Friday, August 1, 2014

~~Sales Blitz & GIVEAWAY ~~ That Man 1 by Nelle L'Amour

sale blitz

In celebration of That Man being released in paperback That Man 1 e-book is being offered free for a limited Time.


Title: That Man 1

Genre: New Adult

Release Date: April 8, 2014


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There’s a new beautiful player in town…

Blake Burns, the sexy head of SIN-TV, who goes through women like some go through water. Until he meets Jennifer McCoy, his outspoken new assistant and development


Newly engaged Jennifer has no idea that her devastating new boss is the man she kissed, blindfolded, in a game of Truth or Dare. That kiss, that man, that beautiful stranger she cannot forget.

Blake hasn’t been able to stop thinking about that kiss either…and he’ll do anything to win Jennifer —even if it means being a beautiful bastard and breaking all the rules.


“Kiss him, kiss him!” I heard my friends chanting in the distance.

Oh, God. What was I going to do? I couldn’t let them down or I’d never live it down. I’d come this far. Without overthinking, I blindly ran my hands over my victim’s face. His skin was soft with a fine layer of silky stubble, and his features were distinct and defined—a straight manly nose, a strong, slightly clefted chin, and above it, a set of lush, velvety lips. I lingered on his lips, tracing them with my fingertips, building up the courage to touch down on them with my own.

“I hope you don’t mind, but I’m playing a game of Truth or Dare, and I have to kiss you.” God, how ridiculous I must sound and look with my blindfold.

I took my victim’s silence as a sign he was willing to play along. Okay, here goes. Clutching his angular jaw between my hands, I bent down to kiss him. But before I could latch my lips onto his, he rose and, in one swift move, crashed his lips onto mine.

Oh. My. God. A heat wave shot through me. It was one of those kisses like in a movie. Fierce, delicious, passionate. Opened mouth and oh so consuming. And he tasted divine—the sweet taste of champagne lacing his breath. He bit my upper lip, forcing me to part my lips, and plunged his warm, velvety tongue inside my mouth. His tongue instantly found mine and they entwined, dancing like they’d been together forever. He tugged hard on my ponytail, yanking back my head, and coiled it around his hand, tearing at my roots. The delicious pain mixed with the delicious pleasure of his kiss, sending a rush of erotic sensations through me. Every nerve ending was a sparking little fuse. My breathing grew shallow. Already lightheaded, I was now borderline delirious. I’d never been kissed by a man like this before. I didn’t want him to stop. What was wrong with me? I’d just gotten engaged.

In the background, I could vaguely hear my friends cheering and whistling. “Go, girl!” For sure, head cheerleader Chaz.

My inner voice told me to stop, but no matter how much I willed it, I couldn’t get my lips to part from his. In fact, I deepened the kiss, pulling him closer to me by the collar of his shirt. The material felt expensive, like the gazillion thread Egyptian cotton kind. Everything about this man tasted and felt divine. He squeezed my ponytail tighter. I moaned into his mouth and he moaned back. God, the throaty sound of him was sexy!

And then suddenly, as fast as he had plunged his tongue into my mouth, he withdrew it. In tandem, he let go of my hair. I gasped, desperate for more.

“Wait!” I cried out, my hands grappling for him. Instead of finding him, I found myself knocking over a chilled glass. My heightened sense of smell told me it was his champagne.

“I’m sorry,” I croaked, struggling to tear off the tight, blinding tie. “I’ll buy you another glass.” Finally, I undid the tie. I blinked once. He was gone, and I was painfully all alone. Where did he go? My eyes frantically searched the pulsating crowd, darting left and right, but he was nowhere to be found. Even if he was facing me somewhere, staring into my eyes, I wouldn’t know it because I didn’t know what he looked like.

My friends were now all standing and applauding me. I’d lived up to the dare. Kissed a strange man on the lips, Oh those lips!

Dazed, I staggered back to the group and dared not tell them how much I’d enjoyed it. And wanted more.

