Saturday, June 28, 2014



Love, Honor, & Hope - A Benefit for the United States War Veteran’s PTSD Foundation

Eight authors are joining forces to support one fantastic cause. Beginning June 24, 2014, Love, Honor, & Hope, an anthology of eight full-length novels, will be available for 30 days at the low price of $0.99. That’s right, just 99 pennies. The best part is that 100% of the proceeds will be donated to the United States War Veteran’s PTSD Foundation.


PTSD, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, affects approximately 19% of the military men and women returning from Afghanistan and Iraq—and that’s just those who have been diagnosed. The percentage is expected to grow as more of our military members seek treatment. It’s a heartbreaking trend for the men and women who sacrifice so much for our freedoms, especially with benefits being cut and promotions being threatened.


The United States War Veteran’s PTSD Foundation is a non-profit charity that focuses on providing FREE care to combat military members, both active and veterans. They can’t do it alone, which is why we’ve made the decision to step up and do something. All eight of the authors have their personal reasons for supporting this cause.

Cherime MacFarlane, author of Heart of the Hunter said, “For me, it’s the way a very quiet man, my uncle, receded into the background whenever a family function took place. I did understand he came back from WWII that way. A young man, easy going and quick to laugh became a recluse. My father also served in WWI, as did a second uncle who returned far from the mischievous young man he was before the war claimed his youth. I was a young mother during the Vietnam era. I had friends who did not come back from Vietnam. I had other friends who did come home but were

permanently damaged by the things they saw. For me, this is an opportunity to give back something to the men who served their country when the call came. My uncles and father are gone now, but I do hope, in some small way, to pay it forward for them. This is a tiny step, but as the man once said, every journey begins with that first step.”


It’s easy to sit back and talk about helping our veterans and active military members. To step up and help is something all together different. We are answering the call for help.

Will you answer? All it takes is for you to log on to Amazon or Barnes & Noble and spend 99 cents, and then hopefully share the great news on our labor of love. Not only will you receive eight full-length novels for your enjoyment, you will also tell our men and women who suffer from this terrible and debilitating illness that we’ve got their backs.


Love, Honor, & Hope is available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble from June 24 to July 23. It includes the following full-length novels:

Out of the Box Awakening - Jennifer Theriot

Early One Morning - Aubree Lane

Lost and Found - Jennifer Yarbrough

Scary Modsters - Diane Rinella

Tropical Dreams - Kelly Cozzone

Sisters of the Night - Linda Lee Williams

Heart of the Hunter - Cherime MacFarlane

Piece of Heaven - Sammie J


Forgiveness - Happy Anniversary


Cover Reveal Tour Banner

Title – Forgiveness

Author – AJ Best

Genre – Erotica

Publication Date – 6/28/14

Length (Pages/# Words) - 6,000

Publisher – Secret Cravings Publishing

Cover Artist – Dawne Domonique



Mary is prepared for the anniversary of a lifetime. Ten years of wonderful memories fill her mind. She can’t wait to see what the next ten will bring. When her plans for early morning seduction fail, her mind jumps to worst case scenarios.

Joe’s attention, focused elsewhere, may be the straw that breaks the camel’s back. Will he be able to come up with a good reason for forgetting their anniversary?

As the day continues, will the answers Mary finds leave her in tears? Will she find the next ten years dreams shattered before her? Only Joe holds the answers to the questions her heart asks.

Amazon Kindle Link – Barnes & Nobles Nook Link – Goodreads Link – Shelfari Link

Forgiveness - 2 Years


It seemed more and more lately that no matter how hard she tried, he looked right through her. It was infuriating and heart breaking. She'd had enough heartbreak during the past year to last her a lifetime. Her mother had been sick battling cancer all last year. Unfortunately she’d lost the battle. She’d made sure to pass on information to Mary while on her deathbed though.

Something Mary had never seen coming. She was adopted. Her world felt as if she had lost all control.

The adoption information that her mother had left with her will quickly found its way into the trash. Why would she want to find someone who didn't want her? She had enough instances of that in her own home. She did wonder, after a year, if she had reacted too rashly. You never know when you'll need family, and if she met her biological mother maybe she could figure out who she was, inside and out.

