Tuesday, September 29, 2015


D. M. Earl lives in Northwest Indiana. She is an avid reader and will devour a book usually in a day. She reads anything from romance, contemporary, erotica and dark reads. Loves to rider her Harley next to her hubby. Also D.M. likes being outdoors either working in her veggie or flower gardens or just hanging with her 10 four legged fur "kids."

Connelly's Horde is her first published work released July 3, 2014. This is a Novella in her series Wheels & Hogs. Cadence Reflection Book 2 released on 11/21/2014. Gabriel's Treasure Book 3 in the series released on 7/6/2015.

Also D.M. started a second series, The Journals Trilogy which is filled with suspense and is a much darker read. Anguish #One released on May 11, 2015. The Journals #Two and #Three will hopefully release before end of 2015.

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 My name is Quinn and in one night my life changed forever. I lost not only part of my family, but also a huge part of who I was. Struggling to make it through each dark day, uncertain of everything in my life, I’m barely living just existing until a professional suggests I start writing down my thoughts in a journal.

My journals help me muddle through the personal and emotional baggage. Allow me to manage the past with all my Anguish; to function in the present plotting Vengeance; and to hope for my Awakening to a future full of all my dreams for a better life.

That is, until my past comes full force into my present and threatens my future. And the only person who can help me is someone from my past. The same person who has been around in the shadows protecting me, even when I didn’t know he was there, apparently has always had my back.





By D.M. Earl


Follow Des as he introduces you to each one of his crew at Wheels & Hogs in this short Novella. Start to understand how a group of strangers become not only friends but family over the years. Get a snapshot of why when life pushes you down, in this garage, you push back until you are on your feet again.

Welcome to Desmond Connelly's Horde or better known as his extended family at Wheels & Hogs Garage. For years these survivors have been dealing with what life throws them while trying to move forward from the atrocities in their lives. Some have secrets not shared while others are working through problems that are continually present in their lives. 


Amazon UK  http://bit.ly/AmazonUKConnellysHorde
Amazon AU http://bit.ly/AmazonAUConnellysHorde
Amazon CA http://bit.ly/AmazonCAConnellysHorde
Amazon DE http://bit.ly/AmazonDEConnellysHorde
Barnes and Noble  http://bit.ly/BNConnellysHorde
Amazon Paperback  http://bit.ly/AmazonBookConnellysHorde



Cadence Powers is tattooed, pierced, and panty dropping gorgeous. Women love him and men want to be him. It appears to the world that he has it all, but what people don't see is that Cadence is a damaged haunted man, held back by untold secrets that keep him from living a real life.

When he meets Trinity Vinkers, he feels as if he can finally live the life he desperately wants. However, just as their friendship begins to grow, one stupid act causes that friendship to shatter, all because he lets his guard down allowing her into his life.

Trinity appears to be the light to Cadence's dark. Innocent, naïve, and goofy, she seems to bring out the best in everyone around her, but she has her own dark secret. Her persona allows her to fake her way through life, at least until she meets him. Trying not to let her feelings for Cadence get the best of her is taken out of her hands when she makes a wrong decision that leaves her left with an unexpected fallout.

As life takes both Cadence and Trinity down a path that neither will forget, they are unaware of the evil lurking around them. It's watching, waiting to step in and take everything from Cadence.

As the young lovers struggle with their secrets, a close friend will also be fighting for something,... her life. As time goes by, Cadence and the Horde from Wheels & Hogs decide that they have to do whatever it takes to keep what is theirs safe, even as death hovers around like a dark angel.

Amazon http://bit.ly/CadenceReflectionAmazon
Amazon UK http://bit.ly/CadenceReflectionAmazonUK
Amazon AU http://bit.ly/CadenceReflectionAmazonAU
Amazon CA http://bit.ly/CadenceReflectionAmazonCA
Amazon DE http://bit.ly/CadenceRelectionAmazonDE



Fern knew the instant she fell into Gabriel’s arms all those years ago, that she had found her “one and only.” He became her everything-owning her heart and soul. As they made it through their life journey together, nothing could tear their unbreakable bond. Life struggles, financial losses, and even devastating miscarriages didn’t stand a chance until the day she received the phone call that finally shattered their world to the core, leaving Fern preparing for the fight of her life.
As Doc and Fern struggle through each day, praying for a miracle, one presents itself. Do they dare have hope, or do they accept that the fight is over as a dark shadow waits patiently to make a move to alter their lives forever.