About The Author


Nelle L’Amour is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author who lives in Los Angeles with her Prince Charming-ish husband, twin teenage princesses, and a bevy of royal pain-in-the-butt pets. A former executive in the entertainment and toy industries with a prestigious Humanitus Award to her credit, she gave up playing with Barbies a long time ago but still enjoys playing with toys with her husband. While she writes in her PJs, she loves to get dressed up and pretend she’s Hollywood royalty.

Her books include the highly rated Seduced by the Park Avenue Billionaire Boxed Set, Undying Love, Gloria’s Secret, Gloria’s Revenge and the That Man trilogy. Gloria’s Forever, a novella, will be published in Spring 2014.

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About the book

Lily looked over her shoulder and, seeing no one, began to relax. It was just her imagination. It had to be, didn’t it? She could not remember a time when she did not feel as though someone was watching her.

Sitting on the beach and watching the calm water always seemed to help ease the panic. The waves were gently lapping against the driftwood on the beach. The sound of the seagulls was soothing. The smell of the salty ocean air was comforting. So why couldn't she just relax? Today, it did not seem to be working.

Last night the dreams had kept her awake through most of the night. If only she knew what they meant. She was so tired of them. They had plagued her for her entire life—or for as long as she could remember anyhow. Today was a day filled with questions, and she just wanted answers. All her life she had worked at blocking memories. Maybe it was time for her to lay her past to rest. The idea of it terrified her, and she really wasn't sure why. She wanted to move forward in her life. It was time.

In the past few months, she had begun to see a counsellor on the mainland, trying to recover memories that may never return. It was exhausting, but it seemed that she was making headway, having a few glimmers of recurring events in the dreams. Lily had been a great patient and had listened to everything the counsellor had to say. She had practised the techniques and was always willing to try something new. Perhaps that was why she was making such good progress.

She had been working on a dream journal for a while. There were things that were now noticeable recurrences in the dreams. The counsellor felt that these probably pointed to true memories, but of course, there were no guarantees.

Nights like last night where she was running scared and full of terror were one of the most common themes. Miles away and many years ago, she had started running and started a new life. Since then, moments of serenity had been hers, but many moments of terror had overshadowed the peace. She had started over in new places a few times but always seemed to come back to the same position—scared, alone.

Thinking back to try to remember her childhood was hard. It made her feel anxious, afraid, and she did not like it—mostly because she did not know why. Her earliest clear memories were after her ninth birthday. She had a few vague memories of earlier, but nothing solid.

Lily made the decision to seek some help to recover the lost memories and lay them to rest and to deal with her past so she could enjoy her life in peace. She had been working really hard with her therapist for months now. They had used a variety of techniques to help Lily remember. She now had enough information to try to discover what her mind had forgotten. It was time to go back to Rollingway, the town in her dreams.


It did not take long for her to spot a little motel along the edge of the highway that had vacant rooms for the night. She checked into the motel room, turned on the TV for noise, and went for a short walk to pick up something to eat. The front-desk manager at the motel had suggested the pizza place just next door. It was late enough that there was not much else open. Gathering her pizza and diet cola, she headed back to her room so Lucy wouldn’t be alone. She stopped quickly at the convenience store for a bottle of water and a snack for later. The pizza smelled heavenly, and she ate heartily, sharing a small bit of crust with Lucy.

As she crawled into bed, she said a silent prayer for a quiet night. Nightmares. Lily was so tired of them. A few hours later, she woke up crying—this time, in a strange motel. Lucy was there, wagging her little tail, looking at her in the dark. After turning the light on and a quick cuddle, she grabbed her dream journal to write about the dream before she could forget.

Running. Running. Running. Breathing hard. Screams of terror from something unknown. People are following her.

She must run faster. There were people chasing her. The forest is all around, and Lily found a hollowed out log to hide in. She could hear people running past. There was so much banging and noise. Her heart was wildly beating; she must not breathe a sound.

Writing on the dream journal had become easier as time went on. There were many logged in now. Lily just had to figure out what they all meant. Her counselor had been right. Once she started examining her dreams, she realized they had common events in them. Now she just had to figure out what they meant or whether they were in fact memories or just dreams.

About the Author

Sandra Steiner completed a Bachelor of Education degree after high school and has been working for the last twenty years in the Accounting field. Becoming a published author has always been a dream. She is a proud mother and grandmother. Sandra lives with her husband on Vancouver Island in beautiful Victoria, British Columbia Canada.