Mary plopped herself on the bed and let out a huge rush of air. There was no way Joe hadn’t noticed her outfit. She had bought it specifically for their ten-year anniversary night.

She remembered how she had anxiously awaited this evening and decided that she would make it perfect no matter how she was feeling. Every year on this day, they left the house at four twenty five and drove to the lake where he had romantically declared his undying love and proposed to her. He always hired a horse drawn carriage. The prancing steed would take them from the lake to a lovely candlelit dinner for two. After having one too many glasses of wine and a wonderful meal, they would enjoy a leisurely stroll to the theater. Wicked was currently playing on Broadway, and she couldn’t wait to hear the music that made her soul dance and her heart soar. Re-reading the book several times had her excited, and she knew the night would be perfect.

Then reality reared its ugly head.

Carefully she unlaced her corset and tossed the silky white thong in the corner; it still held the dampness from her unquenched desire.

"I can't believe I wasted my time and effort on this. Sometimes my husband is such a jerk," when she took a look around it dawned on her that she was talking to herself. Another deep breath and swish of hair and she mused, "I guess its okay to talk to myself as long as I don't answer back, huh CC?"

She slipped her silk robe on quickly and snatched the cat from his slumberous repose. He squirmed to free himself but Mary kissed his little nose first. "Don't be like your daddy, at least notice I'm here." She placed the cat gently on the bed and started her morning ritual. Getting ready for work was the last thing she was interested in.

Forgiveness - Author Photo


Writing books has been a long time in coming for me. When I was younger, my father and I lived in a town where a kid could run the streets all ‘willy nilly’. When I was old enough to babysit myself I was off and running. To where you may ask, the library. At the time the library was in an old shop on a street in town. The children’s books were in the back room and that was where I spent my days. I was never without an adventure in my hands, and I never failed to finish the summer reading program with books to spare.

My love for reading didn’t stop there. My mother is an avid reader and she acquired most of her books from a exchange shop. You would purchase your books there, and return them for partial credit and get more. One night I was left with a bag of to be returned books. It was a Piers Anthony book, Night Mare to be exact. I devoured that book and any other that he has written. I currently am the proud owner of at least 70 of his books. I’m working toward getting them all, I wish he’d quit writing so quickly.

The writing bug caught me when my 12th grade English teacher wanted to use MY essay to show the class. He put it on projector film and everything. I was so excited. The assignment was to pick a month and write about it. Of course, being the child that I was I had to be difficult about it. The rest of the class chose June, July, April and went on and on about how lovely and warm and all of the fun things you can do. Mine was about December. I still remember the first line (and may have the transparency somewhere in my mess); December spreads her snow-filled wings and covers our world in cold despair.

From that paper on, you couldn’t stop me from writing. I found a few poems I had typed on an actual manual typewriter, and became a poet. I had a recurring nightmare, I wrote it down. I dreamed a dream and if I could remember it (which is harder now that I am older) I wrote that too.

In 2003 I started my first full blown manuscript. I still only have four chapters completed, but I swear I will finish it someday. I guess the short attention span has brought me full circle on writing short stories.

So, I guess that’s where I am today. Waiting for the first query letter to come through and make me a published writer. People ask me if I am a writer, and I firmly believe and tell them YES. I write, so that makes me a writer. I may not be published yet, but I will be.

I absolutely love to get email though sometimes with the scattered mind of a writer it takes a few days to get back to you! So please forgive me if I don’t get back to you right way, but I CERTAINLY will get back to you!

- See more at:


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Anniversary Reveal Organized By:



Restoring Lady Anna - Tour Bannernew



TITLE – Restoring Lady Anna

SERIES – Eversley Siblings Series

AUTHOR – Em Taylor

GENRE – Historical Regency Romance


LENGTH – 55,000

COVER ARTIST – Veronica Fernandez

Restoring Lady Anna - Cover


When Lord James Eversley is accused of a murder he did not commit, he dresses up as his new brother-in-law’s footman and hitches a ride in their carriage out of town. When it seems they are no longer

being followed he begins to relax until a minor accident causes them to stop at a shabby looking inn. As his “master” and his sister sip tea in the scruffy parlour, James comes face to face with Lady Anna, the woman who left him in the dead of night five years before and a familiar looking child.

