Thursday, July 16, 2015

~~~BOOK BLAST & GIVEAWAY~~~ SEAL the DEAL by Makenna Jameison

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Title:  SEAL the Deal

Series:  Alpha SEALs #1

Author:   Makenna Jameison

Published:  July 14th, 2015

Genre:  Romantic Suspense

Content Warning:  Explicit sexual material

Recommended Age:  18+

Synopsis:  She needs his protection almost as much as she needs his heart…

Rebecca Mayes has already endured more than her fair share of tragedy. After her husband was killed in a horrific car crash, she’d do anything to shield herself from more heartache. A highly sought after attorney, Rebecca’s success in the courtroom has not come without costs. The disgruntled ex-husband of a client is seeking revenge on the one he blames for his troubles—and his sights are set on Rebecca. While she remains blissfully unaware, he’s stalking her, and getting closer every day.

Navy SEAL Patrick “Ice” Foster vowed to never be in a relationship again after watching his ex-wife slowly die of cancer. That type of anguish

was more than he could handle in one lifetime, and there’s no way anyone can change his mind.

Despite their determination never to fall in love again, Rebecca and Patrick can’t deny the connection between them. But when danger lurks around every corner, she knows there’s only one man she can trust to protect both her and her daughter. But who will protect her from a broken heart?

SEAL the Deal, a stand-alone novel, is book one in the new series, Alpha SEALs.

Excerpt from SEAL the Deal by Makenna Jameison:

“And what keeps you up at night?” he asked huskily, watching her blush again at the sexual undertones of his question.

“Work,” she finally replied, recovering, as she met his blue gaze.

He grinned at her, trying to put her more at ease. “You’re too easy to tease,” he finally admitted. It wasn’t like him to want to put anyone at ease, but something about this woman had him feeling possessive and protective at the same time. Not to mention incredibly, uncomfortably, aroused.

“It’s not nice to tease people,” Abby said innocently, and Rebecca and Patrick both burst into laughter.

“You’re not having any ice cream either,” Rebecca pointed out.

He shrugged, not really caring to explain that he was on a strict training regimen. “So Rebecca,” he said, enjoying the way the sound of her name felt on his lips, “do you and Abby frequent the playground often?”

“Yes!” Abby shouted.

Rebecca smiled at her daughter and looked back to him. “It’s pretty much our Sunday afternoon tradition when the weather is good.”

He considered that, wanting to see her again without knowing entirely why. “Maybe Logan and I will see you here next weekend?”

“I’d like that.”

He stared at her a moment longer then he should have and then stood. “Come on, buddy, let’s get going.” Logan jumped to his feet, and Patrick rested his hand on his son’s shoulder before meeting Rebecca’s eyes. “Stay safe,” he said, before turning to leave. He could feel her eyes watching him as they walked out the front door, and it took absolutely all of his strength not to look back.

About the Author:

Makenna Jameison is the author of eight books. She loves to write stories with hot alpha males, steamy romance, and happily-ever-afters. An avid reader and writer her entire life, she published her first book in December 2012 and hasn’t looked back. Makenna enjoys reading, writing, coffee, the beach, and traveling to new places. She lives in Washington DC with her husband and daughter.

Giveaway Details:

There is a tour wide giveaway. Prizes include the following:

  • A $10 Amazon gift card

Giveaway is International.

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Tuesday, July 14, 2015

~~~RELEASE BLITZ~~~ KARMA INC by Melanie James

Book: Karma Inc
Author: Melanie James
Release Date: 7/14/2015

Amazon AU --

Waiting for Karma is fine—for the patient. But for the rest of us, it sure would be nice to give Karma a little nudge every once in a while.

Too many dates that turned out to be losers or liars? Have a problem with two faced backstabbers? And don’t even start with the so-called customer service centers. There comes a day when enough is really, truthfully, enough already. For Kelly and Esmeralda, two snarky single witches, that day was yesterday. After applying their witchcraft to dish out a little magical payback, they realize they have a penchant for the dark art of revenge. And who’s to say a witch can’t make a few bucks with a talent like that? 

Doing the odd job was fun and gratifying. Then along came an unusual client with a pitch for an idea, “Karma Inc.-Reality TV.” The witches set up shop in the sleepy little town of Caldron Falls, Wisconsin. By enabling the good citizens to settle old scores, they hoped to transform the town into a virtual coliseum of televised revenge. It didn’t take long before a few inconvenient and unexpected dead bodies began to pile up. To complicate matters, Caldron Falls just happens to have more than its fair share of paranormal creatures, not to mention a Chicago mobster seemingly bent on taking over the town. 