Since the death of her teenage daughter in 2004 she has inspired many to think positively and to live life for the moment. Over the years she has motivated many individuals to believe in themselves, and they have encouraged her to write and share her experiences. She is a strong woman who believes anything is possible if you believe in yourself.

The trilogy I have written portrays three incredibly strong women who are faced with difficult circumstances in their lives and the journey they went through to overcome them. Spring Island is a fictional place in which they all find comfort and hope in one way or another.

Live for Today is Lily’s story. It is a story of incredible strength, searching for answers about her birth family Lily finds that sometimes it is more important to just Live for Today.

In January of this year when I began writing the first book in the trilogy, Cherish the Past, the words just felt right. They flowed through my mind into the manuscript. Simultaneously I was working on a second writing project which has turned out to be book two of this trilogy Live for Today. Again, the words just flowed.

In April when I suggested to my husband that I wanted to publish them he was very supportive and said go ahead. I told my boys about them, and they were excited for me! None of them questioned my ability to

write ….. But I did. I had dreamt of this off and on for years but it was just a dream. Reality was it was the80′s I was a young mom of three, working full time and in college full time. I had enough to do without writing. I accepted that then, and just put the idea away.

Life has a way of moving along and now it’s 2014, I’m a grandma and my boys are grown. In November 2013 I found my hours seriously cut at work, and time on my hands so I started my blog, steiner-style. Then in January the books were started. Unfortunately in March I found my job was eliminated, and though I have been applying for work like crazy I still haven’t found anything. I now had even more time in my hands so I kept writing. My books were both completed in March, and they went to the publisher.

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Thursday, July 31, 2014

~~~BLOG TOUR & GIVEAWAY with Review~~ REVIVE by Nina Levine

Revive by Nina Levine
Book #3 of Storm MC Series

Model: Joseph Troisi


He doesn’t
do relationships.  Neither does she.  But they can’t fight the
attraction any longer…

Nash Walker
hides the demons that consume his soul.  He buries them deep and distracts
himself with sex.  Anything to avoid facing a past full of heartbreak and
regret; anything to numb the pain that he struggles with daily.

Velvet Carr
has spent years fighting her demons.  It’s a fight she’s winning.
 That is, until Nash crashes his way into her life and into her heart.

It started
out as a bit of harmless fun between friends; it wasn’t meant to get
complicated for either of them.  But when two broken souls come together
and arouse unwanted feelings in each other, complicated is what happens. 

Can Nash and
Velvet help heal each other and revive the love in their lives that they’ve
both been refusing to allow in for years?  Or will they let their demons
ruin any chance they may have at happiness?

~~~~~ REVIEW ~~~~~

I received a copy of Revive an exchange for an honest review.  This is book 3 in the Storm MC series.  You do have to read this series in order so you can get to know the characters and the whole backround of them.   The series is based on The Storm Motorcycle Club the brotherhood along with their women.  Nina did an excellent job with the whole series.  I got into the whole motorcycle club genre (if it isn't a genre then it should be.  I  have it as my own then) just recently and am totally hooked on it and can't get enough.  This series is no exception.  I so want to read more.  

                   Nash is a dirty talking bad boy which must be why I like him so much there is just something about the men like that.  Plus being very sexy and has a haunted past..  Must be a downfall of my "book boyfriends"   Velvet is just the right one for Nash.  Of course their relationship isn't easy but then again is any relationship? They both have demons in their closets which they both have to face.  Do they help each other deal with the demons?  

If you haven't read any Motorcycle Club series you really don't know what you are missing and this one is a must read.  


Book #1 Storm: Amazon
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Book #2
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Book #4 Slay
- Pre-Order Now: 


USA Today Bestselling Author Nina Levine, is an
Aussie author who writes stories about hot, alpha men and the tough,
independent women they love.
When she isn't creating with words, she loves
to create with paint and paper. Often though, she can be found curled up with a
good book and some chocolate.