Lady Anna has accepted her life as Mrs Johnstone, mother of four-year-old Viola, “wife” of Peter, the mentally ill former footman and land lady of a shabby inn on the Great North Road. Her plans for a love match with the handsome Lord Eversley were cruelly snatched away from her five years before. Her ruination means there is no opportunity to return to her family or the ton. When James turns up, dressed as a footman and demanding answers, Anna must decide whether to tell the truth.

James never stopped loving Anna and now he must learn what happened that fateful night that Anna left him heartbroken. With the truth out in the open, he must convince the love of his life to take a chance on him. He wants to marry her and restore her reputation among the aristocracy. But in Regency England reputations are easily lost and difficult to regain. Can Anna trust James enough to do what is right for Peter, despite his actions, her child and most importantly himself? Can James convince Anna to seek the help that Peter needs and return to the ton?





“Why did you leave?” he asked.

“I...I... did not have a choice.”

“Were you in love with him?”

“No.” She should lie. She knew she should, but his light blue eyes seemed to bore holes into her very soul and she could not bear to hurt him further. She could not bear to have him think badly of her.

“Then I do not understand why you left. Was it... was... God dammit.” He took a large gulp of his ale and looked around before leaning close. “Was it the bedding? I know you were an innocent and it must have hurt but...”

“No.” She shook her head fervently. Could he really believe that the best night of her life had driven her from him? “That night... it was very special. You were wonderful and kind and caring. I could not have asked for a better lover the first time.”

Relief washed over his countenance before he frowned. “Then why?”

Should she tell him? Could she? “It is too complicated to explain, except to say that it was not my choice and it was not your fault.”

He pushed his long fingers through his blond curls and stared into his ale. “Is he—the footman—still alive?”

“Yes.” He looked into her eyes—the hope that had shone there moments before was gone.

“So you are married.”

“We never married.”

“You live in sin?”

“Yes. I refused to marry him—not even to give my daughter a name. I tell people I am Mrs Johnstone, but there are no legal documents and no marriage. Therefore, you can return to the ton, my lord, and tell them that Lady Anna Kingsley is a whore and has a bastard child.”

Now perhaps he would leave her alone to her miserable life and find someone who would make a proper countess when his father died. She swallowed hard, forcing back the tears. Willed herself to stay strong. She only had to stay strong until the damned ostlers could help Lord Ramsey’s horse.

“Shh! I will be returning to the ton to tell them no such thing. I wished you would tell me what actually happened, if for no other reason than to assuage my fear that it was something I did or said that drove you away. You said you have a daughter?”

“Yes. Viola. She is a pretty little thing but can be quite precocious when she wants to be. She would have made a beautiful debutante when her time came.”

“Mama. Who is this?” She turned to see Viola standing at her side and realised it had been the child who was tugging at her skirts.


James stared at the little girl standing next to Anna, tugging on the grey wool skirt. Blond hair, blue eyes and rosy cheeks that reminded him of Rebecca when she was small. She even had the little turn up in her nose that was identical to his sister’s. But, it could not be. This child could not be his? They had made love but once—or at least just one night. But he had not withdrawn as he knew he should. He had been too caught up in the moment—in their love. Had Anna fallen with child that one glorious night, how old would a child be? Three? No—four! Was this little girl four? He had no idea how large or small a child should be at the age of four. He did not come into contact with many children.

But he did not have to ask her age. His sight told him that Viola was his as did something else…instinct perhaps?

He schooled his features so they were unreadable. Years of training to be a gentleman, to show no outward emotion, were now paying dividends.

“This is Lord Eversley, a friend of mine.”

“Oh. Pleased to meet you Lord Evasey.” She bobbed a small curtsey, and he noted that she over extended her back leg a bit like the actors did in the theatre at the curtain call. It was very sweet. The child obviously did not meet many members of the aristocracy. Though it was just like Anna to have taught her daughter to act like a lady in preparation for meeting a viscount or even a duke.

“Very pleased to meet you too, Viola.” She smiled dazzlingly at him. It really was like being taken back in time to when Rebecca was a child.

“Mama, he’s awake. I heard him shouting.”