Gabriel “Doc” Murphy found the woman he’d planned to treasure for the rest of his life in a young, shy girl he had seen being bullied in a hallway between classes when they were just kids. Over the years, Doc loved and protected her with all he had, until the day came when he received news that there was something that could take her away from him…Cancer. Being faced with the possibility of losing the love of his life, Doc would turn the world inside-out to save and keep the only love that could shatter him, body and soul, if he couldn’t save her.

Monday, September 28, 2015

~~~RELEASE BLITZ~~~ FAULT LINES (Adirondack Pack #2) by K.C. Stewart


Fault Lines
(Adirondack Pack #2)
by K.C. Stewart
Publication Date: September 28, 2015
Cover Design: Mayhem Cover Creations
Genre: Paranormal Romance


Mira James is on a mission to smack her sister senseless. Recently, her life had come crashing down around her and she needed her sister. But contacting her was getting harder and harder to do. It hurt. Her best friend was barely in her life anymore and Mira was done with giving her space. All that was separating them now was a giant man with a smirking grin. The brute was going to get his ass handed to him if kept Mira from her sister.

Owen Purcell was the Adirondack Pack alpha and had just met his match. Sadie’s younger sister was a sassy little thing and he couldn't help but smile around the Rabbit. It may not be the wisest thing he’s ever done but there was chemistry between them that couldn't be ignored. Getting her on board may not be the hard part, but keeping her around would be.

Canidae has upped their antics and plan to hurt Owen where he feels it most. He’ll need to protect those in his pack and the little Rabbit that has found herself in the wolf’s den.

Purchase Links

Amazon US - http://goo.gl/2Z1fiV
Amazon UK - http://goo.gl/3ZqGSt
Amazon CA - http://goo.gl/j4K88L
Barnes & Noble - http://bit.ly/1gZT1Dn

Other Books in Series

Adirondack Pack #0.5
Amazon US | UK | CA 

Adirondack Pack #1
Amazon US | UK | CA

Meet the Author

K.C. Stewart is the self published author of the Hailey Holloway series and most recently, the Adirondack Pack series. All her life she had fantasized and day dreamed on a regular basis but it wasn’t until she began writing flash fiction and that she made those fantasies a reality. Now she has graduated to novels but still dabbles in the occasional flash fiction and short story. Because of her love for reading and the written word, K.C. is currently continuing her education at Clarion University for Library Science. When she isn’t taking photographs, studying or writing, she is supporting a very real gummy bear habit. Currently, she lives with her boyfriend, german shepherd and cats in central Pennsylvania.

Social Media Links

Website - www.authorkcstewart.com
Goodreads - https://www.goodreads.com/kcstewart
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/kstewartauthor?ref=br_rs
Tsu - https://www.tsu.co/KCStewart


Chance to win an Ebook Adirondack Series Bundle


In the long awaited prequel to the award winning Epic Saga of The Master of Whitehall, Charlotte Ann Erickson, an enchanting but deadly immortal, and the acknowledged matriarch of the Charleston coven, has decided after much soul searching that at long last she must tell her story. A decision reached primarily because the natural and supernatural worlds are coming in contact with each other more than ever before in the past. Her main consideration is that she feels it is long overdue for humans to hear some hard truths about the reality of the immortal world … especially after the veritable flood of books and movies in recent years.
Her story, having been a closely guarded secret in the past, begins before the first English settlers came to America. It’s a story that spans across four centuries, shrouded in the fog of myths and imaginations. She was the last of six children born into a prominent shipping family in seventeenth century London, England … and the forerunner of a well-known immortal coven in twenty-first century Charleston, South Carolina.
Charlotte Ann bares her soul, giving insights into the life of a vampire unlike any today. She was made in the days when life was cheap and immortals were hunters and killers. Look through her eyes as she relates her story, dispelling modern misconceptions of immortals. Step into her shoes and recognize humans as she does … easy prey, weak and pathetic … creatures of no real importance outside of sustenance. Listen as she tells of her evolution over the centuries into a modern predator … and when her story is told, watch, as once again, she quietly fades away, back into the mists of folklore and fantasy.

Sunday, September 27, 2015


BOOK TITLE * Moving Forward

BOOK GENRE * Romantic Suspense


PUBLISHER * Emily R Pearson