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Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Touched by the Sandman by author Beverly Ovalle

Touched by the Sandman by author Beverly Ovalle @SSLYblog
Genre – Erotic Paranormal
Publication Date – March 20, 2014

~A lonely woman’s torrid sexual dreams and fantasy partner await her as a dominant reality in another dimension~
The sandman visits those that need him, assisting them to sleep. Until one night he meets a woman that he cannot help but return to time after time.
She is lonely. He comes to her as she drifts off to sleep, the man of her dreams. Awake or asleep, which is her reality?
He knows she is the one meant for him. He will find a way to make both of their dreams come true.

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Are you new to The Mystic Wolves Series?! Book #1 is Free!

Purchase the Series so far:


July 27th, 2014

The Mystic Wolves #6

- Darkness Unleashed

Nothing is as it seems. Alliances will be forged and broken. Friendships will be tested. The bitter sting of betrayal cuts the deepest ... prepare your hearts for the DARKNESS UNLEASHED.

As the startling truth behind Darcy's strange behavior is revealed, the race begins as time runs out for Mason to save his beloved mate. Fighting against an unknown enemy, he must rely on instinct and powerful magic to uncover the devious plot to destroy the woman he loves. Just when Mason thinks he understands and has everything under control, the true mastermind behind recent attacks steps forward to claim authority over the Supernatural community. As the Master releases his cruelty and malice on those who dare to defy him, it will take everything the Mystic Wolves Alpha has to protect those he's pledged to serve.

Purchase Darkness Unleashed!


Already impatient for Book #7!? It's available for Pre-Order!

The Mystic Wolves #7

- Last Wolf Standing

Release Day November 2nd 2014

Don't miss out on the stunning seventh installment in the Mystic Wolves series.

War has come to the Mystic Wolves Pack--one the will bring old enemies together in the desperate fight to destroy the Master. Things have never been so dire for Mason and Darcy as their love for each other and their friends fuel their determination to win at any cost.

Lives are on the line, heartache inevitable. Who will be THE LAST WOLF STANDING?

Pre-Order Last Wolf Standing!

About the author


A homesick Aussie living amongst the cactus and mountains of Arizona, Belinda Boring is a self proclaimed addict of romance and all things swoon worthy. When she's not devouring her latest read, you can find her celebrating her passion for books on her blog The Bookish Snob.

With all that excitement, it wasn’t long before she began writing, pouring her imagination and creativity into the stories she dreams. Whether urban fantasy, paranormal romance or romance in general, Belinda strives to share great plots with heart and characters that you can’t help but connect with. Of course, she wouldn’t be Belinda without adding heroes she hopes will curl your toes.