Can Esmeralda and Kelly solve the rash of unexplained deaths before they get the blame and end up behind bars? What will Marie Laveau and the Witches Union have to say about this? And as any fool knows, Karma carries a roundtrip ticket.

Author Bio
USA Today Bestselling author, Melanie James spent 14 years as an IT systems administrator before tiring of the hustle and bustle of the technology world. She's doing what she loves, by writing paranormal comedy, steamy paranormal, and contemporary romance books. Melanie has a Bachelor's Degree from the University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh in Leadership and Development, with a minor in Women's Studies. She is working on her Master's Degree in Adult Education at the University of Wisconsin-Stout.

Melanie is married to a wonderful man who supports her dreams and goals. She has two children, three step-children, a beautiful daughter-in-law, and an adorable grand-baby.

Sign up for news and updates from Melanie. All you have to do is copy the link below and paste it into your browser!

Ways to follow Melanie on Social Media
Twitter @autmelaniejames
Visit Melanie's webpage to find the latest information on books, merchandise, and giveaways!

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~~RELEASE BLITZ~~ THE CHALLENGE by Kim Iverson Headlee



Cover Reveal Banner


TITLE – The Hunger

SERIES – The Companion Series

AUTHOR – Susan Squires

GENRE – Regency Paranormal Romance

PUBLICATION DATE – June 23, 2015

LENGTH (Pages/# Words) – 101,000

PUBLISHER – Independent

COVER ARTIST – Rebecca Poole, Dreams2Media

The Hunger - Cover


Discover a realm where anything is possible. Where peril and passion collide. Where a woman is tempted by a man she wants by can never have; a man she could destroy with just one kiss…


The year is 1811, and the vampire Beatrix Lisse has spent six hundred years trying to atone for the sins she committed with her adopted sister and rival, Asharti. She’s grown weary of life, until she meet John Staunton, the Earl of Langley. John is London’s most notorious rogue, but he sees an innocence in Beatrix that she no longer believes exists. But Beatrix can’t bring herself to reveal her true nature to John, even after they surrender to their fierce passion. It’s only after John abandons her that Beatrix learns that he has a secret of his own…


An undercover spy for England, John’s mission is to find out who is directing Napoleon’s network of spies. If he allows himself to get too close to Beatrix, John knows he’ll put her life in danger. But as John

gets closer to completing his mission, he realizes the person he seeks is none other than Beatrix’s centuries-old rival, Asharti. With the world unraveling around them, John and Beatrix unite to fight a nemesis whose fury has no limit—even as their unquenchable passion grows more dangerous by the day…



Beatrix motioned Langley to a chair. He looked mulish for a moment. Then practicality intervened and he sat stiffly. As he moved, she saw a slight bulge at his shoulder. Ahhh. The bleeding wound she sensed was in his shoulder and it was bandaged. Not a new wound, then. He definitely looked pale now.

“Symington, a glass of brandy for Lord Langley?” But her ever-discerning majordomo already hovered with a salver laid with brandy. 

Southey, the pedestrian poet laureate, pushed to the front of the crowd. “I can hardly credit footpads in Hay Hill Street.” Castlereagh and Chumley hung over Langley as well. Beatrix had lost the attention of the room. 

She took the opportunity to observe Langley. He gulped the brandy and the color came back into his face. He was deft with their questions, answering but not answering. It was if he wanted them to doubt his story of being set upon by footpads. Once she saw the twinge of pain as he eased his shoulder. He had been set upon in Hay Hill, but his assailants hadn’t made the wound in his shoulder, only opened it, she guessed. Ah, perhaps he wanted his listeners to make up other stories more in keeping with his

reputation as the most debauched man in London. What a devious way of achieving it! If he wanted to shock them, why didn’t he tell them about the wound bleeding even now in his shoulder and what adventure had occasioned it? Beatrix’s senses were heightened by the scent of blood. Lord, she would need to feed again tonight at this rate! 

She got to her feet almost without realizing, and took the brandy decanter from Symington. The young men parted for her, unconsciously, as people always did. She stood over Langley. He looked up at her. The green eyes were jaded. They had seen much for one of his tender age and were disgusted by it. How old was he? Not yet forty, she wagered. She gestured with the decanter and he held up his glass. She poured, but her gaze kept returning to his face. He had determination. He thought he was implacable. Silly man! Implacable was the onward march of time, the loneliness, the endless repetition of small failures and large ones in people, in the world, in herself. John Staunton, Earl of Langley, was not implacable. 

He was ... What was he? All she knew was that Langley was not what he seemed. Intriguing.

