My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Dragonfly was AMAZING. I received this book from Leigh for an honest review. Although it took me a while to read it cause the first time I started I couldn't get into it which just had to do with the genre I was reading at the time cause yeah sometimes a book I would normal read right away gets put on the back burner so I could read something different. Well let me tell you I am kicking myself for not reading this sooner. Although with the timing I have read this Undertow and Watercolor book 2 and 3 are out so to be able to read the series and not wait is awesome. Based on Anna,Julian,Jack and Lucy all highschool kids there is a mystery surrounding their past. Each one does have dreams and Anna is starting hers by internship at the newspaper. Which after a automobile accident involving two of her friends leaves her investigating her own story. I won't say more but it is a MUST READ SERIES. Leigh Talbert Moore knows how to keep her readers into her story.
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