Surrounded by a supportive cast of family, friends and the man she gives her heart and soul to, Belinda is living the good life.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

~~~RELEASE~~ ONE WEEK by Zoey Derrick

One Week
Genre: BBW, BDSM Erotica, Erotic Romance
Length: 389 Word Pages
Release Date: 7/29/2014

***** Content Warning *****
This book contains explicit sex, language and an indecent proposal from a billionaire. Story contains strong BDSM themed scenes and is not recommended for anyone under the age of 18.


ONE WEEK is all it will take...
A week in Las Vegas and she will feel better about herself. At least that is what Dacotah Miller is hoping will be the case.
Left at the alter, heart broken and ashamed, Dacotah takes the opportunity offered by her girlfriends - the chance to get away. The opportunity to escape her mundane life in the middle of nowhere Wisconsin.
But what Dacotah doesn't know is that lurking in Las Vegas is the chance of a lifetime, a dream come true, in the form of Derek Hunter.
Derek, in town on business, can't seem to focus on his purpose once Dacotah walks into his field of vision. She beautiful and just what he needs to cure his desire for a good woman in his bed. Only she presents a challenge to him unlike anything he's ever experienced before.
Dacotah will be wrapped up in a whirlwind of unexpected events that will force her to make a decision, life changing choice. Does she get on the plane back to boring Wisconsin and wonder what might have been? Or will she step on board a private jet that promises to take her on a journey she will never forget?


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                                         ~~~REVIEW SOON TO FOLLOW~~~
I received a copy of One Week by Zoey Derrick in exchange for an honest review.  

About Zoey:

Best Selling Author Zoey Derrick comes from Glendale, Arizona. She was once a mortgage underwriter by day and is now a paranormal, romance and erotica novelist full-time. She writes stories as hot as the desert sun itself. It is this passion that drips off of her work, bringing excitement to anyone who enjoys a good and sensual love story.

Not only does she aim to take her readers on an erotic dance that lasts the night, it allows her to empty her mind of stories we all wish were true.
 Her stories are hopeful yet true to life, skillfully avoiding melodrama and the unrealistic, bringing her gripping Erotica only closer to the heart of those that dare dipping into it. 

The intimacy of her fantasies that she shares with her readers is thrilling and encouraging, climactic yet full of suspense. She is a loving mistress, up for anything, of which any reader is doomed to return to again and again.

~~RELEASE BLITZ~~ LEAD (Stage Dive, #3) by Kylie Scott

Lead Kylie Scott BANNER

Title: Lead (Stage Dive, #3)

Author: Kylie Scott

Publication Date: July 29, 2014

Publisher: St. Martin's Griffin




Stay up all night with the sexy rockers in Stage Dive, the epic rock star romance series from New York Times bestselling author Kylie Scott, author of Lick and Play.

As the lead singer of Stage Dive, Jimmy is used to getting whatever he wants, whenever he wants it, whether it's booze, drugs, or women. However, when a PR disaster serves as a wake-up call about his life and lands him in rehab, he finds himself with Lena, a new assistant to keep him out of trouble.

Lena's not willing to take any crap from the sexy rocker and is determined to keep their relationship completely professional, despite their sizzling chemistry. But when Jimmy pushes her too far and Lena leaves, he realizes that he may just have lost the best thing that ever happened to him.


“Lena, you seen my old black Led Zep shirt?”


“You sure?” His brows became one dark cranky line. The scratches on his face were healing well, thank goodness. Though it didn’t reduce my desire to throttle his mother on a daily basis.

“Yes. I haven’t seen it.”

Can’t find it anywhere…”

“And this is a surprise, how?” I slipped my hands into my back jean’s pockets. “Jimmy, you own more clothing than Cher, Brittney, and Elvis, put together. Things are bound to go missing.”

“Sure you haven’t seen it?”

“For goodness sake, what do you think, Jimmy? That I stole it to sleep in or something?” I laughed bitterly. Sure as hell, the truth deserved a good mocking. I’d sunk so despicably low.

I hadn’t even meant to steal the stupid thing, but the shirt had been mixed up with my laundry a few days ago. It’d been the first top I laid my hand on after stepping out of the shower, ready to go to bed. Without thought, I’d put it on and it’d been so soft, the scent of him lingering beneath the laundry detergent. Every night since, I’d found myself in it come bedtime. My shame knew no limits. And no, I still hadn’t quit. The words still hadn’t come even close to leaving my mouth.

He frowned. “No.”

“That I have some deep secret longing to feel close to you resulting in my stealing your shirt like some creepy perv?”

“Course I don’t fucking think that,” he replied crankily, reaching up to grip the top of the doorframe. All of his bulging muscles stretched the arms of his white T-shirt in the nicest way. It was all I could do not to start drooling, my heart beat taking up residence somewhere down between my thighs. And who could blame it? Not me. Maybe if I got laid, this would go away and things would return to normal. It’d seemed safer to avoid rubbing up against any men just in case I got carried away and started dating again. This new situation, however, changed everything.