The Hunger - Author Photo


Susan Squires is a New York Times bestselling author known for breaking the rules of romance writing. Whatever her time period, or subject, some element of the paranormal always creeps in. Susan’s work has won multiple contests including the Holt Medallion, the Golden Heart and the Book Buyer’s Best Award and reviewer's choice awards from RT BookReviews. Publisher's Weekly named Body Electric one of the most influential mass market books of 2003 and One with the Shadows, the fifth in her vampire Companion Series, a Best book of 2007. Time for Eternity, the first in the DaVinci time travel series, received a starred review from Publisher's Weekly.

Susan has a Masters in English literature from UCLA and once toiled as an executive for a Fortune 500 company. Now she lives at the beach in Southern California with her husband, Harry, a writer of supernatural thrillers, and three very active Belgian Sheepdogs, who like to help her write by putting their chins on the keyboarddddddddddddddddddddddd.


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Monday, July 13, 2015


 Title: Intransigent (The After Light Saga #3)
Author: Cameo Renae
Genre: YA Post-Apocalyptic/Dystopian
Publisher: CHBB Expected Release Date: June 19, 2015
Cover Design: Regina Wamba at Mae I Design Photography
 Hosted by: Lady Amber's Tours

Arriving at the new government bunker, things quickly go from bad to worse. I am separated from Finn and my family because of my ability to connect with Arvies through telepathy. Housed with three other Readers—and kept away from the general population—we are given serum injections in effort to enhance our thought transference. The end goal? Thought manipulation.

We are considered humanity’s only hope in the war against the Arvy race.

With the ever growing threat of an invasion, the government demands results from the Reader program by doling out ultimatums, and using our loved ones against us.
But they will not break me.