“I see.” She turned to James. “I need to go just now. I have things that must be attended to.” Anna stood and looked like she was about to bob a curtsey but seemed to the think better of it, probably remembering he was supposed to be a footman.

He watched her leave, Viola’s hand in hers. He had sired a daughter and all this time he never knew. He did not need Anna to tell him that Viola was his flesh and blood—he knew it with every fibre of his being. If he said it outright, would Anna lie? Could she lie about something as monumental as him having a child? Not the Anna he once knew. But she was harder now—more resilient. He saw it in her eyes. Even though he had sensed she had been on the edge of tears, he suspected Mrs Anna Johnstone did not cry very often. But he must allow Anna to tell him in her own time. There was a lot more to this than a silly lady having her head turned by a handsome footman.

Was the person who had just woken the footman? Why had Viola looked unhappy when she had to announce the footman was awake? And why was Anna the one working in the taproom?

He would find out, and he would not leave this place until he knew the whole truth and certainly he would not leave without his daughter.


Em was born and brought up in the Central Belt of Scotland and still lives there. She was told as a child she had an over active imagination--as if that is a bad thing. She's traded her dreams of owning her own island, just like George in the Famous Five to hoping to meet her own Mr Darcy one day. But her imagination remains the same.

Unfortunately, Em was put off reading and writing by school and although she rediscovered her love of reading many years ago, she only tried her hand at writing again in 2011. After a year of writing fan fiction, she wrote an original short story for an anthology. This was followed up with two more shorts and 4 novella length books, all published under a pen name. Having fallen in love with a new sub-genre, courtesy of books by Mary Balogh and Lynsay Sands, she decided to try her hand at her new favourite genre for reading--regency.

Having bitten the bullet, she feels she has found her home in the 19th century, and it does give her an excuse to watch Colin Firth in a pair of buff breeches and riding books ad infinitum.

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Friday, June 27, 2014


Nestled in the

foothills of the Smoky Mountains, the beautiful town of Paradise is the perfect

place to raise a family, have dinner at the local diner...and chase a ruthless


Jacob Stone is an undercover

DEA Agent dead-set on getting vengeance for his sister’s death.  When his

sources tell him that the drug dealer he’s been searching for will soon be

setting up a distribution center in the seemingly innocent town of Paradise, he

moves in for the kill.

What Jake wasn’t

counting on, however, was falling in love with gorgeous Harmony McKinnon – the

ex-wife of the man he was determined to eliminate.

Harmony McKinnon

never believed she’d find love again....not after the horrors she lived through

with her ex-husband.  When she meets secretive Jacob Stone and soon falls

in love, she never expected that her life would be in danger again...or that

the man she’d come to trust would betray her. 

Can Jake make Harmony

understand his motives?  Can Harmony trust him in spite of the past?

Will they have their happily ever after? 

Not everything is as

it seems in the sleepy, little town of Paradise, Tennessee!

Stepping between her spread legs, Jake held her squirming body still as he fought not to laugh at her theatrics.  “Calm down and settle,” he ordered against her temple, holding her firmly against him.

“I could have gotten on board with the pink carpet.  I might even have been able to wrap my mind around a puppy.  Maybe!” she railed, smacking his arm as she spat each sentence. “But dropping the bomb that you want me and my daughter to move in with you just takes the cake!”  Jerking her gaze to him as she heard a low chuckle escape his mouth, she shook her head furiously.  “Are you laughin’ at me?  Trust me, I don’t find any of this funny, Jake!”

“I’m not laughin’ at you, darlin’.  I’m just a little amused at our situation.  See, I thought I’d been real clear from the outset about what I wanted.  Are you honestly gonna tell me that this is a surprise, babe?” he asked, capturing her frantic eyes with his and holding them.  “Look me in the eye and tell me that you didn’t realize that I was in this for the long haul.  I told you weeks ago that I was staying in Paradise because of you, Harmony.  And in the last month, I’ve gotten as wrapped up in Heaven as I am in her momma.  Where the fuck did you think this was going?”

“I don’t know!” Harmony exploded in a burst of temper.  Seriously, this is not the conversation she’d seen happening tonight.  “Tonight, I’d hoped that it was leading to the bedroom, but I hadn’t thought too far beyond that.”  Really, she’d just finally worked up the courage to get intimate with a man again after years of celibacy, and now he wanted more?  