“Well, of course not! That would be crazy.” And wasn’t that the god’s honest truth? Cray-zeee. Lock me up and throw away the key because it wasn’t like I didn’t know better.

“Just can’t figure out where the hell it could be.”

Angels couldn’t have smiled as innocently. They might have tried, but they would have failed, the dirty-mouthed, winged, little liars. “Jimmy, I don’t know where it is. But I’ll look around for it later, okay?”

“Yeah,” he said, and then added as an afterthought, “and stop looking at me weird.”

“I’m not!”

The Stage Dive series by Kylie Scott

Stage Dive Series

Lick (Stage Dive #1)

Play (Stage Dive #2)

Lead (Stage Dive, #3)

Coming January 6th, 2015

Deep (Stage Dive #4)


Pre - Order

About Kylie Scott

Kylie Scott

Kylie is a long time fan of romance, rock music, and B-grade horror films. Based in Queensland, Australia with her two children and one delightful husband, she reads, writes and never dithers around on the internet.

Check out more of Kylie’s work

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Eluded Banner

Title: Eluded

Author: Lyra Parish

Publication Date: July 28, 2014




Lives intersect only to be changed indefinitely...

This isn't your typical girl meets boy.
There isn't a glass slipper or Prince Charming.
I've lived it and now it will be told.
Welcome to my personal hell...

I once saved lives and now... I so easily end them.

Women are drawn to me like a moth to the flame, and like the moth not all of them continue on. Some are broken, others are damaged, and a few never make it out... but it's their decision to live. Only they often don't know that until it's too late.

F*ck the rules, I create my own in a world where I have nothing left to lose. Living is a game, and I'm the reigning champion by being stronger and smarter than my prey.

This is your warning. If you radiate vulnerability... Well, you could be my next victim. Don't try to hide. I'm not easily eluded.

It started with me and now it will end with me.
Some people call me an uncontrollable killing monster. I f*cking laugh at the mention of the word.
Monsters have no control.
I've got plenty.
I don't kill without reason. I don't kill the innocent.
I hunt the ones that deserve it, the real monsters, the ones without regret or a soul.



The dream is always the same.

A black van slows ahead of my sister and me as we walk home from school. When we pass, I hear the side door forcefully slide open and the hinges scream out in protest.

Two men attack us. They grab us by our arms and their nails claw into our skin, causing it to break. We try to push them away and somehow manage to wriggle free. Then we run. We run like we've never run before, but they are always faster and stronger. When they catch up to us, one grabs my sister, pushes her down to the ground, and laughs.

She bites his arm, leaving teeth marks and blood. This does no good though and only pisses him off. Then he slaps her in the face, yells at her, and threatens to kill her . . . but refuses to let go. They are relentless. I want to tell them that she is only ten years old, that she is no good to them, that she isn't even a woman yet, but a hand covers my mouth and an arm places me in a chokehold. My sister lets out blood-curdling cries, and all I know is that I need to save her. I kick my capturer in the knee, and he slams my body, then my head, into the cement until my vision blurs. I know I have a concussion from the brute force, but I continue to attack with everything that I have. No matter how hard I try, they take her.

How can a twelve-year-old boy fight against men?

He can't.

I couldn't.

When I think back to that day, I remember what the sky looked like after they pushed me down. It was blue like the color of the sea in Australia. Not often do I remember the sky in London being that color . . . or feeling so helpless. I'm often haunted by the look on my sister's face, and the sound of her screams and pleas as they shoved her into the van. I can still hear the revving of the engine as it hurried down the street like it was yesterday. That was the last time I felt fear. Those men stole more than my best friend and my sister. That day, they stole my soul.

This time, I wake up dripping with sweat. Sometimes I am breathing rapidly or yelling, or my heart is racing so fast it pulls me from the nightmare. For the past fifteen years, I've been haunted with the memory of my sister's abduction. I used to blame myself for her having been taken. I no longer accept that burden, and I refuse to sit idly by. The underground darkness of London is at war with itself, and I've caused it. It will not end until the petty fucks that stalk my streets are destroyed.

I will stop at nothing.

Some people call me an uncontrollable killing monster. I fucking laugh at the mention of the word.

Monsters have no control.

I've got plenty.

I don't kill without reason. I don't kill the innocent.

I hunt the ones who deserve it—the real monsters, the ones without remorse or a soul.

Sometimes people strive to be different, to step out of the fucking box, only to be misunderstood. The public doesn't understand me, but who really gives a shit?

Who are they? Mice. They go to work every single day and spin the same wheel that gets them nowhere. Work. Marriage. Kids. Die.