My name is Abigail Park. I am intransigent!

  ~~~MY REVIEW~~~
Once again Cameo KICKED ASS in this series.  I love that she brought back HELLFIRE!!!  This is my honest review and I have received and ARC in exchange for an honest review as well as purchased a copy of Intransigent.  WOOHOO!!! THIS WAS AN AMAZING READ OF COURSE!!  Return of HELLFIRE!!  Return of Abi as well as the ARVIES!! Abi tested to the limits!  Abi being reunited with her family!! Abi was separated away from her family in the new bunker casue she was known as a "reader"!!  Being a "reader" they needed her so the readers were in their own area of the bunker.  Her,Chase and Chloe are teenagers and being used as lab rats so the government can find ways to beat/kill the Arvies.  Well can the government find hope with Abi now in the mix with the other few readers?  Or does it backfire on them and the ARVies invade them?  Does HELLFIRE GET SOME ACTION??? OF course for Cameo has to make sure HELLFIRE got some action!! Yes,I think I am the number one fan of not only Cameo but of HELLFIRE!! lol   Cameo is an amazing author and did a wonderful job with this whole series!  I so recommend this series and you won't be disappointed in the action or anything. When it comes time for this series I can't put the book down and I so look forward to more action!!  HELLFIRE and CAMEO RULE!!  ARVies SUCK!!!  

Author Bio:

 Voted 2013 Break Out Author by Young Adult & Teen Readers, and 2013 Book of the Year (Hidden Wings). Cameo Renae was born in San Francisco, raised in Maui, Hawaii, and recently moved with her husband and children to Alaska. She's a daydreamer, a caffeine and peppermint addict, loves to laugh, loves to read, and loves to escape reality. One of her greatest joys is creating fantasy worlds filled with adventure and romance, and sharing it with others. One day she hopes to find her own magic wardrobe, and ride away on her magical unicorn. Until then...she'll keep writing!


Follow Cameo on: Facebook * Blog * Website * Twitter
Buy Links:


Title: Four Play

Author: Amalie Silver

 Release Date: July 13, 2015


From the author of the Internationally Bestselling Satire Word Play comes this collection of laugh-out-loud novellas, all guaranteed to curl your toes and challenge your morals.

Titles include:

Surrendering to Innocence
(Previously published in Forbidden Fruit, Volume II)


Big Balls
(Previously published in Nighttides)


Debating Number Ten
(Previously published in Hot for Teacher)


Fair Play
(The brand new prequel novella to Word Play)

Links to Buy


Also Available



“No, no, no,” Jack cut in. “You need to get her engine fired up. Make her panties wet. You have to be forceful, take control. They eat up that shit.”

Martin shook his head. “No. I’m telling you, there are only two ways to get a girl in your bed at a place like this. Shakespeare or poetry.”

“Shakespeare?” I asked. “Don’t you think that’s a little cheesy?”

“Not at all,” Martin replied. “Just walk up to her and say ‘but soft, what light through yonder window breaks? It is the east, and Juliet is the sun!’”

“And then add,” Jack insisted, “the sun isn’t the only thing around here that rises.” He wiggled his eyebrows.

Why was I even considering listening to them? It seemed that the guy who was about to become a priest had the best advice.

“Shakespeare? Really?” I wasn’t comfortable with it, but with the alcohol and one glance at the blonde that had just walked in, I felt my inhibitions fade away. Maybe the guys knew more about this kind of thing than me. Although judging from their track record in school, I had my doubts. I didn’t remember the last time any of them had a girlfriend.

Fuck it.

Why not? You only live once. Why shouldn’t I have tried to take advantage of the situation? Jack was right, as painful as it was for me to admit. By my calculations, ninety-three percent of the women at the bar were there for the convention. My chances of scoring one who knew something about Shakes were pretty good.

I slammed back the rest of my drink and pulled a wad of courage from my left nut.

I can do this.

None of the guys looked convinced. Duncan gave a lopsided smile, Martin shoved his earbud back in his ear, and Jack sat cross-legged, calmly folding his hands in his lap. I really hoped they wouldn’t watch me; it was going to be hard enough as it was, let alone while I had an audience.

I drew two deep breaths and stood. The blonde at the bar sat alone, sipping her drink, and I took several confident strides toward her as I tried to piece together what I was going to say.

“Hi,” I whispered.

But the music was too loud, and she couldn’t hear me.

So I tried again.

“Hi,” I shouted, causing her to flinch and dribble some of her drink down her chin.

Smooth, asshole.

“It’s loud in here!” I said, without as much force that time.

She smiled and tucked her hair behind her ear. I shoved my hands in my pockets and tried to remember the line I was supposed to use.

But it wasn’t coming. We remained smiling at each other until the moment became strange.

Then uncomfortable.

And then it verged on painful.

What was I going to say? Did we decide I was going to introduce myself? Or was it poetry?


“But soft, what…light through yonder window breaks,” I began, trying not to stutter.

Her eyes widened, and I knew I had her attention, but as my palms grew clammy and my chest hollowed, I realized that the Juliet line wouldn’t work.

Unless her name was Juliet. Which was unlikely.

It is the east, and Juliet is the sun. That’s not going to work! Dammit! I need something else! It’s too late! I have to finish the damn quote!

I swallowed, and spat out the first thing my mind could make sense of.

“My dick rises in the east.”

Author Bio

Amalie Silver resides in Minnesota with her husband, two toddlers, and German Short-haired Pointer, Saba. She consumes approximately three pots of coffee a day, and credits this for her

survival over the past decade.

When not completely consumed in her writing, she can be found taking road trips to northern Minnesota, engaging in fierce Scrabble games, or reading a good book. She’s a sucker for all romance genres, literary fiction, and psychological fiction.

Author Links


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Lisa Glenn

"What happens when the only mother you have ever known dies and leaves you in the hands of a monster? You run for your life! This is the story of a young girl that has her life turned upside down by circumstances beyond her control. In this novel, Shelby, you will meet this remarkable young girl as her story unfolds.

Unknown to Shelby Lee secrets from her past will change her future. The woman that she thought was her mother was not her real mother! At the age of thirteen her real story is revealed at the death of this woman. She is left to the mercy of a step-father that has pedophile tendencies. Shelby knows that if she doesn’t escape, he will try to harm her, it is only a matter of time. Escape is the only thing that she can think of, so taking the few belonging she can pack into her backpack she climbs out her window.

This is the beginning of Shelby’s story and the adventure she lives as she searches for her way home. Determined to find where she belongs, nothing will stop her from finding it. Will Shelby find what she is looking for, a home and family?"

Publication Date: October 31, 2014
Shelby Lee has lived a life that is not her own. At the age of 13, her mother dies and turns her life upside down. Now the journey begins to fill in the blanks of a life that never was, and to find out what is meant to be. Sometimes you have to run away from everything you know to find what home is. Shelby leaves her small town in search of a new home. On her journey she meets three incredible friends who become more like family. Will she find what she is looking for? Can she hide from the evil that followers her?

Amazon Link
Shelby: Translucent Savior by Lisa Glenn via @amazon

Goodreads Link



Panhandle of Florida. I'm a proud Grandmother of two beauties and a Mother of four. Currently, along with my writing I am employed at a local store. When I'm not writing or working I am furthering my education at a neighboring College. I, along beside my 10 year old daughter, raise chickens and a Jack Russell/Yorkie mix. When I'm writing I chug coffee by the gallons and snack on my favorite treat, Chocolate. I am currently working on my next novel soon to be released. I also have two more novels coming in Late 2015. I write mainly Mainstream Fiction, which is to say, a little bit of all genres. All my book have one thing in common. You will have to read them all to find out what that is. I hope you enjoy my books as much as I enjoyed writing them.


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