“Oh, the bedroom is definitely our destination for the evening, sweetheart,” he agreed with a slow, wicked grin.  “But a night stolen here and there isn’t gonna satisfy me, Harmony.  I’m a selfish bastard. I want everything you’ve got to give me.  Your beautiful body is only part of that.  Oh, it’s a gorgeous part, but I want the heart and mind, too. ”

“Jesus, Jake,” Harmony muttered weakly, her head falling against his shoulder as she sagged against him.  “It’s all or nothing with you, isn’t it?”

“Told ya, baby.  I’m a selfish bastard,” he whispered, wrapping his arms around her.  “The good news is that I’m your selfish bastard.  Yours and Heaven’s.  And I’ll do whatever I need to do to keep you both safe and protected and to make sure you never doubt that you’re both loved and wanted.”

“I don’t know anything about you,” she whispered into his neck as her heart did a tap dance in her chest.  What Zeke had said earlier in the day resonated in her brain.  None of them really knew anything about Jake.  She didn’t know if he’d ever been married or if he had any allergies or if he slept on the right or left side of the bed, for God’s sake.  How the hell could she even consider living with a man she knew next to nothing about?  How could that ever work between them?

He tilted his head for a second, then said, “No, I’ve never been married, I don’t have any allergies that I know about, and I sleep on whichever side is closest to the door.”

Closing her eyes, Harmony grimaced and burrowed her face against the space between his neck and shoulder.  His familiar woodsy scent mixed with sweat and man comforted her, relaxing a little of the tension that hand taken up residence in her back.   “I said all that out loud?” she asked in a tiny voice.

“You did,” he acknowledged against her ear.  “And to answer your last question, this thing will work between us

because I refuse to accept otherwise.  We’ll find our way a day at a time, darlin’, but we will find it.”

Jacob Stone, an undercover DEA agent finds himself in the tiny town of Paradise.  There is word that drugs are going to be funneled though the town. His plans are to stop it and avenge the death of his sister. He has a one track mind.  Or so he thought.  He found himself attracted to Harmony McKinnon and her little girl Heaven.  Will be be able to keep his mind on his job or is it starting to be derailed a bit?

Sarah O'Rourke does it again.  I started this book and couldn't put it down.  I just needed to find out what would happen next and how everyone fits into the puzzle.  Can't wait to read more by Sarah O'Rourke.  She's made it to the top of my to be read list!

 Book One:

                               *************REVIEW by Terri *****************
Cain's Salvation is the first book in the The Men of the McKinnon Sisters Series.  Cain Turner is a medical doctor who is also in the military. He gets sent off to Afghanistan for a tour, leaving his fiance, Faith McKinnon at home.  The horrible things he had to do and see while on tour, messes with his mind. Suffering from PTSD, he did the unthinkable and now he needs to fix it.  But is it too late?  He has to find out.

Sarah O'Rourke has done a great job writing this first book in a new series.  The subject of PTSD needs to be discussed to give everyone a little bit of understanding and Ms. O'Rourke did an excellent job of it.  It is a subject very near and dear to my heart.  I can't wait to read the rest of this series.


O'Rourke is the alter ego of two best friends who bonded over their passion for

romantic fiction and erotica. Born and raised in the southern United States,

one lives near Louisville, Kentucky, while the other resides in Atlanta,

Georgia.  Formerly an accountant and a

chemist, they are now overworked, stay-at-home moms who adore their children,

their husbands...and writing about love in every way possible.

Currently focusing on their Passion in Paradise series, they love to write wildly intense

romantica stories that have multiple characters, but each book focuses on one

specific couple that will ALWAYS have a happy ending…eventually!  The Passion in Paradise series follows the

lives of four sisters, who love and infuriate each other – and the men who love

them!  Each book is a stand-alone and

does NOT require the reader to have read the prior books.


Title: Insurmountable

Author: TE White    

Genre: New Adult Contemporary RomanceHosted by: Lady Amber's Tours

Insurmountable Book Blurb

This isn’t some happy love story. If you want that, try something else. No, I own this nightmare and would have never guessed it could have happened to me.

