The wedding was supposed to stop the endless stream of death threats. It seems someone didn’t get the message. As the family struggles to find the person or persons sending the threats, they face problem after problem. Rose is developing new powers so fast she's having a difficult time keeping up with them. New family members have been discovered that were erased from the family history. There is even possibly a betrayal from within their own family. Whom can Rose and Caleb trust? Who is out to kill them? Will they figure it out in time to save themselves and their family? Or will they discover the truth too late to save everyone they love?EXCERPT
I crouched there looking down, sliding my tongue over my unsheathed fangs, which pricked it, and allowing the precious blood to seep into my mouth. Tasting the sweet taste of the iron rich liquid, my thirst spiked. The raw desire of hunger ate at me, like a wild animal chewing on a bone.
This wasn’t about hunger though, it was anger, and it was about protecting my family. Hearing Caleb and the others beating at the door, knowing I only had minutes before someone got the doors open. Looking deep in myself, breathing deeply I released the leash I kept on my powers. I felt them slam into me, for once the feel of thousands of bolts of lightening hitting me made me feel powerful, it wasn’t painful this time.
I stood still watching my sister-in-law. I had no idea what she was up to. I’d heard she had a protective streak and was very lethal when she wanted to be. Even though I couldn’t see this slip of a woman being lethal, I’d wait and see. I was caught off guard by what I saw with my own eyes.
The books went to flying off the shelves all around my library. Furniture began floating. The fireplace was erupting with flames all the while my little sister-in-law was still crouched looking down at the floor. Books that were flying off the shelves finally took on an ordered chaos as they were circling around and over me. Trying to get out of the room, I found I was fixed in place.
The fireplace calmed down, the furniture sat back on the floor. I was still fixed in place unable to move and books still circled around and over me. Looking at Rose she was still crouched, never looking up.
When she did what I saw startled me.
Standing slowly, she walked to me. Caleb was beating on the metal door that stood between him and his wife.
As she approached me I guess the fear in my eyes made Rose smile. “You see now I’m no child for you to mess with. You ever kidnap me again, it won’t matter who you’re related to. I’ll kill you and won’t tell them you’re a good guy.”
“Why are your eye’s…That’s not normal.” My voice quivered with the fear, no terror I felt.
“It doesn’t matter. All that does matter is you realize that those people behind that door are mine. I love each and every one of them. If you do anything to harm them, I won’t show you mercy. Vampire or not I can kill you. You may have gotten the drop on me once and drugged me. That was the only time it will ever happen. You better be truthful in all dealing with us or you will see what all isn’t normal about me.”
Waving her hand, the entire room returned to perfection. I shook my head half in shock but completely terrified of her.
Rose looked down, blinking a few times. When she looked at me again all traces of the person she had been seconds earlier was gone.
“Open that door for me, if you don’t mind.” Rose all but ordered it.
“Sure thing Rose.” I did so as fast as I could. I didn’t want to be in a room with her alone any longer than I had to. As the door opened, her family rushed out all speaking at once.
“What happened? What was all that noise? Is everything okay?”
Smiling at her beloved family then turning to look at me before she spoke, “Everything is just fine. Isn’t it Collin?”
“It’s great.” I gave my best smile, even though I was scared at the moment.
Caleb looked around the room, looking for some indication at what had happened. He found none. “Rose let’s go to bed.”
“I’m past ready. I hope the bed is a soft one, after being on that hard silver table for a few days.” Rose said as she walked down the hall towards the bedrooms.
As she walked through the door it closed behind her. I sat on the floor. It had been all the years of training to look tough that had kept me from doing just this earlier. I would not show fear.
wonderful man, who had a huge impact on her as she grew up. Angee has always had a love of reading, mostly paranormal. As a child, she would sneak up at late night when her mom thought she was sleeping, to read. They moved around a lot, eventually settling in Deep East Texas. Angee married at a young age and eventually divorced. She has raised her now 16 year old son alone. Angee works full time as a pre-hospital nurse and sometimes sees things that would make the rest of us have nightmares. On other days, she is blessed to see miracles. These things are what drive her to write. In 2006, she was diagnosed with a rare disease, shortly after that she was told she would be on full disability in five years and most likely to be dead in ten. She’s fought to live a normal life every day since and is beating those odds. She works at a demanding job, is a single mom, cares for an elderly mother, and two dogs. Angee describes her job as- “I fight to save people’s lives. Sometimes I lose, sometimes I win. It's the emotional roller coaster of that job, which leads me to writing. I'm able to put those emotions into my characters and let them out of my heart and soul.”
Author Bio
Angee was born in Houston, Texas in 1977, to an interesting family. Her mother and father separated when she was young. She lived with her mother who later remarried a 
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