Six years ago a monster broke Ava Monroe's soul. She was left with nothing but an empty house and no reason to live. In starting a new life in a new city she finds the strength to carry on, but can she ever erase the demons of her past?

When an act of fate brings Seth into her life, they'll attempt to discover the truth about their tainted pasts. But Seth Carter has a secret; one even he doesn't know exists.

Will Ava's connection with Seth be enough to lift her up, or will it destroy what little she has left?





I suppose you want to hear about how Emily enjoys long walks on the beach, a nice glass of wine, and wants a man with... Oh wait. This isn't her dating profile. *Ahem* I will start again. When Emily isn't nose deep in her latest and greatest writing adventure or in over her head with her spitfire daughter; you'll find her emerged in the latest book to catch her eye. She doesn't judge, she reads it all and hungers for more. She has been declared a Pinterest queen by some, and is one of the few people you'll ever meet to actually pull off those easy looking recipes; the ones that the rest of us burn. She'd love to hear from you so feel free to send her a message or email her anytime.

FACEBOOK * www.facebook.com/emilypearsonauthor

WEBSITE * www.emilyrpearson.com


Thirty-two-year-old Richard Franchitti didn’t believe in love at first sight until he met free-spirited Catherine and started a brand new life. A devoted father and husband, Richard fought to keep his family together when it would have been easier to walk away.
Tragedy left him with unfinished business.
Now a disembodied spirit, Richard relives his most important days. From the beginnings of unconditional love, to the joy of his daughter’s birth, and all of the difficult times in between, each treasured moment brings him closer to answering the question:
“Why am I still here?”
He was born Richard Franchitti, but his friends call him Ricky. Welcome to his funeral.

Heavy gun-metal gray clouds look like a rough ceiling made out of dirty cotton. Wind plays with an array of multi-colored umbrellas pedestrians have opened up to fend off fat rain drops which have begun to fall, landing on the sidewalk and street with large splats. 

“Hello? Cat?” I have to shout. Rush hour is in full swing, the traffic so loud I can barely hear myself think. 

“R-i-c-k-y?” Her voice is still full of static. I check out the screen and see only one bar of reception. A new carrier is definitely in order. Better call quality, my ass. That little talking hamster who sounded eerily like Andrew Dice Clay was full of crap. 

Since the finger in the ear trick didn’t work, I try my palm instead. The cacophony dulls, but only just. 

“Cat? You’re breaking up, baby. The service here sucks.” 

“ –at? “ –at? *ssss* … ear … you … *ssssssss*” 

“I can’t make out what you’re saying,” I yell into my phone, lips pressed against it. “I think I’m in a dead zone.” 

I am paying more attention to my phone than the traffic, surely looking like an idiot to the passersby as I scream into the evil device that is the cellular phone. In an effort to get one more cursed bar of reception, I sidle closer to the curb. 

“— ood news …” 

“What? You’re still breaking up, Catherine.”

“… ant … *ssss* … by …” 

“Huh? Aunt Bea? Dammit.” 

Almost on top of the street now, I check the phone again. Two bars. 

“I think we’re in business now, Cat. What’s this about …”

The sentence goes unfinished. A shout of “Buddy! Look out!” turns my attention from my conversation. Startled, I spin around to see what the commotion is, but it’s already too late.

“What the shit?”

Two massive halos of light become my entire world within a split second. They follow on the sound of a loud pop that turns into a screech of tires. There is a scream. Could be mine, could be someone else’s. My life doesn’t pass before my eyes, but a telephone pole does as I fly through the air after the brutal impact. Pain, short-lived but intense, shoots through me.

When I come to a stop, so numb it almost hurts, all I see are those dark gray clouds. They swirl and undulate, and I realize my face is wet. Is it from the tears or the dollops of rain the clouds shed?

Over the ringing and pulsing of blood rushing through my head, I hear Cat’s voice loud and clear. I can’t help but think how typical that is. 

“Rick? Ricky! What’s that noise? What happened? You there?” 

No. I don’t think I am.

Matt Schiariti is an Engineeer by profession, guitar legend in his own mind, and would-be author, time permitting. When he’s not writing, he’s reading. When he’s not reading, he’s enjoying a beer sporting a fancy name on the label. When he’s not enjoying a fancy-named beer, he’s most likely reading some more. Sometimes he does all three at once, to disastrous effect. Matt lives in southern New Jersey with his wife, two children, and insane dog. Funeral with a View is his second published novel, but not his last. You have been warned.
TWITTER * @Matt_Schiariti
EMAIL * shreder75@gmail.com