I search for adventure.

I love control.

When I find trouble, I make it my bitch.

Most people call me Abbot. First name isn't needed. I truly believe there is power in a name. My friends respect me, my enemies fear me, and regardless of what I do, at the end of the day I am still a killer. Apparently, that's what defines me. Son, brother, leader of the Gang of London, protector, murderer . . . the only word that matters is the last one.

Shakespeare said, "All the world's a stage." If that's true, then where is my standing ovation for a job well done? Twisted fucks like me don't receive positive recognition. We don't deserve to be rewarded for ridding the world of horrible people, because being a murderer outweighs all the good.

An eye for an eye, a finger for a finger, or blood for blood. What-the-fuck-ever.

I'm not fucked-up from a horrible childhood, unless one counts my sister's abduction. Everyone tries to blame my life choices on my parents' guidance, but my actions are by choice. My mum and dad loved and supported me. They told me I could be anything I wanted when I grew up, until I became what I am today—a cold-hearted killer.

No one expected that one.

About the Author


Words make the world go round. I love to write, travel, and sing really loud at the top of my lungs in the shower. Sweet love stories (along with the dirty ones) make me gush. I am firm believer that a person can never have too many cats or cups of coffee, and that the F word is necessary.

Forget the beach! Give me a gel pen, a stack of blank paper, and beautiful mountains.

You can find Lyra's Weakness series here -


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Monday, July 28, 2014


The journey of Isabella Jacobs and Donte Mills continues in the second installment of the Love, Lies, and Hurt Trilogy. Things are looking up for Isabella as she launches a new business with Donte's help. That is, until stories of infidelity surface in the press.  The couple has made several enemies they suspect of the outing, one being an ex-lover.

Just how far will this person go for revenge? Are Isabella and Donte strong enough to withstand the attack, or will it prove to be too much for this new couple?

Can true love really conquer all, or will they both be hurt by love?
Coming to a Kindle near you on 4th August 2014
Add to your TBR list
Check out book one in the Trilogy
Isabella Jacobs was a stunning runway model, who was in a terrible accident.
After months of rehab, she was finally ready to go back to work. When she went
for her first interview after her car wreck, her boss, Donte Mills, was
everything she wanted in a man; rich, powerful, sexy. The only problem was that
Donte was engaged to be married. After a fateful fashion show weekend, the
feelings between Donte and Isabella are undeniable. But will this just confuse
Isabella even more, or will this be the love she's been waiting her whole life
T.L. Messruther was born in 1991 in Hull, United Kingdom. She moved to Scarborough, United Kingdom at just weeks old where she was raised. She attended school until 2005, when at just age 15 she fell pregnant with her son, who was born in 2006. Once pregnant, she chose to move back to her birth place to raise her son. In 2009, she gave birth to her daughter. While raising her children, reading became one of her passions.
In 2012, she met a lady who was just on her journey of becoming a self published author. She gave her the courage to pursue her own dream to write her own book, thus relighting her passion for writing. T.L. is currently in the process of writing her debut novel in the trilogy, which will be the first book of the Love, Lies and Hurt Trilogy. It is expected to be released in 2013.

T.L. Messruther and her family continue to live in Hull, United Kingdom. She is also in the process of enrolling in a course to become a midwife at her local college.

Sunday, July 27, 2014

~~COVER REVEAL~~ SHUTTER (Volume One) by Eli Chastain

Cover Designer Cover Sparkle

Releasing August 10, 2014


I get paid to photograph intimate moments in other peoples’ lives—specifically one man. During the day, I watch while he’s working, and every night I watch him while he’s f***ing. It started as a job but quickly turned into an obsession.

His name is Nikolas Gallo.

I spent years in front of the camera before I escaped. Now I’m behind it and in control of what my shutter captures. The moment I viewed Niko in the lens of my camera I found the escape I’d been searching for. I finally felt connected - whole.

There are two types of celebrity photographers: those that wait for their victim to venture into public, always allowing some semblance of privacy. And then there are those that lurk in the shadows, steadily invading lives, hunting and searching for the most private shot, and that’s what I had become.

My name is Brook Beckham and I found my inner peeping Tom.

About the Author

Eli Chastain is a super-secret ninja set on conquering the world one reader at a time. In reality, she’s an alter ego of a struggling author that needs a secondary route to reveal her inner most demons. Follow along to see if you are haunted by some of the same.

Chastain’s contemporary serial, Shutter, is set for publication starting in August 2014 with all subsequent volumes to be released before the end of the year.

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