My life is painstakingly puzzled out. And if I have to admit it, I fall for Red the first time I see her. In fact, she is the first of many things for me and maybe my last. She is the reflection of my happiness and the beginning to my end. She is the stain that covers my heart in the color of her blood-red hair.

Thoughts of her consume me and continue to bombard my mind like ricochet gunfire. So what can possibly go wrong, you wonder? A humorous chuckle escapes me, in case you didn’t hear it. Yeah, I can tell you, but you will judge me unfairly. This you need to hear from the beginning, so you know all the facts and feel what I felt. Maybe even sympathize and not give me your scorn. Then maybe you can possibly… possibly comprehend the enormity of my crossroads.

You have to know I never planned or meant for any of this. It isn’t my fault. It’s someone else’s sins that have efficiently destroyed my life in one fell swoop. My name?

My name is Tade Astor and happiness for me is insurmountable.

*Warning – this book contains explicit sexual situations and may not be suited for everyone.

T.E. White resides in New Jersey and is avid reader who spends stolen moments in time writing stories that will possible shock you, but hopefully in a good way. Writing isn’t a new dream and something T.E. White has been compelled to do. The ultimate goal is to entertain you and create provocative thoughts in your head. The fantasy is to create stories you love. Hopefully all will be achieved. When not writing, T.E. White can be found daydreaming about new stories, watching fantastic TV shows/movies, or spending time with family.

If you would like to connect, please use these links below.


Twitter: @TEWhiteAuthor

Excerpt #1

Gavin asked, “Who’s the redhead you’ve been staring at all night?

My eyes shifted from the captivating creature back to my best mate who sported a smirk having caught me watching her. She was stunning with hair almost the same color as her strawberry colored lips, which contrasting sharply with her porcelain skin. Stupefied with lust, I was mesmerized by her barely revealed yet Venus Flytrap cleavage, intoxicating to look at but deadly to the heart.

“I don’t know her,” I said simply.

In the nearly four years I’d spent at St. Mary’s College of Maryland, a small private honors college on a stretch of remote eastern shore, I’d never seen her before. And I didn’t get the vibe she was local. According to Gavin, some high schools were larger in student population than our school. So it was odd our paths hadn’t crossed and I knew I would remember a face like hers.

“Why don’t you go talk to her before she thinks you’re some creepy stalker or you can take on Cruella for the night?” He laughed to himself at his joke about the girl who just passed us.

I tipped the beer I’d been nursing all night to my lips and took a long swallow. “Mind your business Gav.”

He chuckled. “No way some chick has you caught all up and you haven’t even said one word to her. This is priceless. In three and a half years, no one had you this wound up.”

I might have been coiled tight because my pants were uncomfortably tight. Any more pressure and I might just jizz. It had been too long since I’d gotten laid and I didn’t have difficulty getting any. That wasn’t the problem at all. I was just particular and choosy. It was important to maintain a low profile, as a Senator’s son. Tonight, the redhead in question was the reason I was all worked up. The trouble was she didn’t appear the type for

a one night shag. And that was all I had to offer. Yet, I found myself walking in her direction.

Excerpt #2

A riptide of emotions clamped down on my throat rendering me unable to speak. I wanted to reach for Reagan’s hand before I let my own fall away. Stunned, I’d been unable to do anything but stare at the mouths that had continued to speak. However, the ringing in my ear prevented me from hearing a coherent word.

A single ember burned a chasm down my cheek. The blazing hot tear was as unfamiliar as it was appropriate given the situation. My world had burned to ash with the things said and not said in that room.

I felt like a foreigner while the walls moved in on me like a house of card ready to fall. Claustrophobia had set in and finally I faced the woman behind me. 

“Don’t,” I said, watching Reagan’s horror. She gazed at me like I was a monster. The stranger reflected in her eyes wasn’t me. “Please.” It was almost pathetic how I pleaded. How the mighty had fallen. I felt their pity and scorned them for it.

One woman had made me weak and I hated it and didn’t care all at the same time. She was it for me. If somehow they succeeded in poisoning her with their blasphemy, I would live my life a lonely and broken man. No way could I survive without her.