first, then he seemed to get his baby-holding legs under him and finally began to smile and talk to


Jessamy and Kyla could hear her baby giggle from where they stood. “Aww!” They said in tandem.

“Now that right there ought to earn a man another chance,” Kyla said.

Fly Me To The Moon - Teaser 3


Bev Elle is the author of sweet and spicy, contemporary romance. She's a lover of books - those already

written, and those she harbors in her very active imagination. Writing is a passion she's had for many

years, but was unable to act upon. Until now. Bev Elle is the mother of three human children and two

canines. She is also the lover of one husband. When Bev isn't writing in her spare time after work, she is

thinking of doing so.



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Monday, April 13, 2015


Title: A Beautiful Kind of Love
Author: Ellie Wade
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: April 13, 2015

Every choice has a consequence.

I believe in soul mates. Why? Because I have one and his name is Jax Porter.

I have known Jax my whole life and I have loved him with every breath I’ve ever taken. The fact that we were born a mere month apart to mothers that are best friends has made us inseparable since birth.

What we have is so rare, one would think our story would be written, our fate sealed. But, unfortunately that’s not how life works. Life offers us many choices that can turn destiny into chance.

I now find myself heading toward a destination that I could have never imagined and I have to figure out where to go from here. 

Will the choices that have been made change our path forever or will fate find its way?

Our entire life together has been perfect. We have had eighteen years of foreplay. I don’t need candles or flowers. I need you. Take me to bed and make me yours in the only way that I’m not. ~ A Beautiful Kind of Love
What we have is the absolute rightness of two souls born into this world to complement the other flawlessly. Everything that Jax is and everything that he does is always exactly what I need. A Beautiful Kind of Love
I can’t compare what I’ve had with others to what I could have with you. You are my Lily. There is no comparison. A Beautiful Kind of Love
Our entire life together has been perfect. We have had eighteen years of foreplay. I don’t need candles or flowers. I need you. Take me to bed and make me yours in the only way that I’m not. A Beautiful Kind of Love
This right here with Jax and me, our bodies and our souls acting on pure instinct and desire, is what I was made for. A Beautiful Kind of Love

What a wonderful lifelong love story.  Jax and Lily, from birth, were soulmates.  Written primarily from Lily's POV, we watch them grow up and deal with the everyday struggles we all go through. 

Ellie Wade has done an incredible job with showing us the emotions the characters feel and writes it so beautifully that we are the ones who are feeling it too. Love is not an easy story to convey properly but this story really did it!   I was happy, sad, frustrated, all I can say is if you can feel it, you did!  The emotional rollercoaster of all times.

I hope to have the pleasure to read more by Ellie Wade.  

               JAX                    LILY




Ellie Wade resides in southwest Michigan with her husband, three young children, and two dogs. She has a Master’s degree in education from Eastern Michigan University and is a huge University of Michigan sports fan. She loves the beauty of her home state, especially the lakes and the gorgeous autumn weather. When she is not writing, you will find her reading, snuggled up with her kiddos, or spending time with family and friends. She loves traveling and exploring new places with her family.